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Author Topic: Greedy f--king bastard  (Read 61381 times)
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Flashback Friday, posted by thundernco on Dec 31, 2004

So, when you were there, were you in a tank unit, or infantry, or something else?  My son is in the M1A1, the Abrams tanks that you see alot of in the news.  His tank was the third one to cross the Kuwait/Iraq border when the war started last year.  Needless to say, he saw a lot of terrible things.  Interestingly enough, he told me that this year was worse than last year.  I am proud of his distinguished service to our country, as you can imagine!
In many ways, he is just a regular kid (now 22).  But, his unit was the best tank unit there and distinguished themselves many times.  Just to give you one example,last year, he and his tank (four man crew) were told to temporarily leave their regular unit, 1st Tank Battalion, "C" Company.  They joined up with the special forces guys and some others and went on a different mission, but, at the time, did not know what it would entail.  The Reader's Digest version of this story is that they were the men that rescued the POW's last year; including Jessica Lynch.  Of course, at the time, they did not know who Jessica Lynch was, or anyone for that matter.  They just did their job.  But, after all was said and done, they all received a Presidential Commendation!  So, as you can see, I am a proud dad!  My son now wants to finish his hitch in the spring and come home.  Two tours to Iraq is enough for anyone.  He lost several good buddies over there.  On this last tour, he was mostly guarding the Iraqi/Syrian border.  The insurgents were attacking them, and generally stirring up trouble.  At least my son got to come home.  Several of his buddies did not!  Have a Happy New Year.


« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Traveller on Dec 31, 2004

Like the one guy that is Colombian and moved to the states, said he was a Cali expert and can't even find R&P at Chipi.  Anyone one can be anything on these boards, if I (when I was living there), or Traveller or Pete or any other locals go out of their way to help you out, don't be a total jerk. -TNC
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Pete E on Dec 31, 2004

The same thing can happy in Costa Rica if you aren't careful.  

All you need to do is clarify the fare and agree on it before you enter the cab.  If you don't speak the language you are at an extreme disadvantage.  And if you hang out with gringos who haven't got a clue about the language or how things work in LA, you are a target.  

They probably don't think fondly of people who come to their country who are able to blow more money in a night of partying than the average Colombian makes in a month.  

In Xmas 2001 I tried to take a cab back to the Crystal Palace when all the roads were closed due to La Feria.  He drove in circles and approached Ciudad Jardin from every conceivable direction without success.  After 90 minutes of constant driving he let me out at Unicentro and the cost was about $13.  I never had a taxista in Colombia or CR try to cheat me.

Pete E
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by kented on Dec 31, 2004

The taxi drivers in Cali as a  whole are very honest and the fares are very cheap.
This guy was way beyond the normal role of taxi driver where they turn on the meter and you pay what its says.He was hanging with a bunch of gringos,drinking our  alcohol and then trying to make alot of money on the deal.I would have even let him get away with 2 or 3 times what it ought to cost.But when he already had that and wanted more he was way over the top.And we didn't need him to get between us and the bar bill.I just let that one  slide.He probably made over 100,000 pesos on it and got free drinks himself.
Then there was a cover charge.We paid him,not the bar.Screwed again I bet.
I am not cheap.I am generous to a fault.But even I have my limits.
Actually even taxi drivers working with the agencies never charged me much more than normal fare before.The only scammers that come close  to this guy I found in Cartagena.
No meters.Ask the fare  first,or they might be asking 2 or 3 times the normal fare.
But just for sheer audacity this guy wins scammer of the year.I bet he made 200,000 - 300,000 pesos for what should have cost 10 per cent that.Even after I got my 20,000 back.


« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Pete E on Dec 31, 2004

After my wife and I decided to get married, I told her to stop riding the bus and take taxis.  On one of her 1st rides after I go back to the US, this driver drives to a bad dark area of town, jumps in the back seat and tries to rape her.  She knows karate and proceeds to beat the shit out of him.  He was begging her to let him go while she was choking him and kneeing him in the face.... She jumped out and ended up running for a ways.  So I'm trying to make life safer and easier for her and this happens.  Sometimes it's better to not mess with things.


« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to taxis, posted by wayne3 on Dec 31, 2004

I am sure you meant well, but at least your lady knows karate. So, I bet you speak real sweet to her, right?  One wrong move, and she cuts you to ribbons. ha  Just kidding.
So, is she something like the chinese chick that works with Jackie Chan?  I'm a fairly good size guy (6ft, 200lbs),
but I don't think I would want a tough lady beating on me!  Ouch!  Best of luck.


« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Pete E on Dec 31, 2004

Confused Pete

You pissed at the Taxi guy only of with the Gringos as well?

Pete E
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Kiltboy1 on Dec 31, 2004

I'm not pissed at the gringos,and only one of them was even starting to figure out how bad he was taken.The other guys were oblivious to what the guy was doing.


« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Greedy  f--king  bastard, posted by Pete E on Dec 31, 2004

And there in lies the whole problem.
Green Gringos that need more research before they make the trip south. We all have been where they are , so hopefully they have learned a big lesson
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