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Author Topic: "Pravda" article  (Read 5414 times)
« on: December 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

In today's online edition of Pravda there is an interesting article about foreign marriages:

Do perfect husbands exist? - 12/16/2003 16:48

Marriage is an important event, where both parties are responsible for the outcome. Cultural differences along with differences of personal opinions are also of great importance. Most often, we hear complaints of our former fellow countrywomen about stinginess of their husbands. Their husbands in turn, often complain that their wives are too prodigal.

 Every woman dreams of a perfect family and of a loving husband. She loves and wants to be loved. There is nothing weird about the fact that she is completely supported by her boyfriend/husband. After all, her man is the one to provide for her financially. There exists an ancient tradition of finding a husband, his training and his keeping among Russian women.

 According to a common opinion, Russian women prefer to marry a foreigner in order to escape from their unstable country. An overwhelming majority of foreign admirers are eager to turn their ?Russian beauties¦ into housewives.

 Men who marry Russian women actually ?buy¦ them. Women in turn, ?sell themselves.¦ Such marriages are considered unequal, since majority of women do not possess any rights whatsoever.

 There is also another factor worth mentioning. The way we perceive certain things tend to differ from their (foreign). We are more sentimental and temperamental at the same time. They on the other hand, are more practical and passive. Many Russian women consider a household fight with smashing plates a norm. For them, this is absolutely intolerable behavior. With time however, both partners tend to gravitate more towards each other. They become more understanding of each other and become more sensitive towards each others- needs.

 A question regarding a career path of a Russian wife often becomes a real stumbling bloc in such relationships. While a woman can be a well-respected expert here in Russia, over there she is nothing. She needs to verify her diplomas, learn the language, look for a job, and prove her abilities to her employers. Many are unable to tolerate all of this. They constantly complain, yell, stay at home and do not attempt to do anything to stop their misery. Those who do overcome such shock, achieve a lot in the end.

 One of the main problems faced by Russian women abroad is a language barrier. This however, pertains more to her career than to her personal life. Russian women often try to avoid domestic fights in case something bothers them.

 Foreign men are absolutely certain that they are better than Russian men, informs NewsInfo.

 Source: NewsInfo

« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Pravda" article , posted by wilmc on Dec 16, 2003

To stop by and ask us a few questions, hopefully she stops by.
Frank O
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to "Pravda" article , posted by wilmc on Dec 16, 2003

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