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Author Topic: venting  (Read 184060 times)
« Reply #150 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Advice" Good or Bad?, posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

Excellent points Dave! I couldn’t have said it better myself… :-)

I never could understand why a few people take all of this stuff so seriously, to the point of losing sleep over it. When another member tells of a serious problem in his or her relationship, whether they ask for advice or not, a lot of others will invariably attempt to help by offering their advice or counsel, like you said, based on their own ideas or experiences. There are usually always going to be some differences of opinion when this happens.

Just because one feels strongly about his opinions, that doesn’t make his advice any more correct than the other guy’s. When you proclaim your advice to be the ultimate “truth” and call others irresponsible because their advice and opinions don’t fall in line with yours, then you’re just putting yourself up on a pedestal. To try to blame someone for another reader’s misfortunes, simply because you don’t feel that he gave the “proper” advice, is even more ridiculous. I agree with you that the reader has the ultimate responsibility to make his own decisions regardless of what “Free” advice he got from this forum.

Feeling sympathy or compassion for another guy’s situation is good, but if you’re still fuming inside many months or years later because someone else didn’t give him the “correct” advice at the time, then something is wrong with you IMHO.


« Reply #151 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Advice" Good or Bad?, posted by Dave H on Sep 5, 2002

« Reply #152 on: September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to venting, posted by kevin on Sep 7, 2002

I've turned the matter over to my Congresswoman I hope it helps. I've called three times and all they say is it's undergoing a security check. BULL CRAP!!!

Humabdos is about to go on the war path!


« Reply #153 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Which service center you going through ?? I`m guessing NSC ?? Are you worried about pissing the INS off getting your Congressman into the matter. I have heard it tends to make them take their sweet time in certain cases.
« Reply #154 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Evan on Sep 5, 2002

No not at all. It's been almost six damed months I am the one who is PISSED off. Once I go on the war path the heads will roll.  Yep it is the N.S.C


« Reply #155 on: September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!..., posted by Humabdos on Sep 5, 2002

Same as me dude ...NSC. Mines like over a 100 days now. Keep us posted on how it goes and good luck !!
« Reply #156 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

hum, is this your first marrage from the phils? I don't remember.
« Reply #157 on: September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by MsDuong on Sep 5, 2002

« Reply #158 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

After you submit your moving documents you are supposed to get a Notice of Approval.  Then the action shifts to Manila.

At least that's the way I understand it.

BUT....I never got any notive of approval letter from the INS.  I submitted my documents on 6-5-00 and I finally thought they had lost my stuff.  I would call and get the run-around.  (Don't kid yourself.  Those folks on the other end of the INS line are not there to help you.  They are there to keep you away from their office.)  Then on 9-9-00 Tess called and said that she got her notificaiton letter for an appointment.  So even though I never heard from the INS I knew that it must be okay.

Hang in there.


The Walker
« Reply #159 on: September 05, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Vicky is up with a doozy of a stomach ache so I'll get little sleep tonight. I warned her that my Mom's creamed bermuda onions, while delicious, if taken in quantity, can have drastic gastric side efects. The problem is that they are so darned good it is hard to keep it to one serving and Vickly fell victim to temptation. I can tolerate two bowls without more than some embarassing eructate and flatus. But Vicky is too small to have two bowls, and she did.

But about the warpath. Me get-um tribe together, we go and sack INS and scalp-um many bureaucrats. We follow you. Heck the people at INS are taking advantage of their positions after 9/11. They were proved to be incompetent before, and now they can really be obstructionists and call it patriotism. A little hair lifting may be just what is needed. ;-)

Seriously, congressmen/women are the way to go. There are only two senators for the whole state. They can't get involved in mundane problems (I know, but the wolf always howls a lot louder at your own door). Congressmen/women on the other hand have a smaller voter base and can afford to pay alot more attention to it. Plus they are up for reelection much more often. It is basically the way the system was designed. Some senators take a great interest in one area of voter aid, their special peeves with the bureaucracy, as it were. Your senators aren't all that interested in INS and foreign brides. Plus you aren't waving $100,000 in their faces for soft PAC money, either. If you were I can guarantee you'd get not just a letter but a personal call. I contribute to my party, and my letters are always answered. Fair? Nope; but I have learned how to milk the system. I don't have $100 large to pass around, but I contribute enough so that they don't want to see it go somewhere else. After all, they don't want to see me in full dress uniform with all medals on display, passing a check to the other party at some function or another with newspeople there to record and report the event. Not that I really would, but the possibility is enough.

I suggest that in the future you pay a little attention to your local political party. Local politicos carry some weight with state politicos who cary weight with federal congresspersons. My local friend, Mr. Mayor is on very good terms with the state party organization. He can get answers for me sometimes faster than I can get them myself. Vicky had a green card in record time. Will I use political pull when necessary? You darn straight I will. Plus some people in the US State Department owed me big favors. I had no pull at the INS, personally, but my congressman sits (sat, rather) on the committee that oversees the INS. I had just helped him with his campaign in one or two small matters, along with Mr. Mayor, in our area. We anchored our end of the district, basically. So he was in a good and affable mood when I approached him about a small problem I had at the INS. You see, people who actually WORK for the party get sometimes more help than those who merely sign checks. If you hustle for your congressman in your area, doing the sort of scut work that is expensive to hire done, he/she saves money and they are grateful. If you do a really bang-up job, and get the reputation as a person they can call when things get hairy (a go-to guy in football), you can ask the occasional pretty heavy favor. People who are willing to work hard for their party are gold and the solons know it.


« Reply #160 on: September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by The Walker on Sep 5, 2002

I don't think I've ever had one. We have some really good onions up here in Oregon and Washington called Walla Walla sweet Onions wow! sarap sarap!  

Good comments about the INS.
I did vote thats about all the involvement in want with them ummm bass turds.  I just went a round with Oregon Dept of Revenue over an audit that was setteled in 1996! They tried to make me pay twice money I never owed in the first place!  I love my country but fear the government!
You should have seen me rant and rave at their office after they made me dig through seven year old paper work to find the canceled check! I wanted to ram it up their igot igot! lol  (yes I found it)

As far as scalping bureaucrats do you preferr a tomahawk or filipino style with a bolo?


The Walker
« Reply #161 on: September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re Bermuda onion?, posted by Humabdos on Sep 6, 2002

All bermuda onions are purple-skinned, but not all purple-skinned onions are bermudas.

They are stronger than your WW sweets and much stronger than vidalias. They are really great on sandwiches, especially hamburgers and coldcuts, where you want a lot of flavor. I prefer them for making onion rings over sweeter varieties. Most folks cream sweeter onions like vidalias and your ww's. Mom is a certified graduate of the Cordon Bleu of New Orleans, so she takes liberties with stronger flavors.

Actually, you scalp with a knife, not an otumnahawk. Oh, you could do it with the hatchet, but it is easier with the knife. It is a special knife with a thinner blade, back to belly, than a regular working or bowie knife. The otumnahawk is used to count coupe, and/or as a killing instrument on the back or side of the neck (spine and jugular veins/carotid arteries), and for slashes to the belly. Of course it is also used as a chopping tool. It is unweildy for skinning or scalping.


Jeff S
« Reply #162 on: September 06, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re Bermuda onion?, posted by The Walker on Sep 6, 2002

.. was it ever twirled around on a sling to get more momentum, a la "Wind in His Hair" in the scene from "Dances with Wolves" in the river near the end, when he kills the sargent from horseback, or was that just movie hype? I was a bit surpriesed at that scene when I first saw it, thinking it was usually thrown, or just held and used as a hand weapon.

--Jeff S.

Dave H
« Reply #163 on: September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to 160 days  no approval yet!!!!!!!!, posted by Humabdos on Sep 4, 2002

Hey Hum,

Tell them she wants to learn how to fly planes into buildings and she will be here in a few weeks.

Dave H.

« Reply #164 on: September 04, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to That Sucks Hum!!!!!!!!, posted by Dave H on Sep 4, 2002

My congressman helped us!!!  Senators seem to ignore us!


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