... in response to I leave on 3rd tip Oct 29th to marry!!!, posted by Frank O on Oct 7, 2003Frank congrats and good luck-
dont sweat the paperwork..its a breeze with a little patience standing in line
at the Ukraine ministry of foriegn affaires and ZAGS.
The DCF paperwork is also very easy and straightfoward.
the US embassy and consulate in kiev were pretty helpful and prompt.
I se avbove you have some questions on legalizing documents.
i wouldnt waste time in doing this at a ukarine consulte stateside.
the one here in bChicago is NO help anmd bad attituydes toi boot.
you can get the paper notorized frre at the US embassy/consulate in kiev.along with the non impediment to marry certificate.
These sdocs are needed by ZAGs.
Zags wont honor them unless they are stamped by the ukraine ministry of foriegn affairs in kiev
( or a ukranie consulte oin the US for you)
so take your docs to the us embassy early morning.. get the non impeiment to marry doc,, fill it out , have the consulate officer swear you in on both and notorize them
go to the foriegn ministry of affairs befope noon
( i think) stand i nline and then turn in your docs.
at 430pm ?
go stand in line again to pick up and pay for your ukranian officialized docs.
get your english docs translated into ukranian by a legal/nortorized translater-
and get your fiancees dos translated to english ( for the us consulate and the I 130)
then youll be ready to hit zags with your fiancee as long as you have your passport and she has her passport and birth certificate.
a note! zags requires you to turn in thses docs 30 days before the wedding.
its the rules.
by your post you wont be there that long.
you need an inside at zags to vbribe..
or show your travel itineray and make copies for the Zags officer.
a note from your employer showing you cant be gone for that length od time may also be recognized.
keep in mind they do NOT have to allow this.the riule is 30 days.
I had no troubles and the zags official just made a copy of my airline tix.
however ive heard some guys had to donate a bottle of vodka with a 50 or 20 teid around the neck
whatever works.
FSU where rules are made to be bent. 
FWIW i had no trouble calling the US consulate in kiev ever,and they know thier own requitrmenbts and also Zags requirments pretty wel and even have a litle flier that lists the addresses of "official tanslaters" that can do the ukranian translations for you of legal notorized docs.
if you have trouble or want a fguty to show you around to the offices you need to go and offer true legal advice
contact Rostic in kiev from First Dream. Galkina /kiev
or Jack b/texas can get you in touch with him.
He speaks english extreemly well, with an american slang /accent so dont be afraid to call him lol
ok not much that you asked in this post but really addressing the other post as well!
you semed to be fliiping out and its no big deal trust me.
good luck and best wuishes