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Author Topic: Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies  (Read 33206 times)
« on: January 05, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

Regarding the thread below, there is one aspect that people (including very experienced people) are overlooking.

That is that a very large portion of the FSU women are listed with agencies or with some type of matchmaking internet site.

Thus, when you approach the woman on the street and view her as being different because you didn't contact her through an agency, you are just kidding yourself.

She is listed somewhere, just not with a site you have looked at.

Therefore, I conclude that, on average, the ladies you meet on the street are no different than the ladies you meet through a typical MOB method.

« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies, posted by Albert on Jan 5, 2005

OK, sure none of us know the complete situation.
But here is what I have found.  I have been to FSU over 20 times in last 5 years.  I go primarily for business, but also meet with 8-15 gals on each trip.  I have had initial face to face meetings with over 150 different women.  
The vast majority of these were from contacts I made on internet match sites such as MatchDoctor, LuckyLovers, FriendFinder, AmericanSingles, etc.  I have never used any agency.

Of the 150, 21 of them were ladies I met while in the FSU through other means such as at businesses I was doing business with, at ballet, in apartment elevators, hallways, etc., and introductions from wives of businessmen.

Of these latter 21, every single one of them told me later that they were listed with some agency or on some internet site that I had not used.  Pretty compelling evidence for me.

I have only visited the primary large cities in FSU.  So I don't have any data on small town ladies.

Also, just for the record, I have never met any scammer, and all of these gals were over 35 years of age.

« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to More info, posted by Albert on Jan 8, 2005

whoaaaaaa, no, I mean WHOAAAAAAA Albert, you have met over 129 ladies from MatchDoctor, LuckyLovers, FriendFinder, AmericanSingles and NEVER met a single scammer!! UN-BELIEVABLE!!

Albert, these are without doubt four of the most scam plagued sites you will find anywhere! Are their good girls on these sites? Yes, but these four sites have, and produce more scammers than any other four sites I can name. This is really un-believeable.

Almost as un-believable as the 21 big city, over 35 ladies you met on the streets, in the market and elevators ALL, being involved with agencies or listed on the I-net. Again, UN-BELIEVABLE!!

I thought Karl's estimate of 50 to 60 % of all single women in Ukraine  being involved with agencies or i-net listings was hysterical, but your 100% experience has to rank up their as a Rippley's believe it or not.

« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to whoaaaa, ...... oh I get it. Early April..., posted by Jack on Jan 9, 2005

Svetlana's son met his wife on the chat line.
This was after his mother became my bride.
Jack, they are both Odessians.
Perhaps I should say were, because they are immigrating to the US this month.
Andrew is already New York. The wife should arrive end of Jan.
The point is, not all internet relationships involve foreign participants.
I think even here in the States, there is considerably more chat correspondence than may be realized.
Say hi to Nat....


« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies, posted by Albert on Jan 5, 2005

..and certainly one can't "conclude" anything using no research at all.
Always remember, if we tend to generalize, we can generally be wrong.

You can meet "girls on the street". I see nothing at all wrong with that (as long as they are not 'street girls'  and they are over there too.)
So why go all the way to Europe (expensive) JUST to meet  "girls on the street"?
I would guess that least five or six out of ten single Ukrainian women have listed (or considered listing with some sort of agency or have at least searched internet chat lines for relationships.  
Maybe dittos Russians.  

« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Questionable research at best...., posted by tfcrew on Jan 7, 2005

why?  you've been there right?  you do not see a difference?
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Questionable research at best...., posted by anono on Jan 10, 2005

..I see that you have apparently spent a lot more time in the FSU than I.
How fortunate.
I also see that you reside in So. Ill.
Just the girls in Warsaw would blow away that whole state.
I'm from Texas.
Not much better.
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies, posted by Albert on Jan 5, 2005

Albert, this is just my opinion.

Maybe, just maybe, at the most 10% of all these women we see out walking about, the women we are talking about in this thread, are listed with agencies.

That's all, no more. This is why I can say, and not from an opinion but experience, from the women you meet away from agencies, ladies in the market, ladies standing in bus lines waiting to go home, ladies walking down Nevsky Prospekt, ladies who respond from newspaper ads, when these ladies express a real interest in a man their is a much higher percentage of these ladies feelings being true, being real, as compared overall to the ladies who are with agencies.

Or another way to put it might be you have fewer scammer women in real life as compared to scammer women with agencies.

« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Meeting ladies on the street vs agen..., posted by Jack on Jan 6, 2005

I agree with Jack's conclusion Albert.  Whether the real # is 10% or 12% or 15%,  those FSU women listed with agencies are in the minority.  I have known a few would never even consider such a thing,  for their own reasons.  And some FSU agencies are thouroughly disreputable.  I think you could be sure that ones you meet going about their daily life,  and being interested in you...are genuinely interested,  for whatever their reasons.  And that is another can of worms.  This is my guess,  but I think some of the very best RW/UW are not listed with agencies at all.  That in and of itself is a very good reason to learn Russian so that you are prepared,  so you can make your own impromptu introduction.  In a one-on-one relationship the best thing to do is to get the agency out of the picture at the outset.  Unless,  of course you need alot of help.  And therin,  lies a problem if a guy needs too much help.
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Accurate Conclusions, posted by tim360z on Jan 6, 2005

For starters one of the service that I offer is too go "hunting" for non-agency ladies in Kherson. The reason we do this is very simple. For starters not all ladies are aware of what an agency does and the reputation of agencies isn't one of glamour in Ukraine. Most ladies believe that agencies are very corrupt and take advantage of the ladies in their pursuit of money. The rest of the ladies tend to listen to the local men who want nothing to do with the agency and would prefer to keep all of the ladies out of the agencies. Because of this we do not allow the ladies profile to be view in Kherson in order to protect the ladies from harassment for the local boys.

I meet my wife walking though Kherson with a client out "hunting" When I ask her why she hadn't join our agency she had a simple response that she didn't have the time or a desire to join. She had no problem finding a boyfriend in Kherson. Today she highly recommends the agency to her friends.

Typical there are two types of ladies in agencies. The primary types are ladies who are looking for a good husband and have consider the option of finding one overseas. These ladies have taken the first step and are more acceptable to the life outside of Ukraine. The second minority groups are the ladies who fall under either professional dater are scammers.

A non-agency lady is going to be more difficult to date and convince to leave the country for marriage. But it isn't impossible to find one who will. An agency lady is going to be more acceptable to the ideal and be more likely to accept a marriage proposal.

My advice is and will always be to use an agency as a means of meeting ladies in a given city. If you have the extra time and money and wish to search outside of the agency for ladies. It can easily be done if you are willing to spend the exta time and effort to find a lady who is willing to leave the country in which she was born.

Hope this helps.
Kevin Hayes

Bobby Orr
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An agency point of view. , posted by khersongirls on Jan 7, 2005

Is the negative perception of being involved in MOB presently hurting your agency's ability to recruit girls more now than in past years?  Has there been a drop-off in the amount of guys going over using your agency lately?  It seems there have been alot more of what I would term negative trip reports to Kherson lately, where guys are not at all getting close to hooking up or even getting outright scammed.  Any explanation of the problems Kherson is continuing to have with reputation - or am I way off base.
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Is negative perception hurting you, posted by Bobby Orr on Jan 7, 2005

I'm not sure of your source, but we continue to add ladies every week and you can see by our engagment pages we are still very succeful.

I have notice that the men are getting more selective or using muiltiple trips now more then in the past during there searches.

The false web site that were created by my competitors has had an effect on the agency. But most people can read these false sites and see that they were created not by a client but by another agency.

I'm not reading many scam reports in kherson as I use to a few years back. Most of the scam reports are with the same agencies network that scam the men in every city.

I wish that I did have a MOB connection in Ukraine.  Unfortionally most of the local scam agencies have stronger connections then I will every have. This is why they are still open.

Kevin Hayes

« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An agency point of view. , posted by khersongirls on Jan 7, 2005

The "hunting" may not be for everyone and that is where a good agency with ethics and experience can be of great help.  Like yourself or Jack who each run a clean shop...but you are certainly in the minority.  Thanks for your POV.

« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Meeting ladies on the street vs agencies, posted by Albert on Jan 5, 2005

[This message has been edited by LP]

...So therefore, you conclude?!? What is the "therefore" based on? Putting a plastic bag over your head and seeing if you can operate a keyboard? Or are you pleading one of the "therefore, I am" defenses?

As Dan pointed out no one knows for sure but simple common sense implies that vast majority of FSU women aren"t involved with MOB and my own personal experience bears that out. I've been meeting non-MOB women for years and although many have pondered it not a single one ever got involved. Why? Because they were concerned what their family and friends would think and because they themselves feel it's shameful. I had several women tell me they feel it's a betrayal of their country and culture.

I suggest you start asking the non-MOB FSU people you meet about this endeavor. Not your girl or her family, try asking strangers you strike up a conversation with in bars, on trains, planes, ect, assuming your girl will even let you. Try it and see, you may well find your dream bride would rather you kept quiet.

You'll find MOB is looked upon with the same disdain by the general population of the FSU as it is by the general population of the US and other countries. My experience has been most "regular" people's perception in the FSU is these these girls fit into the same category the US population considers the men. In fact you'll soon feel it's best to disguise the reasons you're even visiting their country. How many times on this board have we heard from guys taking heat from their families and freinds for being involved in this? Are you so naive as to think it's any dfferent in the FSU? And I won't even tell you what many employees of the INS and State Department feel about it. If the ones I've talked to had their say the K1s would stop tomorrow.

Therefore, I conclude you're nuttier than squirrel sh**.

« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2005, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to You must be joking...., posted by LP on Jan 5, 2005

LP, if i react like you do, which is running off at the mouth without finding out any facts, i would have to conclude YOU are a "strange" one.  you have been coming over here for years and have not found a lady that will put up with you?  maybe i can see why. i have only been here a few days (on this site) and yet you come off as an arrogant jerk.. you make assumptions based on basically nothing. you think because jack had to teach me a few words of russian that i do not know any other russian..incredible..and that i must be a "strange one".  i can see why you are unable to land a you like how i am making all these assumptions?  i am doing what you are doing..being an arrogant jerk and basing my comments on very little
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