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Author Topic: your soft side  (Read 8900 times)
jim c
« on: July 01, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

My My what an interesting topic for all those cosmo washed brains out there.

Guess what!! Colombianas don't think much about politically correct agendas. They want a man, not respect as an equal. They like you to open the car door. They expect you to treat them as ladies. They expect you to take care of them and their children. They expect you to have manners and provide a role model for their children. So don't whine to them how unhappy you are!!!
   Surely, after time together, she may find you are a paper tiger but she will also find that she can depend on you. She will love you for that.

   AWs are bi polar. AWS like bad boys. Guess what!!! BB's are strong and don't have a soft side. They just don't give a S--t. AWs don't need anyone to take care of them, but if you whine they are gone. Unless you whine and cheat at the same time. Wife beaters are good whiners and have that BI Polar good guy, bad guy, personality. "I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to break your arm you made me do it."  

   Think about all those hookers and dancers out there, you think they are giving their money to whiners? No! they are getting their money from the whiners. When your wife degrades your masculinity, you need fantasys. Don't buy into the politically correct lifestyle it will make "IT" shrink. When she tells you its your turn to clean the house and you better do it or else. Ask what "or else" means.

Remember testosterone is an agressive hormone, without it you too can be truely sharing and caring.

entonces. jim c

Pete E
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to your soft side, posted by jim c on Jul 1, 2003

I guess there are no Allan Alda type latino actors?
Your right.Latino guys have found no reason for hand ringing self analysis,they were getting what they wanted.
I think alot of our over analisation comes out of having nothing better to do,a reaction to losing,not getting what we want.
So your latina,at least your Colombiana,does not want to see your overly sensitive side.She wants a man to take care of her.If your a weakling you can't do that so well.She doesn't want to know how you felt about wetting the bed as a kid.Remember that 100 question post awhile back,"how do you feel about - - -?" Boy was he in the wrong hemisphere.
John Gray seminars will not get you in the proper mood for Colombia.And if you found what you were looking for there you would not be shopping Colombia.One advantage to giving seminars that never get you anywhere,they can sell you another one.You have to do our new workshop.Kiss off some time and money and wind up back where you were.Been there.Done that.Mind f--k.
With a Colombiana its a me Tarzan you Jane kind of thing.It can be refreshing after all the BS we can encounter here.We want to be the man,they want to be the woman.
But we do tend to be a cut above the Colombiano they had last.We can be assertive and still responsible.We tend not to lie or cheat on them.They find out we will do what we say we will.Most of us are no longer trying to nail anything in a skirt.They do want the security of that.But they also want you to be the man.
I like being depended upon.I don't hear its my turn to clean the house. I do get asked to pay for a very occassional house cleaner.Thats OK,thats what I was doing before.Usually she does it but sometimes wants a break.


« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: your soft side,leave it behind when ..., posted by Pete E on Jul 2, 2003


Are you God's gift to Colombian women?

Why do you pay for a house cleaner, but don't pay for your wife's health coverage? You've been married 3 years or more.

When will be the next time that you post about your wife's bubble butt that you so love with a passion? I don't know any Colombianos that do that.

Since your wife's friends read the board, maybe they tell your wife how you talk about her, and maybe she considers the way you value her as not what she had hoped for. How do you think she feels when she asks you not to post, but you do so anyway, and post extremely personal information? Then, she hears about it from her friends who read the board.

Maybe the problems of your marriage are because of some of these issues?

What do you think?

Do you have a wife? Do you have a life? Or is the reason why you post on this board 24/7 is because you are on Patrick's payroll? !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it.


(P.S. No offense to you Patrick, just making a point).

« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to question !!!!!!!, posted by Aaron on Jul 2, 2003

biting that hand. What you said in your Post is true..but what is the Point??? Why choose beating down on the one Person that was there for You?? I guess You got noooooo Loyalty. Later
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Myyyyy Goodness AAron..Pete defended U....., posted by greg on Jul 2, 2003

Unless I misunderstood your post (and forgive me if I did) you are saying that Aaron's remarks about Pete are valid, but you asked Aaron what is the point in attacking the one person who defended him?  I certainly agree that Aaron is showing a terrible of lack of loyalty to Pete.  But I really don't agree that Aaron is being accurate about Pete.  He might be stating some facts that are true, though I thing he exaggerates others (Pete is on the board 24/7?  Of course not.  Maybe a lot, but certainly not 24/7 as everyone sleeps.).  But even true facts don't tell a true story unless ALL the facts are known.  Pete may be on the board a lot (to the betterment of most of here I might add), but so what if he is?  The only important question that could be brought up by that information is does it affect his marriage negatively?  No other point is even relevant but that one (and even that one really is none of our business).  But Aaron didn’t bring up any facts to prove that Pete being on the board 24/7 was bad for his marriage, just that he was on 24/7.  He tried to imply that it might be bad for Pete’s marriage but we don’t have any evidence of that other than Pete’s occasional remarks that it probably isn’t good for him to be on the board so much.  Pete sometimes derides himself as a tool to make others feel better about themselves.  I appreciate Pete’s generosity and self-deprecating manner and sometimes when he picks on himself and says things like he posts here too much I take it with a grain of salt as most people probably do as well.  Aaron choosing to take it as fact and implying it threatens Pete’s marriage is not only ungenerous (even if it wasn’t about someone who had tried to be a friend) but shows no experience or thoughtfulness and I disagree with the implications Aaron tried to make about Pete.
Pete E
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Myyyyy Goodness AAron..Pete defended..., posted by lswote on Jul 3, 2003

I started to answer some of what Aaron said but then thought what am I doing,trying to explain myself to someone who is attacking me.The tone of his post didn't deserve a detailed response.
But for the rest of you,I will explain a little.I couldn't add my wife to my health insurance I get with my retirement.The other plans available were expensive and not too good.So I just paid her and my step sons medical dfirectly.Which was cheaper than the insurance would have been.Think about it,insurance companies are in business to make money.You pay for the risk plus their overhead and profit.I know there is risk involved in doing it like this,not to her health but my pocketbook.But if anything big came up that was not an immediate emergency I could send her to Cali for treatment where the cost is 10% or less of what it is here.That is how I handle their dental care.I make sure they get seen while they are there,which has never been more than a year apart.Also,since my wife is now working she could get benefits with a better job.It appears that will happen in the next couple of weeks.
I still like my wifes bubble butt.I think she looks so good.One of these days, am waiting untill she is wearing the pants that show it best,I just might take  a photo.
I don't think she would mind as much as sharing personal imformation.We have a new understanding about that and maybe she is right,given how someone has tried to use it against me.Its kind of a shame when someone has shared like you and I have to have it used against you ,but I guess thats the nature of a public board.It doesn't incourage honest stories,it discourages them.
And about my time on the board,the only point of his that had any truth to it.Yes I do spend too much time here.I don't think it detracts from my marriage but it does from my business.I have a home office.Most of my work is computer and phone.Its easy to just open up planet love and check in.
Actualy I liked Aaron,probably still do in a way,but his recent behavior is not at all likable.He seems to think he is a authority or expert here.Far from it,he is inexperienced and niaeve.Nobody here is more wet behind the ears.It seems his prolonged time at school has just kept him fom getting much real experience.He is all theory,little  knowledge.And then he gets uppidy about it.He was doing OK untill he decided he was qualified to tell others what they should do.Not the right approach even if he was qualified.If I wanted to attack him he is vulnerable in lots of areas,but I don't want to go there. I see these back and forth pissing contests with guys posting back and forth way down the page and I just quit reading them.Its not a good thing for the board.I hate negative stuff and its pretty hard to drag me in.
Enough said.
I hope things are improving,it sounds like it.And posting real experiences like you have is the best use of the board ,so thanks for being so honest.It should be encouraged not discouraged.Getting support is a benefit of it,taking cheap shots is a risk.I am proud of most of the members here in their support of you.Its a big part of what we should be about.


« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Myyyyy Goodness AAron..Pete defended..., posted by lswote on Jul 3, 2003

I should've said that I agree with one part of what AAron posted. What part?? I myself wouldn't waste my time on this board if I was married..becuz I feel that my wife deserve that extra attention. Personally I feel that  married Guys should spend more time with their Women instead of on this board. Anyway, I notice that most newly married Guys leave the board soon after marriage. Where is Honda? Where is Bob? Where is etc etc that recently got married?? I also feel that the wife doesn't want her Hubby posting after marriage, don't blame her. If I was having marriage plms, I would rather hire a private counselor than to post our private matters on a public board. Just my opinion..Guys are adults they need to do whatever makes them happy.
Pete E
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to question !!!!!!!, posted by Aaron on Jul 2, 2003

Man have you gotten negative.Here you are knocking the only guy left on the board that thinks you have any redeeming qualities at all.
If someone posts some personal imformation its a cheap shot to try and use it against them.Like you just tried to do with me.Its reprehensable Aaron,really obnoxious juvenile low life  behavior.Bruce is so obviously for real even you would have to realise that,but you took a shot at him in the middle of his crisis.Not even Houndog at his worst pissed people off like that.I tried to stick up for you.I know there is a better Aaron in there somewhere,I have seen him before.
Congratualations.You have succeeded in being thought the biggest jerk and fool on the board.Nobody is even a distant second.I guess you will probably spiral down a little more from here so maybe what someone said is right,we should just ignore you.


« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your in a negative nose dive, posted by Pete E on Jul 2, 2003

Except the part about Hound Dog;-) After a poster posted about helping his aging mother, HD called him a "momma's boy". One guy posted a method for meeting ladies at the mall, HD said those ladies were not "good girls" and no gentelman ever meets women at the mall? One poster said he wanted to move to Mexico so he could spend more time getting to know latinas, HD said he was a player, trying to score with women.

Aaron, is much more intelligent than HD, but then again who isn't? Aaron is just so full of himself and his education. When people feel obligated to mention one of their accomplishments or capabilities in most of their posts, it is most likely because they ahve very little else happening in their lives.

Take away Aaron's education and what do you have? No Karate for Junfan. . . .same thing.

Aaaron is now just trying to get a rise out of people. Ignore him, and he'll go away.

jim c
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to good points, posted by Ralph on Jul 3, 2003

Hey Ralp
    Do you really think that the dog was that dumb? I always thought that he was sort of tongue in cheek. It is what made his posts humorous. With him, it was no holds barred, no soft pedal.
    He had quite a different outlook that was both outrageous and unbeleviable. Sort of a Don Quixote madness. You must admit he kept you busy, and his homilys were brilliant.
     I can't believe the character he represented on this board was real, if so he would be living in a homeless shelter. We will never know what he was really thinking will we?  Unless, he has a more sane alter ego that is still here ------ waiting.  JIMC

PS if you don't want IT kicked in the dirt then don't lay IT in the road  jimc

« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: good points, posted by jim c on Jul 3, 2003

I used to get all kinds of private emails from him as well. They were just as silly and incoherent as his online posts.

When confronted with even the slightest bit of logic, he would fall back on just ranting. Never answered any point blank questions, he just argued in circles. The board is better without him.

I agree he was entertaining, very much so, but he caused newbies to be afraid of posting. How many guys on this board now, do not have "real" email addresses and do not follow HDs "rules".  Hmmm. . . you're profile says email undisclosed. . . .that would mean you are a troll with HD.

He was entertaining but intelligent? Please.

« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Want proof?, posted by Ralph on Jul 3, 2003

when he went to the trouble of tracking down what company you were working for and sent e-mails there trying to get you in trouble for posting from work, or something like that.  You said they all thought he was some weirdo.

He was on a mission and you gotta just shake your head.

« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to I remember..., posted by Edge on Jul 3, 2003

That was funny. He could have called the owner of the company, and it would not have gotten me in trouble. It was pretty funny that he tried though!

That company knew that I always went above and beyond the call of duty, worked weekends, endless travel when necessary. I was able to travel to the DR on an almost monthly basis. I didn't have all that vacation time, they just knew I gave way more than 100% and would need to recharge my batteries once in a while or I'd burn out.

So. . .taking a few minutes to post online was a non issue. Not to mention half the people he emailed, worked for me! he he he he. . .thanks for the memories, I had forgotten about that one!

Pete E
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to good points, posted by Ralph on Jul 3, 2003

Your right ,Houndog could be worse.How soon we forget.But I don't know that he had everybody against him on any one issue like Aaron seems to now.But houndog could be nasty.Aaron is objectionable and negative but not really nasty.


Jersey Mike
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: your soft side,leave it behind when ..., posted by Pete E on Jul 2, 2003

Great posts, Pete and Jim.  Whether a man is looking south for a latina or to eastern Europe, he had better plan on being financially responsible, decisive, strong, assertive and the head of the household.  The politically correct agenda of western feminists and western media IS NOT what these women are seeking in a man.  Also, they aren't seeking a "bad boy", either - they can find plenty of bad boys in their own countries.

I like that latin women (at least the ones that I have met here in the US) want us to be men, and they want to be feminine women.  And this in no way implies that they are weak - instead, they look to us to be strong.  Long live testosterone!

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