... in response to My Trip to "Ivanovo" New Agenc..., posted by MarcDayton on Oct 26, 2003Depends on your objectives; if you're looking for fast money on a short term basis, simply joing the merry-go-round of virtual web-based agencies who take lists of women from each other and sell as many addresses as they can. Translations are a great spin-off by the way, especially if charged by the word (a good letter-writer is required, but they can be hired; just drop a line to absoluteagency.com, maybe they will lend you theirs.I often wonder what seedy charatcers I've corresponded with in the past!) The overheads are low, and no matter how many of us wise-asses might be out there, there will always be plenty of newbies to prey on.
On the other hand, you could make the effort to do things properly, i.e. follow the advice posted by the guys below. Your database will not be as extensive if you are more choosy but if your reputation is good, people will pay more to use someone they trust. The only suggestion I would add, is that you produce a video catalogue; still photos are notoriously misleading, and although video isn't scam proof, at least it proves that the women actually exist and have attended your office.
Presumably you will be able to run the agency in tandem with your travel company, and have representatives at those different cities who can interview local women; that will also be a plus, the women from provincial towns tend to be more genuine than the big-city gals.
Good luck with the project, & keep us posted!