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Author Topic: So i guess its ok to be a golddigger as long as...  (Read 18502 times)
« on: March 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

According to Carisse, as long as her motives are pure, in other words
if the woman does not love the man, and marries him so she can help
her family, she is sacrificing her future to live her life in a loveless marriage, but its for her familys financial future, so that
makes it ok,
Give me a break,
that is PRECISELY why the guys on this board share  their stories.,

just becuause the woman is marrying a guy who she does not love
for money, it does not matter what she wants the moneyh for, if she
wants it for her family, to support her neices and nephews college,
etc etc, and not for herself......SHE IS STILL A GOLD DIGGER.
How is the poor man supposed to feel being used like that, we western
men are not bank accounts to be used and abused........I am sure the
woman who carisse referred to did not tell her husband, "oh by the
way i dont love you , and i am marrying you so i can support my family."
I am sure she told him she loved him just so that she could escape
the phils.....
to me, that is sickening

« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to So i guess its ok to be a golddigger as ..., posted by outwest on Mar 16, 2001

The big issue is the money.  Think about it.  Your airfare is more than a Philippino family makes in a year and you are staying in a hotel where you are paying a night what they earn in a month.  When you arrive in the Philippines you are a celebrity.  Made to feel like a king.  Mothers and fathers fighting to give you their daughters for the night.

You are the fantacy that is becoming real.  The locals are paying 50 cents for a beer and your paying $2.50 for the same beer and buying for the house.  What should a woman think when the fantacy is becoming reality.  The phrase "by hook or crook" can make you a victim.

What man does not want to help the woman he cares about out of her poverty?  It is sad that kindness is taken as a sign of weakness.  I have an open heart and would want to help the woman in my life,  it is the sucker punch that freightens me.  

I can tell you a few things to look for in trying to find a good one. God must be apart of your equasion in looking for a woman in the Philippines because the devil knows exactly what you want and will put it right in your lap.  I overlooked the shy, honest and plain women.  Most women will bring a girlfreind with them on your date and each time I had a winner and chose the devil.  If she recomends the most expensive resterant and meal then eats like a horse, get rid of her.  You want a woman who will protect you from unknown dangers, and there are many in the Phillipines. Remember, you are a target because you are and American. If there is no protection, forget her.  God should be important to her.  If God is not important enough for her to bring up, then he will not be on her mind when she is saying the "I do's".  If you have never been to the Catholic Church services on Sunday, they are good place.  The masses are heald outside every hours on the hour begining at 6 a.m..  The people in deep prayer are inside the chapple and it will be packed.  

Understand that if a woman lies, she will steal.  My great grandmother had a saying,  "a lier will steal and a thieft will murder".  For a woman to lie to you about anything such as love,  then she has also stolen from you time and a real chance at happyness.  If a woman lies about love, she has robbed you of meeting that deserving woman that God may have in mind for you.  A single lie can place so much negative energy in motion that a person can be robbed of peace.

I hope that I have helped someone.

« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: So i guess its ok to be a golddigger..., posted by Timee on Mar 16, 2001

You hit it right on the nail.  But what about the women that pretend to be God-fearing?  I married within the Catholic church.  But a lesson that I learned is this.  The United States is pretty much a secular society even though since 1864 (beginning with the two-cent piece) our coinage says "In God We Trust".  You hear all this hype about that talk of God, religion, and morals should be banned because the First Amendment of our Constitution provides for freedom of religion.

Go to the Philippines.  Elements of Christianity are publicly broadcast and advertised, and as to boost he morale of Filipino people.  As opposed to being secular, Filipinos openly profess God and Christ in their lives.  Although this is good to preach if it comes from the heart, it's also a facade to cover up an evil agenda.

About Christianity and the Philippines, yes many western missionaries go to the Philippines.  I was taught in elementary school by Presentation of Mary nuns who spent tiime in the Philippines.  On the surface, the Philippines appears to be more oriented to God than the United States.  In general, people are poor in the Philippines whereas in thge United States, many of us have become spoiled brats that take God's bounty for granted.  But the all-to-common paradox is that whhen a well-meaning Kano marries a Pinay he's fallen in love with, his whole fundamental concept of whether God's grace really existed is shattered.

I have to admit I don't read the Bible directly.  But I've read the Plain Truth Magazine, and know the Philadelphia Trumpet.
Not everything I read in those magazines is encouraging because I 'm fundamentally guilty of typical sins as is the super vast majority of mankind.

According to those magazines, we really have to be afraid of the European Union and Germany as the head.  To talk about deception, the European Union is in it's formation now.  As of January 1, 2002, the it's mandatory for citizens of member countries to use the new Euro for currency.  It may seem harmless.  You don't hear much negativity about this in the news.  But supposedly, through peaceful treaties, Germany is gaining power.  Power in a subtle way.  In the end of civilization as we know it, the "United States of Europe" will be a rival power and stronger than the United States of America.  Through the "United States of Europe", the supposed coming AntiChrist is to become the head and control every individual in this world who isn't saved in the Rapture.  In order to eat one will have to bear the mark "666" on one's forhead or right hand.  A pretty scary though if this really is to come true.

The whole point is the concept of deception and how Satan does work in order to succeed in accomplishing an evil deed whether on a micro-scale or on a massive scale.

One think to note.  In an article about the formation of the European Union in the Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, it featured a picture of the European Union flag with a silhouette of Adolf Hitler on it.

- Kevin

« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: So i guess its ok to be a golddi..., posted by kevin on Mar 17, 2001

I'm for it. It sounds like a good idea to me. I'm also for a one world goverment. Smiley Have you read Transformation of America. It has alot to say about the past election. It was written 5 years before I believe. It's pretty exciting read.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to European League, posted by logan_jiang on Mar 17, 2001

In theory, a one-world government sounds good.  But it is also scary.  I know the vast majority of us have sins.  If the tenets of the Plain Truth and the Philadelphia Trumpet are the true interpretations of the Bible, than many of us in the world are in trouble.

The Plain Truth forecasted the coming of a European Empire decades ago.  The downfall of the United States is predicted.  Now the Euro is a relatively weak currency and the dollar is exchangeable around the world.  But it is predicted that the Euro will become very strong against the dollar.  The U.S. economy will become subordinate to the European Union economy.  Meanwhile, German companies are buying up alot of U.S. companies.  There is a push to make Frankfurt, Germany the financial center of Europe.  Democracy in the member states is being subtly forfeited through elections and treaties.  It is this chain of events which will make it possible for an evil dictator to come to power.  It's the art of deception.

We in America take democracy and our Constitutional rights for granted.  We also take the best standard of living in the world for granted.  We have all but forgotten God's grace and blessings.  That will be taken away from us because of our sins.  I'm speaking about American society as a whole.  The breakdown and instability of the American family is a classic example.  Immorality is pretty much the norm in American society.  Hence one of the reasons many of us men on the board look to the Philippines in particular to find a wife, is to find somebody that regards marriage is something to be held sacred and not expendable.

Do you read the Philadelphia Trumpet?  You might be interested in the December 2000 issue.  There's a big article, "The Rule of Lawyers".  There is another recent issue.  I don't have it handy.  But it's about the 2000 U.S. Election and the weakening of the integrity of our government system.

And for those of us guys (including myself) who at times feel hopeless, burned, and demoralized, you can read the cover article, "Lost Boys", in the Sept./Oct. 2000 issue of the Philadelphia Trumpet.  This article will illuminate, from the Biblical perspective, about the breakdown of marriage and family, and the repercussive impact on the fabric of America.

- Kevin

Dave H
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to So i guess its ok to be a golddigger as ..., posted by outwest on Mar 16, 2001

I am sure that money is often a factor for many women, along with many other things. No problem! What bothers me is when it is the main or sole factor in marrying a man. I don't care if she is doing it to feed the hungry. I think that it is very sickening. Maybe gold digger is too nice a term. How about "blood sucking leech"?!!! Or maybe "plague carrying parasite."

Dave H.

« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Feed the hungry, milk a Kano!, posted by Dave H on Mar 16, 2001

"Right on the money!"  Such characters ought to be ashamed of themselves.  Just because these girls have grown up in poverty does not give them the right to destroy somebody that would otherwise love and care for them as life partners.  The whole concept of marriage as a sanctified social institution has been reduced to a two-stage weapon (first marriage, second divorce).  Perhaps if society didn't so much reward the perpetrators of such propositions, such subversive behavior would be discouraged.  Perhaps in the Philippines, the message would even be sent that the decieving/scamming/gold-digging thing doesn't pay and that it's something to be ashamed of.

These posts really burn me up.  I'd glance at the board at work.  Sometimes I felt that I'd like to scream.  At times the world seems like a dark, evil, lonely place.  Perhaps my life is best as a hermit in a sel-made island.  Or perhaps there is something better if there really is such a think as true love.

I lament that many times a well-intentioned man has given his heart to a Filipina to make a life and family with her, only to be ruthlessly destroyed.

Another thing to.  The profile of the Filipina that really cares about her family, would consider her husband as part of the family too.  Not an outsider to milk and serve her own kind because of the color of his skin.  I would think the nuclear family would be priority (including husband and children regardless of color) and then the extended family.

I knoow a Filipina lady in my area who is married to a Pinoy.  As a couple, they both immigrated to the United States.  It was by chance that they were given the opportunity.  Being from the Philippines, I'm sure the man was poor.  But they were in love.  Remember the marriage vow phrase "For Richer and for Poorer".  A couple that really truely loves each other will work together towards a mutually common goal, not one making persuits to serve herself (and others in her kin) at the expense of her partner's well-being.

- Kevin

Dave H
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Feed the hungry, milk a Kano!, posted by kevin on Mar 16, 2001

"The profile of the Filipina that really cares about her family, would consider her husband as part of the family too. Not an outsider..."


My future sister-in-law looks out for her Kano husband so that his good heart is not taken advantage of by anyone, including her own family. She even looked out for me when I was in the Philippines. But, she didn't need to. Her older sister, my fiancee, was doing a darn good job of protecting me. Shocked) She wouldn't even let me climb up on the roof of the jeepneys with the tall Kanos. She took her job very seriously. Shocked))

Dave H.

« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to So i guess its ok to be a golddigger as ..., posted by outwest on Mar 16, 2001

never said enough!

I'm sorry guys, I felt like I shot myself in the foot, ouch!

« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I've said too much but, posted by Carrisse on Mar 16, 2001

That it's the thread that never ends....
It just goes on and on my friend....
Some people started typing it long long time ago....
And they'll go on typing it cause then they didn't know....
That it's the thread that never ends....
It just goes on and on my friend....
Some people started typing it long long time ago....
And they'll go on typing it cause then they didn't know....
That it's the thread that never ends....
It just goes on and on my friend....
Some people started typing it long long time ago....
And they'll go on typing it cause then they didn't know....

P.S. I feel for you guys, I've been burnt as well by many women. I've never felt the pain of divorce and believe me I don't want to. But if it makes you guys feel better you've scared me into a pre-nup agreement. Think she'll be offended Smiley

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