Since I live in Southern California, I decided to take an exploratory trip to Tijuana, Mexico to check out the situation. This was my first time in Tijuana.
Getting to Tijuana was easy. I took highway 5 and got off at the last exit which is the El Camino exit. It is clearly marked by a sign "Last US Exit". You then go through the stop light and World Parking is on your right. I walked across the border and on the Mexican side there is a Taxi stand. I don't recommend driving into Mexico because of the possibility of an accident or violation citation from the police. All Taxi rides to about anywhere is $5. I took a Taxi to my hotel which was the Zaragosa. This was a safe, comfortable hotel for $40 for the night located near Revolution Avenue and the tourist area (which I avoided).
During the day, I walked around the Zona Rio shopping mall. There were many shops and places to eat. There were many women at the mall and they seemed fairly friendly. I was able to communicate with them using my Intermediate Spanish. I started up some small conversations with ladies working at the stores.
At night I went to the Plaza Fiesta square. This is a small square which contains about a dozen night clubs, discos, and places to eat. The crowd was a middle class young Mexican crowd and there were many women there in their 20's and 30's. The place was packed and the music was loud so it was hard to talk to people. There were as many women there as men. However, the people were still much more polite than you would find in an American night club. It seems like a more soft environment where people go to talk and dance. I have one friend who was successful in finding a girl friend here. It seems very possible, but this will take a lot of time. This isn't like a marriage agency where you meet women right away. You have to meet somebody and build up a relationship over a long period of time. The advantage of Tijuana is that if I succeed in meeting somebody here, I can go back every week and get to know the Lady. This is definitely an advantage. I would highly recommend this route for men in their 30's living in the Southern California area before they go off to some far away country. I saw no shortage of beautiful women in Tijuana.