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Author Topic: "Young Girls in Cali" Part 4  (Read 3599 times)
Chris F
« on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

"After I eat you mind if I go throw it up?"....she asked

I am in complete shock...but refused to show any physical emotion in regards to her question. Most girls who suffer from this disorder do this in private. This girl announces it before she eats!!!  It is Friday night and we leave for Cali on Sunday afternoon. Again, what is the point if making an issue of this at this point in time? Why should I let this situation ruin the rest of my time in San Andres? She is going to do it anyway...with or without your so called "permission"

"Do whatever you need to do Olga"...I said.

"Good!" ...she said "Now I a can eat even more pizza!!"

So we enjoy our time together eating dinner making light conversation when she hits me with the most bizarre question a woman has ever ask me. I could not believe it.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Depends"  I said.

"How many times a day do you go number 2 and where do you go?"

"Excuse me???"  I said.

She said..." I am asking because when you go into the bathroom and close the door, I only hear the shower turn on....I never hear the toilet flush."

I am thinking to myself..this is truly bizarre and then I said to myself is their a logical reason to her question?  Do bulimic's enjoy the sound of "matter" hitting the water in the toilet. I truely did not know. Either way.....the question was....way.........out........ there!!!!!

I told her that if she really wanted to know I told her that I releave myself in the hotel bathroom restaurant after breakfast.

"Oh..ok now I understand" she said.

I am happy too at this point!! Heck.....I think when we all go to the bathroom to take care of "serious business" the last thing I want is a woman who is trying to listen to the experience!!!!!

Well...the next day we go to Johnny Key...which is a small Island close to San Andres. She was pretty pleasant to be around for the day and I at this point was just trying to take the attitude "enjoy yourself."  Which we both did.

It was this point in time when I noticed Olga stopped being grateful for things I did. For those  guys who are new to this...realize these girls have no money..... so pay for is the reality of the situation...I don't mind and besides in Colombian pesos....everything is cheap anyway...I really consider it no big deal.

What is a "big deal' or  "pet peave" is when you do not even have the class or common courtesy to say "thank you."   Olga...the first 11 days together ...always said  "thank you".  For a meal, gift, taxi fare, whatever....always a polite ..."Thank you"....the first 11 days.  A "thank you" is all I really want from anyone who I do anything for.

However the "thank you's" had now stopped.

Meals, small gifts, drinks on the beach,  their were no more thank you's. For me...this is just rude.

The next morning she call her grandmother. Her grandmother is crying but will not tell Olga why she is upset. Her grandmother wants her to go home early. But we cannot take an early flight out. Olga pleads with her grandmother to tell her what is wrong but she tells her she will when she gets home.

Olga is now turning "ice cold"  She refuses to even hold hands. Wants to buy some candy for her Grandmother and father in San Andres but she only has 5000 pesos and it cost 15000 pesos. I of course give her the extra money....and she just takes it poker faced without even a smile or a thank you.

Ok...logically I am saying this is bull%$#@!!!  We are finished Chris!!!!   We have two days left in you want to go back to the agency or just go home?    Emotionally...I was really trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.   Her grandmother is balling on the phone and will not tell her what is wrong. Naturally, this girl is not going to be in the best of moods right now.  I also realized that emotionally...I was probably missing the girl she was "pretending to be" the first week of our time together.

We have to fly to Bogota first and had a 2 hour layover there. She call her grandmother again who is still crying but refuses to tell her what is wrong.  She is still very cold. I tell her I am hungry and we stop and a hamburger place. I order my food but made the mistake of not asking her what she wanted...because she told 15 minutes earlier that she was not hungry.

She screamed........"You do not even ask me what I want!!!"  I was trying to be nice..hoping her bad mood has to do with what is going on at home. "I am sorry"...I tell her what would you like?"

"No...she snaps.......nothing now!"

As I ate .....she sat their poker faced..I ask her again..and she said again snapping....." dont care about dont do anything for me!"

Now....I am pissed and she knows it...I thought........ don't do anything for her.?....paid her tutiton fees, her medication, her trip to San Andres, etc......

I tried to talk with her but she is even more nasty and does not want to talk.

" Olga has no bueno humor"  I remember her grandmother words again the third day we were  together. Her grandmother was really trying to tell me what I was in for later on!"

She was not lieing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We get on the plane headed for Cali and Olga does a complete 180 degrees with me. She smiling wanting to hold hands, making a small joke of the situation with her blowing up at the hamburger place...I want to talk about it...she tells me please...later we will.....

On the taxi ride back to the hotel she gets very sweet and loving, holding hands, saying how much she was going to miss not being with me tonight, kissing.

Emotionally..I am thinking hey this is great...everything could be ok.....Logic is saying...nope too late...we are going to check first thing in the morning if we can go home early!!!

She dropped me off at the hotel and ask..."Do you want to see me tommorrow?...I am going to not go to my classes in the is the first day...I want to be with you."

For now...I tell her me when you get home and let me no what happened.

Ok..she said..see you tomorrow.

That night she did not call tell me what happened. The next morning I go to American Airlines to see if I had options in changing my flight out of Cali to leave early.  No such luck. They were booked.

I went back to my hotel room and Olga called and said she really wanted to see me today and would be over at 2 she finally shows up looking very depressed.

I ask her what is wrong? What happened with your grandmother? Why was she upset?

Olga tells me that her father tried to commit suicide over the fact that his second girlfriend of ten years left him to marry an American Man. This was the first time in his life where someone rejected him. They were today going to place her father into the Psychiatric Mental Hospital In Cali.

To be continued........

« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

I love that place, the sauce for the fries is fantastic.  Now the thought of a hot chick throwing that up is disgusting.
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

thanks Shocked)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

I hope you were getting some....

For taking that kind of crap, I hope you got plenty.

My wife's best friends stayed with us for a month in Costa Rica.  I bought the food, activities, sailing, kayaking, surfing lessons.  Never got a thank you....  I didn't like this one bit to say the least.

Some of them just don't get the thank you thing.  I'm wondering if it is cultural.  My wife says thanks.

Red Clay
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

Wonder if she can share a room with her Dad at the nuthouse?  Better just let CP have her.......
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

"enjoys the sound of matter hitting water"........
That was hilarious!!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

Keep going, this is better than the novelas on RCN.
jim c
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls in Cali"  Part 4, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

please `please don't stop I'm on the floor. Are you sure she only wants to listen. jim c

« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: "Young Girls in Cali"  Par..., posted by jim c on Jul 27, 2003

BOY dude, you sure pick em.  i would be running to the airport, trying to board ANY plane out of colombia. this girl is such a mess, she just might cry rape and get you locked up if you piss her off bad enough.
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