... in response to Scaught's account re-enabled, posted by Patrick on Jun 21, 2005I'm abroad right now but thought I'd check in. Seems I missed some good stuff buy hey, I already knew it was coming.
I'll try to avoid insulting anyone but I swear, If Frank gets anymore sympathy I think I'll throw up. He's a nice guy but that doesn't excuse him from acting the fool, as many MOB types plainly do when viewed objectively. How bad am I supposed to feel when a guy loads the gun, points it at his own heart, and pulls the trigger? I feel bad he got dumped on but pulleeze, it was no one's fault but his own. I'll even go so far as to say he'll do it to himself again. As for Scaught, I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Oops, and I said I wouldn't insult anyone. Ah well....