It is allways interesting to view the green fins that sometimes appear during controversy. even though the issue was a tempest on a tea pot.
Yet, we had a struggle for territory and the # 1 bull shark position, (even though no sexual consortion was mentioned.)
Concern over posting a photo of someone we knew? ( subtle indication of feelings of disappointment or betrayal "You went to HIS apartment? ")
A Morality play over the whiting out of a man vs the showing of a midriff of a chica (note: not mujeres they were all chicas).
Deep concern of some, over the posting of womens photos while dressed. ( on the internet how boreing!!)
An interesting and informative note that some are posting under annonamous circumstances "I didn't know you were posting under that name". ( I am shocked)
The yea buts abounded during the threads. Even our recent bad boy found a way to resume attacks on perceived enemies, although without much cleverness. I don't know about you but for me it was an earth shattering experience
Cali Pro was just doing what calipro does, entonces? I have met him he looks good enough to carry it off, so whats the problem Ladies? He likes what he likes, and does it his way. More power to him. If you had the youth, energy, looks, money and time what would you do? Hold bible classes? (Sorry J F) But I guess some sharks just get green with envy.
morder el anzuelo, por favor
Pescador in Cayo Hueso