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Author Topic: Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies  (Read 31203 times)
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You must be joking...., posted by anono on Jan 5, 2005

I think you are taking LP the wrong way, he may appear gruff at times but he usually means well.  Simply because his mindset may run counter to alot of the MOB myth is no reason to disqualify the quality or content of his thoughs or opinions.  Alot of myth and snakeoil salesman out there pitchin' away a little dreamworld.  This little pursuit certainly does attract some queerfolk with strange ideas about FSU women and he does his best to allow reality to intrude.  Although sometimes well disguised his posts offer a lucid counterpoint to the usual stuff and makes for a good read and some provoking thought.  Peace.
Bobby Orr
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You must be joking...., posted by anono on Jan 5, 2005

Anno, nice to see you have come over to this board.  I have read your excellent trip reports on Spencer's board.  Posters on this board like LP can seem very critical.  However, very often the most critical posters have a perspective you should listen very closely to.  Do not take things personally.  Step back, read the message and take what you can to help yourself (if you feel it applies) and your situation in the FSU.  On this board you will get excellent advice and persepective - almost 100% of the time.  By the way, if you do not get an answer to a question, chances are it is in the archives, or nobody really knows for sure.
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calm down, take a step back and open you..., posted by Bobby Orr on Jan 6, 2005

i understand this..but to suggest someone (me) is one of jack's "strange" client's because i haven't learned russian in six trips?  and then attack my spelling?  that goes far beyond helping others, even if i agree with everything he says about what's happening in the FSU. having spent seven months there, learning russian or not, does give me a bit of authority myself. i am not criticizing lp for things i have done that he has not done. i do not know his circumstances. i tried to illustrate that above by making assumptions.. he may have been going over to the FSU for years and been unsusseccful because he is a a dirty arrogant slob loser like some of jacks clients (joke, ok?)or maybe he just doesn't want to get married. how do i know?  i do know i am not going to attack him for his spelling or without knowing his circumstances.  and i do take it personal when someone tries to suggest i am  strange (for not habing learnedd a lot of russian? simply because he has?)  or his spelling.
i'm sure he has a lot to offer. let him do it is a way that will not make me want to call him out on the street should i meet him in ukraine some day. jack will tell you if there is anything i hate it's an arrogant jerk.
i just want to learn and help others.
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Calm down, take a step back and open you..., posted by Bobby Orr on Jan 6, 2005

...I'll admit I come across a bit harsh at times and my writing style can be abrasive but in general I mean no malice. Those who know me personally know I'm not really as bad as I sound. In other words I'm not really a jerk, I just sometimes play one on the internet.

You have to understand I've never been in this racket for the same reasons as most. I've never been on a mission and in many ways I don't fit in well. I enjoy the travel and people of the FSU but marry one these girls? Maybe, but it'll take a lot more than a pretty face and nice legs for that to happen. If one comes along and strikes my fancy (and a few have) I would consider it but until then I'm simply enjoying the ride. In my opinion it's better than picking Olga #22 from a website or agency, writing a few letters, and then proposing to her after one or two visits. And I'm certainly not going to marry a woman I can't communicate one on one with to a deep level before I do so.

I'm not all that big a fan of marriage anyway. You have only one life and spending it on a single woman strikes me as a little nuts. If you want kids (I have two) I understand but otherwise my experience has taught me the very concept of a life long relationship is more illusion than reality. Many guys here have multiple divorces yet they can't wait to jump back in and feel importing a woman is some kind of magic bullet. Common sense implies that's a serious delusion. I'll probably marry again before I die but as long as I have years left to enjoy the variety life offers why rush it?  Besides, I'm a kept guy at home so I'm in no hurry. Lastly, wanting a wife and needing one are vastly different things and in my opinion therein lies the crux of MOB.

I'll try to be less critical. In fact I'll start by offering a public apology to Robert for being a jerk. Relax Robbert, I mean you no harm. It's just I've run into so many men in this who're screwed up it's made me a tad cynical. I accept you're only trying to find happiness in your life the best way you know how and I wish you luck. In spite of my yanking Jack's chain on occasion I think he is one of the very best in the biz if you can't handle things on your own. I'm just not a big fan of agencies is all but if I needed one I'd go with FD in a second.

So lighten up. Besides, if you hang out on Spencer's board you should already be immune. I haven't been there in a long time but that place has some of the most screwed up people I've ever seen. A shrink would have a field day over there. Take my advice and distance yourself from them before you dissolve into the same puddle of codependent goo.

« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to True nuff...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2005

you're assuming again lp...what makes you think you're the only one?  i have never been married - BY age 48..never thoughht i would and the only way i would is if i did meet the right lady and wanted her to stay in the USA longer than 3 months. jack knows me..ask him if i am one of the "strange" ones.  my bet is, i can and will do better than you dude. if that is what i want.
i am not here to pick "olga #22" and you come off like an arrogant jerk acting as if you're the only one. i see the losers on the street over here. i understand they are here because they can't get a girl back home. ask jack if i can get a girl..ok?   ask any of the past beauty queens i've dated over my life if i can get a girl back home. ask the women i dumped in ukraine.
i happen to agree with you 100% that marriage is a little, if not a lot, nuts. i am 48 and have ALWAYS been able to pick up women because i stay in shape. i was a national skydiving competitior and when my teammates found out i was at least 10 years older than the oldest of them they had to take a day off just to get over the shock. i only now feel like my age is catching up with me and you know, if i find a 9 or a 10 (on all the levels i look for in a woman), i'd settle trading her best 10-15 years of her life for the last 20 or so of mine...
i haven't married for many reasons, the major one is not finding a nearly perfect woman. i have dumped women some men would chop a pinky off just to screw once....
i also agree..needing vs wanting..  all i have to say..48yrs old, never married BY CHOICE....
about RWG..yep, some real losers over there..  i have been prodded by leslie d, jack and others to post here and it is not because i am a jerk or a loser.
i have had so many AW i lost count 20 years ago..i know wome (AW anyway) so well that is one major reason i haven't married..the biggest liars on the planet...among many other reasons...
so lp, i am not like the men you and i have both seen on the streets.  i'll go as far as saying i bet we could go into the same bar and i'll put my chances over yours, even with your russian ability...any day. i am not a fan of the agencies. i use many methods and one is on the street, in the shops, and maybe at my russian classes if i take any.
you just do not know anything about me, my circumstances.
apology accepted. i typed up a general "purpose statement" and i'll post it at the end here.
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: True nuff...., posted by anono on Jan 10, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP] thinks thou doth protest too much.

Seems you share many common attributes with MOB guys. Lots of them have never been married. Lots have been married more times than they should. We won't go into the reasons why for either. Many also think A/W are "bad" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. The same guys who blame domestic women for being shallow for wanting certain qualities in a mate, all the while going abroad for exactly the same reasons. In fact, thinking domestic women are bad or one brand of women is "better" than another is one of the hallmarks of a loser. It isn't about the women at all, it's about understanding it takes two to tango. And not to say you're one of those guys we both see on the street over there but I've yet to meet one who'll admit he is. Rationalization is a powerful thing and there are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

You can write what you want, how you want, when you want and why you want. Same with what you do over there. It's your life and I wish you luck in "fixing" it. Who am I to say what you should do? But I didn't just fall off the turnip truck and frankly, you come across as needing to learn some things and  you're looking in the wrong place for those lessons. I hope you'll "do better than me" but from what I see you're a bit behind at this point, not the least of which is already having somone. One of the "bad" ones too, superior in everyway to FSU stock. In fact I sent the imported one back after I met her. I did all this before you probably even got started.

Pick up women in bars? Good Lord, are guys your age still doing that? I don't spend time picking up women in bars but otherwise they usually try to pick me up, at least domestically. It's an occupational hazard. I wouldn't be so quick to boast that as a American you're able to pick up bar flies in Ukraine, or anywhere else for that matter. Such women are best left to the lowest common denominator. I'd have thought a guy with your "experience" would already know that. Think you'll find one that meets your long eluded level of quality that way?

And if you really think you're going to give some woman the best years of her life you might want to adjust some other standards. And I'm not talking about the standards you have for her, although considering the beauty queens and the rest of the women you've been with (you know, the ones other guys would chop their pinkies off for) those standards might also require some tweaking. Six trips and seven months in 2004 alone? Lemme guess, you're an independently wealthy playboy who can have any A/W he wants but chooses instead to go abroad where he'll settle for nothing less than the finest and hopes to find it in a bar or agency. (Oh and btw, I still have all my digits...guess I was lucky not to have run into any of your rejects).

No, I don't know your circumstances but I can somewhat read between the lines because I've been in this a long time. And if you're using an agency you must need handholding because you haven't got what it takes to go it alone. I could see that on a first trip but six? Nor is such an approach likely to get you the "quality" you've been seeking for 30 years. It all implies something about you and your experinece with woman no matter what you preach as gospel.

No offense intended, really. Just my two kopecks mixed in with a little of my normal perspective. Have fun and be careful.

PS: Tell Rocky I said hi. If you ever get to know him on a deeper level you'll find he's not really the guy he appears to be. Not that he's better or worse, just different. He's good at what he does and I'm not talking about what he does as a guide, although he's certainly very good at that also.

« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fwiw..., posted by LP on Jan 10, 2005

Hey Moe,

You are a stitch.  I still see you're still here posting, educating, etc., no matter who doesn't want to be educated.

That's OK, as if they haven't figured it out yet already, the only difference between a girl here and over there is that there are more of them over there who are willing to come here for what they percieve as a better life, and simply, more of them, who are also younger....etc.

Sometimes it's better to throw in the towel and let them figure out that they're just pissing up a rope.

For me, I haven't thrown in the towel yet for those over there yet, I'm just a bit more cautious, knowing that they can be snakes at any age, plus I do just fine over here.


PS:  Our diseased patient is alive and well after a long time under out
"magic box."

« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Fwiw..., posted by Globetrotter on Jan 10, 2005

Hey Shemp,

Good to hear from you. I was just talking about guys like you in a post below. Not by name of course, that would be vain. I haven't given up on them yet either but I'm getting pretty bored with all of it.

Glad to hear all is well. I hear the Feds are gonna stick it to Hizzoner in a big way (now *there* is an arrogant jerk). Lol, no wonder it's called
"Ill Annoys" by half the country. He certainly deserves it but it's a pity guys like you will have to pick up the tab.

Still alive and well huh? That's great, it sure beats the alternative. I still don't buy it though, it just doesn't add up. Try pointing it at the sky, if nothing bad happens you'll get my vote Wink

« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Fwiw..., posted by LP on Jan 10, 2005

Moe........Hizzoner is not going to trial, but our former Governor, who will now doubt do hard time for his sins, which is a pity as "Hizzoner" is more guilty for more.

Still, you tout wisdom, but less that a few listen.  Even Jack who's in the biz touts most of your thoughts.  

I almost went into the oil business in Russia, but found that most of those I would be dealing with were in the...
shall we say "Black Hand" whereby I found that "I" could not afford to be in business with them.

Healthy is not the word for our patient...very much alive is more like it.  Hospitals are now using the same technology.  Difference is they use one needle with the same stuff, but can only treat one area as opposed to the whole deal like the "octupus syndrome" which can't be treated.

Glad you are well....

« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to True nuff...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2005

Nah, you really are a jerk! LOL  I loved your:
"In other words I'm not really a jerk, I just sometimes play one on the internet."  Good line.  I got a good laugh from it.

I read Roberts post and winced.  I know he is a good guy with his sh!t together from another forum.  I also knew that he didn't know you or your circumstances. Difficult to see two guys you respect heading for a train wreck when they really are on the same chapter but different page.  Any way no big deal.  Happy New Year to you my friend.

« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I disagree, posted by KenC on Jan 7, 2005

thanks ken
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I disagree, posted by KenC on Jan 7, 2005

...Thanks Ken. Yeah, this biz involves a certain level of stress and emotion and people aren't always going to see I to I. Robert is probably OK but you and I both know how whacked out some of these guys are. I'm just sensitive to the real morons out there and sometimes I jump the gun. My bad. Best wishes to you and your lovely wife.
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I disagree, posted by LP on Jan 7, 2005

ok lp..let's let this one slide, you give me the benefit of a doubt and i'll give you mine. i asked rostick aout you and he couldn't come up with anything bad to say other than i don't think you're russian is as good as you like it to come across...
my question is, how far does it really go?  i am sure it is a great icebreaker or conversation starter, but can you have as much discussion in russian as you would with a fluent english speaking lady? i'm glad for you if you're able...
Bobby Orr
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to True nuff...., posted by LP on Jan 6, 2005

Just so right on the money.  It is a shame so many guys out there just do not get what you are saying.  Never the less, I can not praise you too much because I am sure you'll let me have it next time I am off - but rightly so - because I'll probably agree with you eventually!
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to LP - could not have said it better mysel..., posted by Bobby Orr on Jan 6, 2005

...That they don't get it may not be entirely their fault. I suspect some of the problem lies in the delivery Wink

I seriously doubt you'll ever get any grief from me. For one thing you're done, your time has come. Second, you've never been one to wax poetic about this thing or exhibit any goofiness at all. Nor are you here now trying to bolster your ego buy exhibiting your "catch" to the world.  Nah, your stabilty has long been established. You've always come across as a guy who quietly took his time, set his own course, and stuck to it in spite of the obstacles. All while keeping a low profile and following the path less traveled. I respect that.

I also continue to find it faintly amusing that, time and again, the people who think I'm OK are always the ones who're usually respected by others, even those who'd like to put my lights out. And they always seem to stand out as the most well adjusted in this endeavor. That alone tickles me no end.

Not that I'm surprised by any of it mind you, just amused Wink

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