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Author Topic: Margareth of Latin Encounters  (Read 33451 times)
Pete E
« on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

There has been a certain amount of critisism of Margareth.I thought it important to give my opinion.
Not only is Margareth my friend but she introduced me to my number one girl friend.Just from sheer numbers she had probably the most successfull agency in Colombia.
And some other agencies are calling themselves the most successfull agency in Colombia with probably not 50 gringos ever showing up.And Zero successfull relationships we have heard of.Even INITIALLY successfull,as in even a serious relationship out of it.
My guess is Margareth is probably directly responsible for more marriages than any other person in LATIN AMERICA.
Luz Amparo has done well here also,but my bet is on Margareth for numbers.


« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2004

I totally agree Pete. Margareth will def be missed. She and Shirley we're a huge part of my being married to my wife. I think she may have gotten a worse reputation then she deserves. Yes she will try to make money with every angle possible (which irratated me a bit when I was there the second time to be married) but she does sincerely care about people and if they are successful.
I thought it didnt make much sense when some guys would get so upset over cheap stuff like giving a girl money for a taxi when they just spent hundreds of dollars in airfare etc..
Does anybody know what happened to Shirley the LE secretary in 2001? I know she married an american but Im curious what city, nice guy etc..
I wonder because she seemed really picky and not anxious to leave Colombia at all. She is one of the hardest working people Ive ever met and I used to joke with  her that if she worked that hard in the U.S. she'd be a millionaire. She had a tough life then and she personally introduced me to my wife so I've always been hopeful that things would work out well for her.
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Stezo71 on Dec 29, 2004

Shirley married a man that lives near Washington D.C. Fairfax i believe.

Shirley married a man about 62 years old, and i believe her to be about 28, so do the math.

As far as how the marriage is going, who knows.


« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2004

I think this thread would have been more helpful prior to Margareth closing LE's doors. In a way, it is like an obituary praising the deceased. However, hopefully after reading these posts, Margareth will walk away from LE feeling better about her accomplishments, while we, here at PL, will remember her in a more positive light. Certainly, many will not remember her fondly, but I believe this is because she stood up for certain values and morals that limited many of her male clients. Many criticized the family atmosphere of the agency, but I believe it made the women comfortable and that was my main concern.

I also consider Margareth a friend. Margareth and I had some long and interesting conversations about her youth, her struggles and her motivations behind running an agency. I admired Margareth's loyalty and maternal care towards the women at her agency. She protected her girls and took an active role in making sure they were treated with dignity and respect. It will be difficult for the new owner of LE to transfer this "good will" to his new agency. It seems that CaliVIP and ACG will be the greatest winners in the aftermath.

About a year ago, I received a desperate call from an LE woman, pleaing for help. Surprisingly, she was in my town living with her fiance, but the relationship had become precarious. Her fiance had asked her to pack her bags and get the hell out. She had no one and no where to turn. She had called LE, they had given her my number, and before you knew it, I was picking her, along with a few suitcases from the curb of her fiance's place... Margareth was someone the women could turn to for support.

I regret not having found a life partner under Margareth's watch. Lord knows I tried, but things weren't meant to be. I agree with those who state that Margareth's interest in managing LE had deteriorated. She seems to have her heart and mind in a different place and it is a good thing she has decided to focus on her new calling. I wish her well. As corny as this may sound, Cali is not going to be the same to me without LE.

« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2004

Just on sheer numbers Margareth was the most successful matchmaker in Cali. She used to like it when I always referred to her as La reina de matrimonio.
But I think the writing was on the wall for LE based on my experience. In 2003 the agency was running on all cylinders and she had a great staff.
But when I revisited in 2004 I was really surprised at the dropoff and the support staff was really lacking. Where as in 2003 and 2002 no shows were untolerated and very seldom , they increased 3 fold and the supporting staff didnt have the same customer service as before.
Also Margareth was nowhere to be found and I think when the cats away the mice will play. The girls in the past had too much respect for Margareth to no-show because Margareth would personally pick up the phone and call the girls and/or remove them. I personally saw this on more than one occasion.
Losing Alcira in 2003 was a big loss. Alcira really help make that place click and so did the gal before Alcira, her name escapes me but she was a real looker and ended up marrying one of the clients.
Paula was a nice girl but really not up to the task, especially with Margareth not being around and as involved as before.
I used to enjoy sitting late at night in Margareth's office and just talking about life and issues removed from the agency. She is a very intelligent woman. More so in common sense then book smart
I understand Margareth getting sidetrack with her new husband and her involvement with the church but the agency really suffered because of that. Also a lot of girls were allowed into the agency that in the past Maragareth would have removed in a heartbeat.

« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by CartagenaPapito on Dec 29, 2004

I have to agree with you whole heartedly.  When I first visited LE in 2003 Margreth and especially Alicira were outstanding.  They gave me a special deal since I was only going to be in cali a few days and it was well worth it.  I was so impressed that I bought a year membership in 2004 and spent much time in cali this year.  The drop off was more the noticable.  Paula was a very nice person but not up to the task and Margreth was nowhere to be seen.  I often wished i maximized my time in 2003 but I found colombia to late in the year.
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by CartagenaPapito on Dec 29, 2004

I will second all CTGPapito said. When i first went there in 2002 the staff was sharp, Angelica(married the guy from Germany), Shirly and Carol. All since gone and married. They really made the girls walk the line . Margareath had a much stronger role in policing the women as well. When i returned in 2004, i saw things that made me want to puke and get  really pissed off by. Things that have no business in an agency going on and Margareath just either too tired or too distracted to do anything about it.

I will agree that she most likely was the largest matchmaker in Cali for certain,it is just a shame that her reputation in the past 2 years  that she spent the past 10 years building, has been tarnished and tattered. I personaly like Margareath, but as far as doing business with her , not in 10 lifetimes,

But if you are reading this  Margui, as a person i really like you, just not as an agency owner


« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Pete E on Dec 28, 2004

I dont know if you were around in the late 90's when Latin Connections was in business but Margo who ran the place had a very good success rate. I personally witnessed dozens of engagements before Beckwith shut the place down.
In my opinion she was the best agency operator in Cali.
Do you know if LE will reopen soon and will they be at a new location?
Pete E
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by harleyman on Dec 28, 2004

I never met Margo and never used Latin Connections.When I came on the scene in 1999 they were still trying to get $1000 just to walk in the door.Bud who started Latin Love put an end to that way of doing business and Latin Conections I think.He charged $100 a night,no other fees or costs.But even that rate started getting undermined by people willing to do it for as little as $35 a night.The nature of competition I guess.I liked Rubby Rios that used to manage Latin Love and worked for Latin Internet before that.When she left in 12-99 I think it was the beginning of the end for Latin Love.But maybe it happened before that when Bud discovered the high costs of things like utilities and the low number of guys who were staying there on an average.
Ed Beckweth has a very bad reputation that seems deserved from any post he ever did here,calling anyone who disagreed losers,ect.I think he got good and drunk before he would post.But he was probably the only gringo to ever make any money in the agency business in Cali.
So its a tough game.I think people who survived like Margareth,Ricardo and Luz Amparo were content to just cover their costs which included a  place they could  live also.Anybody planning on actuially pulling any money out came up disapointed I think.
The new location for Latin Encounters?I am told it is near the hotel intercontinental.One guy said he saw some banners.But I drove by and didn't see anything.
I think the challenge for anyone new in the business is bringing in new business,which would seem easy based on the opportunities here but in fact is anything but easy from what I am told.
But the new guy better get with it,no time for people not to know who you are or where you are located.This is high season in Cali.It will soon be was high season.


« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Margareth of Latin Encounters, posted by Pete E on Dec 29, 2004

Hell, I haven't heard her name in ages.  That girl took some many people, she was a serious gasolinera.  I think if you do a search you'll pull up some old negative posts on her.  I don't know if what Mr. Ed posted about her is true, but a girl has to do what she has to do and maybe she got caught.  She was a wild one on an intimate level, or at least that's what I heard.  -TNC
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ruby Rios..., posted by thundernco on Dec 29, 2004

Sorry to all, I mixed up my Ruby;s. -TNC
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ruby Rios..., posted by thundernco on Dec 29, 2004

I liked Ruby. I can't speak about these current accusations, but she was good to me and didn't do anything for me to speak ill of her.
I agree that when she left, that was the beginning of the end of the Crystal Palace.
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ruby Rios..., posted by Traveller on Dec 29, 2004

I can't say a bad thing about Rubi. Rubi, was the first one to notice how special my wife was to me, during our initial meeting. Rubi, took it upon herself to cancel my other appointments, because she knew what was going to happen :-)

Yo K/Pac, do you remember the candle-light engagement ceremony with the guy from Minn & his soon to be wife? Rubi, also organized a surprise birthday party for me, during one of my stays. No doubt about was the beginning of the end for the Crystal Palace, once she left.

« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ditto...., posted by Hoda on Dec 30, 2004

The guy from Minn or Wisc.? Donnie?
Was I there for your birthday? I was at one party when you were the designated rump shaker. None of the Gringos wanted to get out there and showed what they had. Or didn't have. That was the night the Mariachis were there.
I remember big tall steins of "Budweiser"(Club Colombia). I'm "weiser" too now. Club Olo. Rubi went with us.  
I also remember you walking around like Ed McMahon was going to knock on the door to give you a million dollar check. That breathless feeling. "Stivalis is coming. Stivalis is coming." I remember one night when you told me to turn the Harry Connick Jr. up because Stivalis liked it.
Oh yes, my friend. Them there was good times.
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2004, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ruby Rios..., posted by Traveller on Dec 29, 2004

Hey K,

Happy Holidays to you and yours.  Wasn't she Mauro's pseudo girlfriend after she left?  Maybe I'm confusing her with another Ruby, if so, I'd like to be sure since I don't want to speak ill of the wrong person.  -TNC

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