... in response to Unusual or Usual?, posted by senior citizen on Jun 26, 2005still tacky behavior.
It's easy to forget here in multicultural America just how racist and elitist 99% of the rest of the world really is. Just listen to Russians talking about Ukrainians, Germans talking about Poles or Russians, or French or Brits talking about Americans. So a lot of it probably has to do with nationality and stereotypes.
Why dis the Filipinas and not the Chinese? Well, while in N. America the image of a Filipina might be of a woman that entered the country on a work visa to fill a respected and needed position as a nurse, in Japan the stereotype image of a Filipina is of a woman who entered the country on an "entertainment" visa to work as a prostitute. (That will change in time as Japan's population ages and they need more skilled worker Filipinas as nurses as well.) If the J-wife is fresh off the boat, then maybe her husband needs to set her straight on what is acceptable polite behavior in America's more egalitarian society.
To further explain the dynamics of the situation in that region (and for your entertainment pleasure), here's a little something I stole from another web site, "BigDaikon.com", a site for English teachers living in Japan:
Posted by "Stupid Flanders"
Japan = f*** up little island country off the continent, has strong military history, invades everybody, hated by neighbors...esp Korea, who they assraped worst, also they think they are very different from the Koreans...and a million times better than everybody else. Annexed Hokkaido. Friends with USA.
UK = f*** up little island country off the continent, has strong military history, invades everybody, hated by neighbors...esp Ireland, who they assraped worst, also they think they are very different from the Irish...and a million times better than everybody else. Annexed Scotland. Friends with USA.
Korea = bullsh!t little country full of racist drunks who hate everybody...but none so much as the Japanese. Severe inferiority complex. Divided nation due to Japanese meddling. Half of country moves to NYC to open grocery stores.
Ireland = bullsh!t little country full of racist drunks who hate everybody...but none so much as the English. Severe inferiority complex. Divided nation due to UK meddling. Half of country moves to NYC to open bars.
I guess China = Germany.
Big a-ss army, neighbors terrified, but not as much as it's own citizens. Good beer.
Thailand = Greece?