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Author Topic: Colombian Salaries  (Read 15299 times)
« on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Was just talking with a Calena and she told me she makes $150/month in her job. She wants to change jobs but was worried about finding another job there that pays as well.
Was wondering if anyone knew what was the average salary for a Colombian.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

20% of the population is unemployed
40% make a min. wage of 380,000 pesos a month
Unless you are a profesional or have your oun business you will never get paid more than slightly above the min. wage.
I saw an add for an optometrist and it payed 1,000,000 pesos a month.
Pete E
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by elcolombiano on Feb 16, 2005

Some of the doctors,the ones at the right clinics can make $50,000-$100,000 dollars a year.My dermmatologist is associated with Imbanaco,charges me 100,000 pesos every time I go.His son is moving back fron New York to join him.I do get right in.My other doctors there 90,000 pesos or so,but will not charge me for brief consulations.
Same clinic my girl friend makes 600,000 pesos as a nurse.She says only the Medicos,the doctors,make any money there.
I think these are the elite of doctors.Some can't get a job.Some work for 1,000,000 pesos at poor clinics or on rural health programs.Others might make 3,000,000 pesos or so,maybe $1200 a month.


« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by Pete E on Feb 16, 2005

Yes, there are plastic surgeons doing 4 surgeries a day at 4,000,000 pesos each every day of the week. They are making good money.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by elcolombiano on Feb 17, 2005

So, how much do they pay for a "boob inspector"?  I could get into that job!


« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

I don't know what the average salary is in Colombia but it is not very much. My wife is a chemical engineer with a degree from a good university. For 17 years, she ran various shops in the Coltejer textile plant in Itaqui, near Medellin. Depending on the shop she supervised anywhere from 60 to 90 people. She received the princely sum of $700 a month for this.
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

In Costa Rica the aveage monthly salary is about $350 / month and CR is crawling with Colombians who come there illegally because of the relative prosperity.  I earned $750 a month when I taught 30 hours of English a week.  Not a king's ranson but above the average teacher's salary for a full time position.

Once "La Nación", a local paper publishes the minimum salaries based on job description.  Unlike the US minimum which is universal, the CR minimum depends on the job.

jim c
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

My secretary makes 100.000 a week plus lunch with me every day,sometimes at expensive restaurants. I have a porter on my construction site that gets the same and 3,000 a day for lunch. He does odd jobs painting, trash removal, gardening and cleaning.This may seem like a small amount of money until you have to deal with their genetic inability to understand any form of work ethic.

  They require constant supervision. The carpenters cannot cut a straight line  The painters paint on the wrong side of the tape and tile setters have no concept of level or plumb. Often workers will come to work without tools or actually report their tools stolen and expect you to re-emburse them for their supposed loss. There seems to be a consistant inability to follow directions. It is like dealing with an angry teen who refuses to listen to directions and breaks everything he is asked to clean or put away. It is  mind boggling and frustrating, you can't walk away for a minute.

   Our concepts of salary include spendable income and a basic yearly wage. The people here do not think that far in the future. Everyone who works for me here tries to borrow money (usually with no intention of paying it back) My last secretary borrowed 400,000 from my bank account and quit when I questioned her about it. You cannot loan money, your friends will only disapear, because they don't want to work for free to pay you back. Strange concept Huh ! Its all about getting the most while working the least. The concept of future employment never enters the picture. My two favorite sayings are : "comida para hoy , hambre para manana" and in Cartagena business, "(depende del marano)". The first describes to total lack of planning for tommorrow and the second says the price is based on the size of the pig (meaning the buyer) . jimc

« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by jim c on Feb 15, 2005

Your profile info says that you are Key West.  But, from your post, it would sound like you are living and working in Colombia. I smell a story.  Can you please explain?  Other than the frustrations you described, how do you like working and living there?  Are you in Cartegena?  By the way, as another way of helping us to understand things in LA,who is actually building the buildings?  I mean it sounds to me like most if not all of the people you described are flunkies, not skilled labor.  So, where does the skilled tradesmen come from?  The US, maybe?  Even though I am no longer in construction, I have a background in it.  I grew up working in construction, because that was my dad's business-- a drywall contractor.  I also have a brother-inlaw who is a general contractor doing commercial work.


« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by jim c on Feb 15, 2005

The work ethic sounds a lot like in Costa Rica.  However, there are exceptions and the gringos who want good employees pay them enough that they can afford to quit or be dishonest.  

I am planning to retire there in four years and would find something to keep me busy.  I would never have a store or anything which was stealable.  

There was a Pops ice cream store in Heredia (like Baskin-Robbins) and the owner was standing at the cash register whenever I went it.  The man probably stood there 72 hours a week, all seven days to not get ripped off by his employees.  Petty crime is so rampant that everyone lives behind gates, fences, barbed wire and three locks.  If they are that afraid of burglury, I can imagine how employers must feel.

It's definately the downside of having a business in LA.

« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

I don't know that answer to the question, but I would think you would have to compare apples to apples.  For instance, I do not know the education level of the lady you mentioned.  I also do not know what her occupation is.  I dated a lady dentist last year.  She works for the city of Cali.  I did not find out what kind of money she made.  Frankly, I did not ask, and we were only together for a few days.  But, she had a nice little apartment, and she drove a new car. She dressed well, etc, etc.  She also made some money teaching dentistry at one of the universities there.  Now, needless to say, her case is not the norm; especially if the person does not have a real good education.  So, the "average" salary would probably be tough to define. Of course, someone might have some Colombian govt statistics to fill all of us in.  I don't know.
Pete E
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Colombian Salaries, posted by OkieMan on Feb 15, 2005

Aw yes,the foxy dentist.
Always wanted about 4 times as much money for gas as it  cost her?Hundais use premium?Air conditioning burns MUCH MORE gas?I used to deal cars, I didn't buy any of that BS,she just wanted help with her car payment.And brings the kid on her dates?Its not safe driving home alone unless you have an 11 year old riding with you?Even if you live a block from Cosmo Central?Or was that just for me?
But what a body.The wonders of modern medicine in Cali.Good investment if you saw the befores.Wish things would have went a little farther so I could have appreciated that a little more but she was just jerking me around.
Never did figure what the hell was up with her,but enough to know  she wasn't for me.
When was that date wise? Might explain some things.You can mail me private if you like.


« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to And - - , posted by Pete E on Feb 18, 2005

I guess you do remember Pilar Lonzano then?  I never did figure her out either, but she was very attractive.  I was there in August of 2004, last year.  So, based on your info, you had met her somewhat before me?  With her looks and education, she could do very well for herself in the States; so I am just trying to figure out why she did not try more with you or I, or some other gringo?   Of course, for all I know, she may have done that by now.  Who cares! Now that I know she is a phoney, I am glad she and I did not go further.  It would probably have ended badly; so I guess I got off lucky.  Well, the good news is that I am working on something with another calena, and she is even better looking (minus the fake boobs).  My problem now is that money is tight, and I am trying to put together the funds to make the trip as soon as I can.  So, I will keep you posted.  By the way, the spider picture was cool.  They don't bother me; that is, not unless they bite! Later.


Pete E
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: And - - , posted by OkieMan on Feb 18, 2005

August,2004.I saw her once or twice early august.Then I took off for Cartagena and Medellin for 2 weeks.When I got back she was supposed to come over,didn't show or call.I never called her again.Saw her at a party at Latin Best,she was dancing alot showing off the bod.A Colombian guy that was there was hitting on her.I am thinking he is not what she is looking for but OK to dance with.I don't know what she is looking for,but I know what I am not looking for,chicas like her.
The last time she was over it was a Saturday night.I was  going to invite her and her sister and their kids over the next day to swim.But I felt so jerked around I just escorted her to the door without any follow up.Real tired of it so it was easy for Kiltboy to talk me in to the Cartagena Medellin trip the next day.
I just don't put up with any BS from the chicas here.Too many others out there.And attitude can be more important than looks.
If you feel like you are being jerked around,you are!
I do have some hot bikini shots of her.Looks damn good for 42.Look at the before pictures,what she has on Cali Vip.Not even close to the after pictures.One time we were in the jacuzzi.Just getting interesting.The kid came and got in with us and wouldn't leave.I felt like drowing the fat little f--ker.


Pete E
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Colombian Salaries, posted by AGUILA on Feb 15, 2005

The minimum official salary in Colombia is up to about 380,000 pesosa month,about $162 at 2340 pesos to the dollar.Probably what she is making with a lessthan accurate currency calculation.40% of Colombians make this salary.They can work you 6 daysaweek 12hoursa day for it if they want.It does come  with benefits,a couple of 2 week bonuses a year and some vacation time,plus some insurance.And you can make less if you are considered part time or just agree to work for less.One woman I know works
7 days a week for 300,000 pesos. I guess its a relative type deal,she could cause him some trouble.
I briefly had my maid up to 5 days a week although I paid her daily.I was risking having to pay benefits.I was giving here 20,000 day plus 2600 transportation,way over minimum.She nowworks3 daysfor me and 3 days for a friend,making about 600,000 a month,red  hot for a maid.Most all maids are at the minimum.
My girl friend is a registered nurse,18 years experience,makes 600,000 pesos,about $260 a month.
Sometimes it not aquestion of having to take a lower paying job but getting one at all.The unemployment rate is 20 some per cent and its harder on  older people,most typical jobs they want somebody under 30,you e3ven see it in job adds,totally illegal in the US.
On the other hand,where I live in Juanambu we have lots of people with SUV's and European cars,spending money at expensive restaurants.These are most likely high level proffesionals,doctors or lawyers,and only the top paid ones,and business people.Some of it is drug money.Lots of it is businesses  that were started with drug money I think.Some of it is just old money,people from the upper class who own lots of things and have for years.
Remember the old glass Cieling?Well in Colombia its a brick wall to about all but the connected and SOME younger highly skilled or creative people.Go for a job interview,be the best qualified,watch someones relative get the job.That has happened to my friend Adrian.He even set up exporting perishable goods to the US for a company only to have the boss give his sister in law the job after all the difficult work was done.
We have some business ideas that will do and end run around that BS.There are lots of things they haven't got around to doing here yet.More on that later.


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