... in response to Hey!..Sounds suspiciously like my wife N..., posted by Stevo on Dec 24, 2003[This message has been edited by LP]
....*is* your wife, sick to death of you and looking to jump ship. Lol, for the life of me I can't undertand why...
wilmc: I felt the same in some ways. I've written her in an attempt to cultivate a friendship as I continue to be interested in what drives these women and her perspective might be enlightening.
I've told her "rich" is a relative term as the average American Joe could provide all she asks. Still, her viewpoint that a lack of money destroys otherwise good relations seems at odds with real love between two people. (Perhaps her experience with Ukrainian guys.)
I could certainly give her what she wants, especially the travel part. (I might even spring for an ocassional cake too.) Not sure about her demand for shopping and the flat in Kiev though. And as as I said, the big fluffy cat would end up going down the disposal. Also me thinks if she ever gets to the US she'll have more than the usual culture shock to deal with.
You speak with heap big forked tongue there Cherokee, just because I come across a bit harsh doesn't mean I don't treat my squaws well. And I'm a softie in other ways: www.pilotsforkids.org
I can be all these things...but if it ever gets around I'll deny everything 
Merry Christmas to all...