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Author Topic: a few questions..might be alittle long  (Read 4460 times)
« on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Hello everybody,

I wanted to get some information from you all concerning South American Women.  I recently took a vacation to Venezuela for a week and meet a lovely lady from Panama.  I ended up spending my entire vacation with her and had a few questions concerning how she treated me.  I don't know if this is the norm, but I would like to find out if it is.

The lady I meet took care of me in ways that I didn't think women did anymore.  Just a few examples are that she always made sure I had a healthly dose of Suntan and didn't let me spend to much time out in the sun (ultra white man here).  This is something that I have never see from American Women, and am wondering if the majority of Latin American women care for their men like this?

I have dated latin women in the past but most are Americanized latina's, so they have shared all the same hang-ups of American women have. What I am starting to see is that most North American Women and Western European Women are just to much to handle in terms of any relationship is more business than anything else.

Here are a few questions that I have concerning the women from Latin American, as I am find those ladies very very desirable.

1. Loyalty, from your experiences, are Latin American women more loyal than American women?  Currently more than 50% of American women in a relationship are cheating on their men.  I am just to old fashioned to for that.

2. BBD?  Are these women always looking for the "bigger, better, deal"?  I consider myself succesful in life in work, I am not a millionare, but I do have a good income and am sick of women who look at me as a paycheck only.

I have more questions but I will save those for a later time.  I would like any information that you can provide me, and any further rescources that will aid me in my quest.  Also where would a person go to find information on the ladies looking for a gringo?  The more information you can provide the better off I will be to make an information choice.  And any other websites that have message boards that I can read would be great also.

« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to a few questions..might be alittle long, posted by jbdencol on Feb 15, 2005

In answer to your question, I would say that it depends on the woman. I get loyalty from my wife that most American men normally only receive from their dogs. My wife is definitely not looking for a better deal - we are passionately in love with each other. If you asked both of us the same question we would both say that we could not get a better deal. This is as good as it gets.
Chris F
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to a few questions..might be alittle long, posted by jbdencol on Feb 15, 2005

I heard many times before I started this quest, that Latinas from South American differ then American women because it is part of their culture to "take care of the man". Now, this does not mean that they are just means they are a bit more caring. The suntan lotion is a perfect example of this.

For me, my fiancee is from South America. She always irons all my clothes. Even when I do them because she is busy..its not good enough for her..and she does them again. If I nick myself shaving, she is always their with a  tissue, pressing on it until the bleeding stops.

Its little things like this that set her way apart from any American woman I have ever been involved with. South American women have a very special way of treating you  when they are in love.

I hope this helps....good luck!!

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to in response to your post on Latin women...., posted by Chris F on Feb 15, 2005

I could not agree with you more.  My wife is from Peru and she is exactly like that as well.
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to in response to your post on Latin women...., posted by Chris F on Feb 15, 2005

this was the information I was looking for about the ladies from south america.  I just found it very nice and I apperciated her more when she did the little things while we were together.

And yes I have been out scouting the different sites that are listed here and other sites that are talked about throughout the entire board.

I will keep diligently pursuing this avenue as I have always been attracted to the SA woman.

« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to in response to your post on Latin women...., posted by Chris F on Feb 15, 2005

When you refer to your fiance "taking care of you", I am sure there are many ways she has shown her love to you.  But, I guess to sum it up,she is more attentive to you, than an AW would be, right?  You get more TLC, in your opinion, right?  I would say that you are a lucky man.  I am trying to get to Cali very soon.  I have a lady there that I want to spend time with.  These things take time to see where it all leads, but what a ride, huh?


« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to a few questions..might be alittle long, posted by jbdencol on Feb 15, 2005

"Also where would a person go to find information on the ladies looking for a gringo?"

I also am a newbie, but I have been diligently studying this board, and researching agency websites, since October 2004.  At least you have travelled to LA already, whereas my goal is to be in BAQ no later than April 30.

You asked about finding info on ladies looking for a gringo.  At the risk of sounding obvious, since you asked, on the left side of the message board screen is a section called "Agency Lists", and there is a link for "Latin".  There will be a huge list of agencie websites that can put you in touch with women in a group tour setting, one-on-one, or by selling contact information.

Again, at the risk of sounding obvious, also check out the Archives by clicking on "Forum Search", also at the left of the screen.  I was on this website a long time before I figured out that there was a message board, and longer still before someone told me how to search the archives.

Buena suerte!

« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to a few questions..might be alittle long, posted by jbdencol on Feb 15, 2005


I'm not sure why some posters haven't chimed in yet but I will give my two centavos on the questions you posed.

I would think that Latin women are about as loyal as AW.  I'm not sure where you found the 50% of AW are cheating figure but if true, that probably lends itself to the 50+% divorce rate here in the States.  I do think though if you find a sweet Latina she would make better marriage material than an AW counterpart.

No not all Latinas are looking for that "BBD" but some are for sure.  Aren't most women to a certain degree though looking out for their best options?  I can't fault a gal if she is in love with a guy and is also looking to the future.  If you are looking for red flags in a relationship you will be able to avoid those women that are soley looking for a better lifestyle.  Those are the gold diggers or green card sharks you want to steer clear of.  Overall, there are many nice sweet Latinas as you probably know by now.

There are other web sites devoted to the pursuit of Latin women.  Try and

Welcome to the board and I wish you success in your search.


« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: a few questions..might be alittle lo..., posted by pablo on Feb 15, 2005

As for the study it was produced last year by, crap cannot think of them now as I am not at home, but it was a very reputable polling source.  It was very disturbing when I saw the results of the study.  Off the top of my head its something like 50% of women are cheating while just under 35% of men cheat.  Also the divorce rate is now alot higher than 50%.  I am a number cruncher for the most part, and like to know the facts.

Thanks for the input and will enjoy my time on these boards.  I will take a look at those webpages that you posted to garner more information.

« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: a few questions..might be alittl..., posted by jbdencol on Feb 16, 2005

Due to no "scientific" study (whatever that means), but my own casual observation, and humble opinion...

I would say that 90%+ of American Men have or will commit adultery before the end of the marriage.  I think the AW figure is more like 33% at best.  For the most part this can be prevented, but most of us will not make the effort to do the preventative maintenance, or don't know where to look (as I didn't know where to look until recently).

Anyone who has taken a statistics, sociology, etc. class knows that these studies are done on very small "sample" groups of people, and generalized for a broader audience.

You need look no further than to observe the coworkers, associates, friends, family members, around to figure out that most people are, at some point, un-enthusiastic about their spouse, and drawn enough away to commit adultery (cheat)... especially men.  If most of us look around our own social circles, I think we will find a lot more men who have cheated on their wives, then the opposite scenario.

Unfortunately, we typically don't learn some of the most important things in life in school OR from our families:  How to become wealthy and how to have happy marriages.  Worse yet, most of us refuse to seek "professional help" in these areas, and instead take advice from our brother-in-law's cousin's friend-of-a-friend.

Sorry for the soapbox, just my 2 pesos...

« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to a few questions..might be alittle long, posted by jbdencol on Feb 15, 2005

please lend your knowledge, I have read the board for a bit.
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