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Author Topic: "Young Girls In Cali" Part 5  (Read 8844 times)
Chris F
« on: July 27, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

I am shocked...but not too much....considering the recent events that have happened the last few days..I am really not that surprised.

She then ask if she can call her dad. I told her to go ahead. Olga shakes her head visibly upset. "He is crying!!!" she tells me.  Olga trys to calm her father down but he hangs up the phone on her.

" I need to call my mother to see if she can send money for his medication" she says.

My immediately thought was that she was probably asking me indirectly for money. However...she had treated me like s$#t for the past few days. I was not about to volunteer a d@#* thing!!   I also had small reservations on whether all this was even true.  

She tried to call her mother but had no luck. She got off the phone and walked over to the TV cabinet where the hotel has the snacks and candies.

She spotted her favorite chocolate. The one she enjoyed so much the first few days together in the hotel room.  Her face lit up with a 300 watt smile!!!!  She was now very happy.

"Can I please have this?" she said with the big smile.

"Sure problem" I said.

Hmmmmmm I said.....she sees me under "these circumstances" and naturally she is down and depressed. But she sees her favorite candy and a huge smile forms on her face....the same smile she used to give me the first 10 days we were together....

She tells me she needs to leave but wants to know if I would like to go with her to the hospital later to see her father.

Ok...I said...the father thing is probably legit.....lets go to see what happens. I can't leave Cali early and I was in no mood at this time to do the agency scene for just one day.

She tells me she would call later to tell me where to go. She calls me early in the evening to tell me that we can go on tomorrow. She tells me that the money that I gave her for cab fare was not used and she took the bus instead and used the money to pay for her Dad's medication.

"I hope you understand and you are not mad about this"

I told her no not to worry about it. But I did have a question for her.  Her grandmother originally wanted to come to San Andres with us the week before and was willing to pay her own way...........LOL.....of course,  Olga said no and she understood at the time.

I said to Olga....." How come your grandmother has money to go to San Andres but not money for medication for her own son?"

Olga told me that her grandmother was going to pay for San Andres on a credit card. She then explained that credit cards cannot be used in Cali to pay for medication.

I never did follow up to see if this was true. It sounds really bogus to me.  Cali pro is an expert down there...maybe he knows if this was bogus...I do not know at this time.

So the next morning she shows up at the hotel at 9 am. She did not call and I am still waking up. She tells me she is down stairs and wants to know if i want to go to see her father with her.

What the heck at this point...I tell myself.....sure.

She comes to my room and she is once again "ice cold."  I am really curious now to see if this  "bizzare situation" is really true. I want to go!!!!!!!!

We get in the taxi and she ask if we can stop so she can get her father a specal snack. She got him some yogurt and pastries. I paid.  No thank smile...nothing...........

At this point...I just really wanted to see this if this was legit. The "curiosity factor" was killing me.

We went through security and headed down the main walkways.

She said, "Their are crazy people here...are you scared?"

"Heck no"...I said....In Los Angeles...these people walk the streets...there just more confined here"

And wow......I had just walked in to ..."One flew over the Koo Koo's Nest" in Cali Colombia.

A man walks by us...looks at me....and breaks out in song......."And youuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Witney Houston...."The Bodyguard" theme song...I thought..and in English!!...pretty cool........

I could not help but smile and laugh a little. I do not mean to be disrespectful to her or this place....but it was funny......and heck ...I needed a good laugh at this point.

Olga gave me a look that said I understand why you are laughing..but please don't.

I regained my composure....but not for long.....

Another man was headed our way as well and had spotted the gringo. He could not take his eyes off me. Olga became nervous as he approached. I was not.....I was only worried about one thing as he approached. not make me laugh.

But I knew that since I had not had a good laugh in many many days...I was very vulnerable to that emotion at this time.

He held up his fist high in the air as he walked by and looked at me. Stopped right by me and yelled....BON.......BON.....BON............BON............BON!"

I could not help myself at this point...I held my fist high in the air back at a wave and said..."BON!"...back.

He appeared very happy with my response and kept on walking by.  I looked over at Olga and even she had a small smile on her was just too classic......

Her father was sitting quitely in a small garden talking with an assistant. This was for real.

Her fathers hand was still visibly swollen where he punched the wall. Her grandmother
( his mother) was there as well. He speaks no English I just put my hand firmly on his shoulder and gave him a look like..."its going to be ok." He gave me a very warn smile back. He really appeared to be a very nice man who had comletely "lost it"

Olga started talking to her father and he started crying right there.

This was heavy...and we all know what he was going through.....he was being rejected for the first time in his 41 years of life..  and when that happens with someone you really care is a Bi**h!!!!!    It happened to me for the first time last year.  I was very down...but I still took the time to feed myself, exercise, stay busy and focused on other we all do......I thought though that I really had it bad at the time....

After seeing this man in front of me......I realized I took the whole situation last year very well....

COMING SOON......The Conclusion and some final thoughts...

« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls In Cali" Part 5, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003


I don't know what you do for a living, but there are still counter culture magazines that pay so many cents a word for an article or story. I'm not doubting your account, but you definitely have some writing chops!  


« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls In Cali" Part 5, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

Hey Chris,

After reading todays thread about Olga and you I did a little looking into bulimia.  There is a lot of information and help out there on this disease.  I would hope that she would be able and more importantly want to get some help in Colombia for this.

A few informative sites:

Take care,


« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls In Cali" Part 5, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

I have charged pharmicuticals in Cali several times in different places.
Chris F
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: "Young Girls In Cali" Part..., posted by elcolombiano on Jul 28, 2003

Was your credit card from the USA? She claimed that a Colombian credit card cannot buy medicine? Which sounds completely bogus to me.....
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:Pharmicutical Qestion for ElColombio, posted by Chris F on Jul 28, 2003

There may be something to it - Colombian credit cards do behave differently.  You'll notice that when making purchases there on a credit card they'll ask "how long" to pay.
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Young Girls In Cali" Part 5, posted by Chris F on Jul 27, 2003

I think you should tell us what the girls name is so done of us other guys get involved with her.
At the very least you should post her name so "beenthere" can call her up and make sure your story is accurate.
Chris F
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hold on a minute!, posted by Calipro on Jul 28, 2003

All I can tell you Calipro is that what I am writing is the matter how bizarre... it is accurate.....I am not going to post this girl's real name or the agency because...for me that is just not matter how "messed up" her or her family is.  For me...that is just being vindictive. And as far as I am concern ...being vindictive is just not my style. If your family was messed up...I am sure you would not want your real name posted on the internet...for everyone to know who you and your family were....I just cannot do that..I will not..

I understand your point about others that should stay away from this girl. Your right. But I will not post her name and exposed everyone on the internet to the very private matters her family is going just shows no class if I do....

« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hold on a minute!, posted by Chris F on Jul 28, 2003

Granted it wouldn't be prudent to post her name - but did you inform the agency of this latina loca?  If you did and they did not immediately remove her, I think posting the agency's name would be very appropriate.
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Did you inform the agency?, posted by cancunhound on Jul 28, 2003

I don't think this girls' behavior would get her removed even from a good agency as it is too much of a "he said, she said" issue where he could say things and she could refute them and the agency itself doesn't have any independant corroboration or repeat behavior to go on and frankly the agencies don't like to lose any revenue source if possible so they probably won't do anything.  In my experience, I had a woman stand me up at an agency and get caught in a lie on the phone about having called an agency person to tell them she wasn't coming, get in an argument with the agency person and be told on the phone she would be removed from the agency and she herself stated that she wanted to be removed from the agency, and yet she never was removed from the agency.  It is my experience that only flagrantly bad women are removed from agencies and often the agency employees and owners will say they will remove someone to placate the gentleman customer at the time, and then never remove the woman because they don't want to lose the income from the woman and they hope the guy will just sort of forget the problem.  The reality of Colombia is that even with reputable agencies you are dealing with people who are having to make their income from 20 different sources in 20 different ways and they try not burning bridges with any of them.  I think gringos are seen as a little bit of a hot-headed lot that only need to be pacified for the moment and only flagrant abuse actually brings about removal.
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hold on a minute!, posted by Chris F on Jul 28, 2003

But can you at least post her photo?
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to OK...Fair Enough, posted by burbuja2 on Jul 28, 2003

Preferably bare midriff.
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hold on a minute!, posted by Chris F on Jul 28, 2003

I agree with you Chris.  Her name should not be given out.  

I am sure you have told your story as a wake up call for guys in their pursuit of Latinas.  You have given enough information about "Olga" for someone to be on guard for anyway.  The bigger picture would be to spend enough time with the lady you are interested in to find out what she is like as a person.  Too bad this one lady has so many problems.  

Could you not have cut your loses sooner though to try and meet other women in Cali?  A good back up plan would have been very useful on this trip.  Too bad you decided to go with her to the coast not allowing more time in Cali spending it in a more productive manner.  I know you haven't asked for any advice, but I think most guys would have recommended you leave this lady much sooner than you did.

« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hold on a minute!, posted by Calipro on Jul 28, 2003

You, Calipro. Soo why are You concerned about knowing her name??? Isn't she the kinda Girls you usually date and marry?? looooooool
Red Clay
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to She sound like a Gooood match for, posted by greg on Jul 28, 2003

Way ahead of you. See my post below.
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