... in response to Posting a Personal Abroad?: Does it Work..., posted by Ken Power on Dec 9, 2001I posted a personal ad/profile with South of the Border in late 1999. I had excellent results, I received replies from approx. 50 different ladies from the countries of Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Venezuela. Most ladies were attractive at least, many were VERY attractive, well educated and some spoke English. Some used email and some wrote by hand. NONE came across as golddiggers or scammers.
I requested responses from ladies ranging in age from 25-40 as I was around 40 at that time.
It takes awhile [4-6 weeks] to start receiving responses, so be patient if you go this route. Once they started coming however, it seemed that a new one or two would arrive daily. More than I could easily keep track of.
hope this helps-