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Author Topic: Youngish Asian Women and Older Western Men  (Read 57803 times)
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Youngish Asian Women and Older Weste..., posted by Bear on Jan 21, 2001

1) Older men can be violent too

2) Not necessarily.  A 35 year old man can very likely have a stable job!

3) see number 2

4) Less demanding?  Demanding what?  

5) Really, huh? I personally don't know of any woman who would want to sleep with a fat guy wrinkly guy.  THe guy may be satisfied, but I hardly think the girl is!

6) I DON'T THINK SO!  Anyone at any age can cheat.

« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Youngish Asian Women and Older W..., posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 21, 2001

I answered your question with the information most Asian ladies have provided to me.  If you find it unacceptable then I think you should discuss it with them. I doubt if your disapproval or objection will cause many men to to stop seeking asian women for wifes.  Nor do I think it will stop Asian ladies from seeking American men because we provide them the answer to their prayers and needs.

You seem to think that American Women's ideals are the same as women all over the world and it is not.  I personally think it should be the other way around.  Up to the early 1900's girls here in the U.S. married much the same way as asian girls do now.  Then families were more secure and our nation was stronger.

You like all other American Women you treat American Men as adversaries, instead of treating us like equals, immediately arguing and attempting to control, rather than listening and learning.

The men on this board have deserted American Women as a choice for spouses because they...

1) do not desire family first
2) accept pervert lifestyles as normal
3) all too willingly hurt the one they are supposed to love in an adversarial relationship instead of a mutually loving one.

You would not believe how many AW's have told me that I should make my wife work when all my wife wants the most in life is to be a mother and housewife.  They tell me that being a mother/wife should/can be a part time affair.  I think turning your children over to some gay/liberal inspired government controlled institution to raise is whats perverted and never should be even a parttime affair.  And to put your husband and family second to material wants - thats perverted.

No.  I answered your question but you never intended to listen and learn, just critise and complain because it doesn't match the gay-liberal-socialist media-trained concept that you learned on gay/liberal inspired government controlled TV and in gay/liberal inspired government controled public schools.  Sorry if it does not match your ill-conceived piture of life but this is reality not some politically-correct socialists attempt at controlling you.


Dave H
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Youngish Asian Women and Old..., posted by Bear on Jan 22, 2001

« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Youngish Asian Women and Old..., posted by Bear on Jan 22, 2001

Be able to provide a better family life?  Let's say you made $46,000 per annum and your wife's a stay-at-home mom.  Yes, you would be relatively comfortable, etc.  However, wouldn't you be more comfortable should you AND your wife work (her annual income is let's say $ 44,000.  46,000 + 44,000=90,000.  $90,000 per year means more trips abroad with the kids!  You can enlighten the kids by taking them to Europe and Asia, seeing the sights first hand rather than at a library.  Now that's cool! :-)  Besides, what would a woman with a B.A. do at home?  She should use her B.A.!
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Wouldn't a working wife, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 22, 2001

Money means nothing to the lost time you could have spent with your children.

Ask a kid.  "Do you want to see Europe or have your Mom and Dad at you little league baseball game?  Betcha I know who'll win.


« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to In the next to last pharagraph I answere..., posted by Bear on Jan 22, 2001

An 17 year old might want to go to Europe.  Besides, without a double income, how can a child have piano and ballet lessons?
Jeff S.
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Depends on the kid's age, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 22, 2001

My daughter spent two summers sessions at Sorbonne on our single income. Also got a new Isbach console piano when she was 13 (over 8 grand worth) and a new Honda civic when she went away to college (both the car and college were fully paid for)
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Mine did too!, posted by Jeff S. on Jan 23, 2001

Jeff, how many kids do you have?  What if you had three daughters, and each of them wanted their own car for school?
Jeff S.
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Mine did too!, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 23, 2001

Just one stepdaughter, and yes, I would have treated each of them equally (because I could) - but I don't believe you should have more kids than you can afford to raise. I have over 50 Mexican women working for me - of course they're all Catholic and were made to take a vow to have all the children god would grant them (I don't believe that's still done in the US, but it is in Mexico.) Nearely all of them spend every other year pregnant and they and their husbands have to both work full time to just get by. (One lady is 29 with 7 kids already - one of them 16 years old!) I think this is sad, maybe not in Mexico on a farm, but here in Southern California where the rents are so high, two or three families need to get together to rent an apartment.
Jeff S.
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Mine did too!, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 23, 2001

Just one stepdaughter, and yes, I would have treated each of them equally (because I could) - but I don't believe you should have more kids than you can afford to raise. I have over 50 Mexican women working for me - of course they're all Catholic and were made to take a vow to have all the children god would grant them (I don't believe that's still done in the US, but it is in Mexico.) Narely all of them spend every other year pregnant and they and their husbands have to both work full time to just get by. I think this is sad, maybe not in Mexico on a farm, but here in Southern California where the rents are so high, two or three families need to get together to rent an apartment.
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Depends on the kid's age, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 22, 2001

My daughter took ballet for 15 years and my son went on every scouting trip offered.  And I purchased a great used piano from a friend for $300 which I had to make them learn to play.

Parents are not obligated to give their kids diamonds and gold but love and care and a good upbringing.  I know that it is more important to have a parent to talk to than a trip to Europe.

Meals out at fancy restaurants are not near as important to the children as meals around the family table and "love at home" (from a popular church hymn).  When both parents work for material gain the child suffers.  Someone else raises the child with their expectations (probably much lower than yours) and with out the love and tenderness you would give.

You have been raised with the ideals of "have" instead of "give".  You will miss holding and watching your children grow so that you can pay more taxes and have more headaches and disappointments.  You'll find that it will be almost impossible to be happy and the children will, most likely, not appreciate your efforts.

The day will come when you will think that you would have gladly given it all up for a hug from your child.


« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Mine did, posted by Bear on Jan 23, 2001

well to make enough to send my daughter to my alma mater (I attended a religous high school), to live in a great neighbourhood, etc, etc.  Besides, what if my marriage fails?  What if he dies?  I need to have a job, don't I?  It's harder for a 40 year old woman to find work. Companies would rather hire the 23 year old graduate than a 40 year old widowed or divorced mom with two kids.  I'll have a better chance of being able to support my kids, giving them ballet and piano lessons should I have a job, making some %60,000+  than finding a job after a failed marriage or a death that pays half that.
« Reply #57 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I need money, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 23, 2001

« Reply #58 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Your hopeless.....................nt, posted by Bear on Jan 23, 2001

So you'd like to see your wife live in poverty after your death?
« Reply #59 on: January 23, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hopeless?, posted by Westerngrrl on Jan 23, 2001

life insurance. Maybe when you grow up daddy will explain to you how it works. Larry.
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