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Author Topic: life is good - but expensive :)  (Read 3245 times)
« on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Hi all
Well life is good with mi bebe here. Cant complain really. Things are slow going with trying to get her to drive etc. But overall good.
The love and affection and "off the hook"

I do have one word of advice. I know some guys have thrifty women and some people never want to talk about $$$ but i have to tell you ....

Now I know some of you are failrly tight old farts like me. The only reason I have (had) a few bucks is because I didnt blow my money.
If you are just getting to this (i know one young guy was on here a while back making Ok money etc)
Its not really as much about the income as it is the savings. You wouldnt understand until you have been there but money flows like water. The little $40 here - $35 here - $165 there really add up. QUICK

FYI - dont under estimate the cost of bringing a girl here.
Do your budget - then triple the number. If you cant cut it then dont do it.

Dont assume that just because your girl came from a poor family that she has any idea of the value of money.
The lack of a middle calls really doesnt help people learn. What I am saying is in Peru there is RICH and POOR. Well guess what class your girl will think she is in when she is with you Huh hmmmm

dont tell me just to say no all the time. What fun is that?

Just my 2 cents anyway



« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

Money is a big deal for me.  My namorada and I discussed money pretty early on.  She is not a big spender and has agreed to live within a budget.  Her only request was that she participate in setting the budget.

I absolutely agree that people from VERY poor families generally never have had enough money to learn how to budget and save and so don't know how to manage money when they get it.  

I am glad for you that you can handle the situation.  I could not.  Spending money like water is a HUGE red flag for me.  For your sake, I hope your new wife does not get addicted to spending money without any limit, and when yours starts running out she starts looking for the bigger and better deal.

« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

misunderstood and thought you were still in Peru.
Good luck to you both and just keep her away from the Gringas.
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

Hey Jim,
7 times there in years.  Stay out of the Miraflores area for a few nights and try some of the Ceviche in the La Victoria district.  Where are you staying there?  We travel there several times a year so maybe we can get together.  The money can go very fast, Just from the Taxis everywhere.  Oh well, still cheaper than here.  Viva Peru.
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

And it will only get even more expensive, you are just scratching the surface now. Wait til she gets into wardrobe upgrades and she discovers St Louis's fun eating establishments and all the cosmetic and perfume necesities and then the big one......MEDICAL BILLS. Women by nature with all their plumbing problems cost mucho dinero. I agree this undertaking is not for the faint hearted and you have to have the pocket book to back up a the love.
As long as you go to bed each night telling yuourself it is all worth it, don't sweat it.
When the answer is no, its is not worth is when you have problemas.
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by AGUILA on Feb 16, 2005

I think everyone is missing a big point here...  This girl is not like an AW and wanting to sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day.  She very quickly will want to start being a productive cog in society.  She is going to want to send money home also.  The best scenario I have heard yet is to allow the girl to work and send one of her paychecks home to the family.  The other paycheck is for her to spend on what ever she wants... The wardrobe upgrades... etc.  The man of the house should still be able to take care of everything else and take her to all the fun places on dates!  Just get through the first three months is what I was told and things start to get on schedule.
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by AGUILA on Feb 16, 2005

Yeah, speaking of medical bills.  How about having babies?
My first wife and I had 3 sons!  They are all grown now, but boy howdy, it costs alot to raise kids; especially now days.  Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world.  So, Jimmy, you should have many good years with this girl, as long as you both stay committed to each other.  If you don't then you get committed in a different way  -- to the funny farm!


« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to life is good - but expensive Smiley, posted by JimmySTLOUIS on Feb 16, 2005

It sounds like you are "in the thick of it".  I wish you all the best.  I am not married to a latina yet, so I can not say for certain; but if I was guessing, part of your deal is that your wife is just 19!  She is the same age as my youngest son!  So, now I really feel like an old fart!
Somewhere along the way, you will have to just say no, or you will be dead broke!  But, you know your situation, I don't.  Also, since you are still basically on your honeymoon, I am sure that everytime she wiggles into some sexy outfit, you start thinking with your small head instead of your big one! ha ha.  Well, I can't blame you there. Many years ago, when I married my first wife (1979),
she was almost 10 years younger than me.  Now, in any new marriage situation, any two normal, red-blooded couple is going to be "doing it", all the time -- like rabbits!  But, with that, the woman sees that as a prime opportunity to get all the pretty toys, etc!  So, the guys involved get "screwed" in more ways than one.  But, I must tell you, I am a little jealous.  I am not there yet, but maybe one day, I will find my own little bit of heaven, and I will have that "stupid" grin on my face, like you must right now.  Good luck buddy.


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