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Author Topic: 19 & a 50+ year old  (Read 109044 times)
« Reply #45 on: March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Yikes!!! 20-62 Huh?, posted by William on Mar 19, 2003

A Guy can get himself almost any native Women he want, like shopping at the Candy store. Once she arrives here, the Guy better watch out..Becuz she's Gonna realize that she's in great demand in "Lack of Young Beautiful Available Women in USA thats Available to us Older Guys". Guys already know that AWs Candy Shop for men..Soooo if a Guy's gonna bring a young beautiful Women here, he better be sure what he's bringing. Any older Guy who choose to bring a hot much younger than Himself Trophy wife here is asking for Problems especially if he hasn't taken much time to court her in person. Sooooo say Nooooo to Children...No excuse that a Guy cannot say No to a Child, what in the world do they have in common??? When she is 30 and he's 79...Man you can have a heart attack trying keep up with such a Hot young woman. America is gonna change her anyway...Sooo Guys should expect a temporary relationship with such a much younger Chick. Good Luck to all Guys that choose a much younger Trophy wife..Luck is something your Gonna neeeeeeeed. Nooooo need to make a Fuss about my Post, there are plenty of "Okey to marry a much Younger Women Child" on this thread. More Power to those that want a Child for a wife, hehehe
« Reply #46 on: March 19, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to HeHe soooo true, posted by greg on Mar 19, 2003

Why does it always have to be the young chick who is the conniving one? Why always the outpouring of sympathy for the poor innocent old guy who is being set up by a young gold digger?

Did you ever even consider that just maybe he knows exactly what he is doing? Maybe HE figures that he’s not going to last much longer. Maybe the old fart is in debt up to his eyeballs and all she will ever inherit is a stack of bills. She may have to bury him in the back yard because there won’t be enough left for a funeral. Of course then he gets to live his final days with a hot young chick in his bed, which would cost him a small fortune if he were to hire a “professional girl” to fulfil his sexual fantasies.

Maybe they both came to a mutual understanding and they both know exactly what they are doing. Maybe she is trading her hot young body for a green card and maybe he is trading the chance for green card for a hot young body. Or just MAYBE they are truly in love with each other and there are no evil intentions on either side. Did you ever think of that possibility?

Do you or anyone else here on this forum know this couple personally? So then why are you losing sleep over the fact that he is much older than her? Don’t you have anything more important to worry about? I think that there are a few guys around here who need to get a life. Their obvious obsession with the relative ages of total strangers whom they know absolutely nothing about makes them appear trivial and shallow minded IMHO. :-)

Just my $.02,


« Reply #47 on: March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Question, posted by Ray on Mar 19, 2003

Bully Ray Sir(the all knowing eye)...I totally agree with your many Point of view.  Anyway, there are plenty of Yesss Sir posts on this thread that are in full agreement with You...Everyone got their own opinion based on how they feel..Not everyone agree with You. Ohhh, so we need your permission to post our own opinion otherwise we are trival and shallow minded?Huh  What a Bozo, hehe
« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sergeant Master Gunner Reporting Sir, posted by greg on Mar 20, 2003

Well, Greg, I guess that means that you are incapable of answering a simple question. Not surprising at all.

Yes, Greg, you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. HOWEVER, you have NO right to come on this forum and insult another member’s fiancée. If you can’t express your opinions in a respectful manner, then please keep your mouth shut. Every time you open it, you make an ass of yourself.

What gives you the right to call Peter’s fiancée a “child” and a “brat”? How do you know what she is thinking and what her intentions are? Do you know Peter’s fiancée personally? Have you ever met her? You’re just talking trash out of your ass Greg. Does it make you feel big and important to trash another guy’s fiancée on a public forum?

And what gives you the right to insult her family with statements like “Their eyes are now filled with $$$$$$$$$$ signs(we hit the jackpot with a rich Kano, later we can all quit our jobs and live off Him)”. Did her family members tell you that Greg? Have you even met her family? Or are you just talking trash out of your ass again? I guess that makes you feel real important to insult some family that you have never met and you know nothing about, right? Does it make you feel good to impugn their reputation in a public forum?

Just what exactly is your personal stake in this relationship Greg? Are you jealous of Peter because he is getting married to a woman he loves and you’re sitting at home playing with yourself? Did you think that he would dump her after he read your insults about her? Just what business is it of yours Greg? NONE WHATSOEVER!

Why is it that when Bryan made some very spiteful and insulting remarks about Peter and his fiancée. you had to chime in with “Good Post Mr Bryan”? I suppose that means that you wholeheartedly agreed with his trivial and childish comments, right? Bryan was man enough to apologize to Peter for his remarks and I respect him for that. How about you Greg? Are you going to apologize also? Or do you still agree with everything in Bryan’s post?

If you want to express your personal opinions, then go right ahead. But when you find the need to insult good people that you know nothing about, then YOU are the one who looks like a “CHILD” and a “BRAT” IMO. And don’t give me that nonsense about being bullied or needing permission to post your opinions here. You are welcome to reply to this message in any way that you wish, so knock yourself out.

You always seem to have something negative to say Greg. Why don’t you try real hard to say something positive to Peter and his fiancée? Or how about concentrating on your own relationship instead of belittling others all the time? Who knows, you might even like yourself more if you try it...

Now have a good day Greg,


« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Sir, posted by Ray on Mar 20, 2003

Your Crap is old News. Who made You Judge and Jury on this forum. Last I heard this forum belonged to Patrick, not You..I don't need to explain zerooo to you, and I'm not going to allow you to Bully me off the board, as you have bullied Kelvin and others...Amazing, your married...but you spend all your time exploring the websites. If I was married, I wouldn't waste my time talking to the like of Guys like you. I don't read any of your Boring Posts anymore unless your flamming me. Soooo, don't read my Posts. Get a life with your wife  and stop wasting your time drinking and flamming other Posters that doesn't agree with your opinions. Gregory(son) says leave my daddy alone You bad old man hehehehe
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to RAy Sir, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

Gregory(son) says leave my daddy alone You bad old man hehehehe

Not a nice attitude for your son to say like that.....
And that makes you happy?

« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to gregory son, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003

only 2 and half, cannot you take a Joke? Ray has a big enouugh blabber mouth to defend himself without You, etc etc opening your mouths to defend him. Since your new to this forum, you know nothing about "Evil Ray". My shotgun is trained on Ray's stomach, sooo I 'm going to ignore his "Yesss Sir Buii Kissers". Thank you
« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Gregory(Pinoy), posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

You haven't said anything intelligent since you've been on this forum. Now try REAL hard and see what you can come up with. Go ahead, stretch that little brain of yours to it's limit. I'll be holding my breath in anticipation ROTFLMAOCUMLTNTPIMP!


« Reply #53 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Gregory(Pinoy), posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

I'm just concerned of what your own son might be in the future, since you say it's a joke well I get it now. thank you for reminding.
I just hope when your son grow up, he won't get your nasty mouth....IMPAKTO
If Ray is Evil, there's no difference between you and Ray he..he.....he....he..he..he...he....he....
« Reply #54 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: impakto, posted by Esiang on Mar 21, 2003

is with me. I have done you no harm. U got yourself a nasty mouth  for a Pinay,  butting into something that has nothing to do with You. Thank you, and don't bother reading any of my future posts. Have a nice day. Byeeee
« Reply #55 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Don't understand What your Beef, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

Hey Mister I dont have a beef.....he..he...I have lot's of rice.
too bad, I'm in the mood for craziness....
You too have a nice day....BYE
Don't worry I'll always read your nice posts....
Yeah, I am nasty when someone is nasty like you...

Do you think all pinay dont really ever say nasty words sometimes ha?

« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to RAy Sir, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

Leave my wife out of this you stupid little troll! If you can't speak up for yourself without crawling in the gutter, then shut your pie-hole.

You've been a trouble-maker ever since you came here. Now run along little man and pay attention to your own personal life instead of worrying about others.


P.S. Whoever "Kelvin" is, I'm sure he can speak for himself any time he wishes. The childish little game you play of "Let's you and him fight" is getting old.

« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to TROLL, posted by Ray on Mar 21, 2003

[This message has been edited by greg]

Blab, Blab, Blabber mouth. You oooold 72, 450lbs (fat), 6'5, ugly bald fart. Don't play Dumb with me you meddling TROLL. I cannot stand your smell, I can smell you from San Diego to Berkeley..Bully RAy, you need a bath.. the smell,  Your foul breath from all your heavy drinking, Help..I cannot breath..Get this funky Ray away from me, thank you hehehe
« Reply #58 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yaaaaaaawn, posted by greg on Mar 21, 2003

Your panties are showing Gregory...
« Reply #59 on: March 21, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Brilliant, Just Brilliant!, posted by Ray on Mar 21, 2003

bought you fruitcakes down to my level of intelligence. hehehe...Bubba, El..., email is
Lets spare Patrick's board, this is Fun..bring in on Please email me hehehehehehe
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