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Author Topic: This Board has gone to hell  (Read 15306 times)
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Board  gone to hell ?... Planet Hate?, posted by Humabdos on Aug 29, 2003

Humabdos on 8/27/03: “Let's just hope Nazi Arnold beats that f-ing Mexican for gov of CA !!!!”

I agree with you 110% Hum, the name of the board should be changed to “Planet Hate”. Now “Grow up and get a life!”

Love & Peace :-)


« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Planet Hate, posted by Ray on Aug 29, 2003

Maybe Greg is on to something you just might be the cut and paste king! ROTFTNTPIMPLMAO!

So Arnold isn't a Nazi and Mexicans don't F ? ;-)

PS if I lived in Ca I would vote for Arnold, so far I like most of his ideas.

« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This Board has gone to hell, posted by outwest77 on Aug 29, 2003

Hey Outwest,
Thank you for bringing this topic.Like some of the poster here I also choose to be silent.Greg is a nice guy if you know him and Ray as well.But this two friend of mine(Ray and Greg) drive me away from this board I guess.They give me idea that american can be like filipino sometimes.I  always witness filipino  fighting,name calling,punching each other,boxing, and chasing each other machete before.I never thought that this happen to American because I see american as a model,well behave,professional and well educated.So far I never see any fighting in my lil place here in illinois.People here were all nice but after I read greg and ray post it give me idea that sometimes they can be nasty too.This scares me.
My husband is a poster here long ago ,before he meet me but like hamlet he try not to post anymore because sometime you throw topic that hit the nerve of somebody you feel like a christian thrown in the dungeon sorrounded by lions.
Everytime I read the board I always share to my husband whats the topic of the day I even let him read Stephen joke most of the time.For Ray and Greg please make this world a peaceful place.Forgive and forget.

The fairest action of our human life
 Is scorning to revenge an injury;
   For who forgives without a further strife,
     His adversary's heart to him doth tie:
       And 'tis a firmer conquest, truly said,
         To win the heart than overthrow the head.
     - Lady Elizabeth Carew (Cary or Carey), Chorus from "Maxiam

I pray that every passing hour
 Your hearts may bruise and beat,
   I pray that every step you take
     May bruise and burn your feet.

« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This Board has gone to hell, posted by Febtember on Aug 29, 2003

I apologize to you for any nastiness I have contributed or encouraged. And please don't worry, I think the whole thing is running out of steam and will soon be forgotten.

Your reaction makes me curious though. May I ask, what would you recommend a father to do if a child were bullying and saying mean things to the other children? I really would appreciate your perspective on this. I am trying to prepare myself, you see. Smiley

And, frankly, the last four lines of you post kind of scare ME! Smiley

Thank you.

« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This Board has gone to hell, posted by Febtember on Aug 29, 2003

I'm Sorry. Kiss matthew for me.
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This Board has gone to hell, posted by outwest77 on Aug 29, 2003

Hi Out,

Thanks for your concern for the state of the forum and for poor little greg :-). I actually intended to reply privately but your e-mail addy isn’t listed.

Had you simply protested that some of the language offended you, I would probably have agreed with most of what you had to say. But since you obviously took sides in the “debate” with your comment “This Ray trashing Gregg, is pathetic”, then I can only take your post as a flame from an opportunistic malcontent who wanted to get in a few shots to satisfy some personal agenda, much like Hamlet did. I understand that you want to get me into a fight with you, but I really don’t have the time or inclination, thanks.

Were those words in the subject line “obscenities”? I think the real obscenities are filtered out pretty well by Patrick’s cuss-o-meter. Anyway, I agree that “faggot” and “bastard” (and others) are usually not appropriate, but I put those words in the subject line for a purpose and no, I was not “hot under the collar” when I did. You yourself have been involved in a lot of the fights that go on here and on the Latin board and you’ve probably started your share too. But like most of us, you usually keep the language and the insults at a tolerant level. Some folks (greg specifically) frankly don’t give a damn what language they use on this forum because they have zero respect for others.

greg has a very limited vocabulary and he won’t play fair for long when he gets into a fight. When he feels that he is falling behind, he comes on with all the foul language and name-calling he can muster and invariably drags his opponent’s wife or fiancée into the fight for affect. I guess you think it’s just fine to bring the wife into it because you didn’t say a word about that kind of despicable behavior. I always speak out when someone gets into a shouting match and then stoops to the gutter-level tactic of dragging the wife or girlfriend into the insults because I think that is NEVER appropriate. I guess you and I have much different value systems because you never speak out when that happens, but that’s cool if that’s the way you think.

Your main concern was that the words “faggot” and “bastard” appeared on your screen. When greg started dragging my wife into almost every one of his flame posts, he had crossed the line in my book. He was trying to do anything possible to get me pissed but it simply didn’t work. His posts became more and more idiotic with more and more foul language thrown in. I put some of his comments in the subject line so that you and others could see what this guy was made of. Those words were quotes of greg’s and that’s why they were enclosed in quotation marks. I guess it went right over your head because you missed the whole point. If Greg was going to insist on insulting others’ wives and using that kind of language, then I put it right up there in the subject of a reply so you wouldn’t miss a word. I guess it didn’t work because you misunderstood it as “greg trashing”. I guess I’ll re-think using that tactic so thanks for bringing it up. I agree that some of these fights are getting out of hand but it’s just not my style to stand by and watch greg bully the ladies. Maybe I’m just too old-fashioned? :-)

I think my opinion of greg is well known here. He has been playing the schoolyard bully on Mag-Anak and Planet Love for a long time now. He takes pleasure in picking on the females and insulting them until they leave the board. I think his comments to Esiang, mocking her language skills and telling her to “take an English class”, was one of the most disgusting moments on this forum. greg thinks that’s perfectly O.K. and he still justifies his disgusting behavior. He doesn’t want any woman here who disagrees with him and he’ll do anything to run them off. I guess those things don’t bother you because you have never spoken out against it according to my memory. Bottom line is that greg is nothing but a boorish little bully who needs to be slapped down once in a while. He is a common troll and he contributes just about zero to the forum. He has always been a troublemaker from the day he arrived because that’s his game. Since you and others wouldn’t say anything to him about his disgusting behavior, I did. It was either that or let him run off the ladies who want to participate here. Are my tactics “pathetic” as you say? I realize that some folks think so and I don’t enjoy it either. But what are the alternatives? We tried ignoring greg and he took it as a green light to get even more obnoxious and insulting to other members. It’s not my style to whine to Patrick like greg does. We’ve always managed to handle the trolls in our own way. You and others can choose to accept greg’s behavior and let it continue, but I don’t. Trying to run off new female members because he doesn’t like them may be acceptable to some folks, but not to me. If you think I’m wrong, then you certainly have every right to tell me so, but please offer your own alternative to dealing with the trolls. Thanks.

If the term “butt-licker” offended you, then I apologize. Frankly, I didn’t consider it “obscene” like you did. You’ve been in many fights here Outwest. How many guys do remember crying to Patrick like a little baby and trying to butter him up so he wouldn’t get banned? What term would you use to describe that kind of sissy behavior? “Kiss-ass”? “Brown-nose”? I thought the fight was over until greg posted that nonsense message to Patrick. Butt-licker came to mind as an appropriate term to describe greg’s whining to the forum owner, but again, I’m sorry if it offended you. I forgot that some people are that sensitive :-)



« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: gone to hell, posted by Ray on Aug 29, 2003

is 100000% true. YOu have run off Countless Filipinas and AM from Both Mag-Anek and PL. YOUr soooo right, your been a troublemaker ever since you set foot on PL. Very good Post about yourself...Clap Clap
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This Board has gone to hell, posted by outwest77 on Aug 29, 2003


You're right.  Earlier in the day I had thought about voicing my opinion on the matter, but thought better of it.  

I agree with Hamlet.  On those rare occaisions that I have had a chance to visit my old stomping grounds and feel the itch to post, I often become disenchanted with the content, supress the urge and retreat back into the real world.  This type of silliness has run more than one worthwhile contributor to this board over the years, but hey... live and let live.

I just don't understand why you're calling Ray out.  It's obvious that Greg becomes frustrated with Ray, for whatever reason, justified or not and resorts to name calling.  The fact that he brings Ray's wife and/or weight--which is exagerated for humor's sake, I suppose--is in poor taste, but hey... I consider the source.

For the record I think Greg has just as much right to be here as any one of us does.  He has always been amiable towards me and other than his refusal to let discussions that should die, die I really don't have a problem with him.

Also, it's very obvious to me what Ray is doing and I personally don't have a huge problem with it.  I don't like seeing that kind of language here, but what he seems to be doing is bringing our attention to how out of line Greg's retorts are getting.  It got my attention.  Usually I skip over posts that have the two of them replying to each other continually, because I know what's most likely contained within.

It is my opinion that no one here, myslef included, is as quick to offer advice, answer the same questions over and over again, or is as willing to offer help to newbies and veterans alike as Ray is.  He brings a lot of knowledge which many of us have benefitted from time and time again.

I think it's all a little humorous, but it's worn thin lately.  

Keep the Faith

Fire Away


« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This Board has gone to hell, posted by Howard on Aug 29, 2003

Thanks guy!

I still haven't forgotten your "BJ" post. What a classic! TNTPIMGDP!


« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hi Howard, posted by Ray on Aug 29, 2003

« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This Board has gone to hell, posted by Howard on Aug 29, 2003

Wow Howard posted, have not seen you around for ages big guy hope all is well with you and the little woman, you are my favorite poster.

Live and let live as you say

« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to sup Howard, posted by outwest77 on Aug 29, 2003


All goes better than I ever expected Cheesy  If it wasn't for BCIS I'd be deleriously happy Tongue  LOL  They sure take the fun out of everything LOL

I'll see if I can't put together an update on this long weekend Smiley  

How's stuff with you?

Keep the Faith


« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This Board has gone to hell, posted by outwest77 on Aug 29, 2003

I think it is obvious who is the originator of most of the foul language in these recent diatribes. Quoting same in a subject line may be questionable, but it is subsidiary to the original offense.

I did suggest to Ray privately that he 'cool it', but he justified what he is doing to my satisfaction. There is method to his madness, if you will.

Frankly, OutWest, I find your post pathetically biased:

"This Ray trashing Gregg ..."- the trashing is mutual, at the very least.

"I suppose this will bring a barrage of epithets from Ray"- do you really? Give me a break. Please site one other poster who has suffered same.

"Not one guy has stepped up and told him to cool it..."- nor have you, except in a back-handed way.

Apparently you have absolutely no problem with the way Greg behaves. You are judged by the company you keep.

« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Discussion Board Rules: 6.   No foul lan..., posted by HaroldC on Aug 29, 2003

already your looking for trouble. You really smell like a stinking TROLL. Sooner than Later, Ray and others Gonna smell you out and run your Rump off the board.
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to HaroldC, you just recently started Posti..., posted by greg on Aug 30, 2003


The TROLL has been smelled out and it is YOU! :-)

Run your own rump off the board... LOL!

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