I have popsted alot in the past asbout not driving between cities in Colombia.I was going from what other people had said and also a safety first mindset.If anyone has had a problem with it,donīt do it.Well,I completely overstated the case.
It is true there are areas of Colombia you donīt want to drive,but that depends on who is in control of the area.2 years ago the guerillas controlled the area around Popiyan.Not so today.
I would tell any person thinking of driving to do a little research,ask alot of questions.
The head of my wifes church here in Cali wanted to take me on a trip to some towns in the area.He is also a political candidate and is doing alot of organizing.After asking alot I went.We drove from Cali to Seville and Armenia,about a hundred miles north.There were lots of cars on the roads.Nobody was concearned about safety.We went through a couple of police checkpoints,but nothing of any concearn.It seemed totally safe.The same may not be true at a different time and place.
It depends.But its not automatically a donīt do.