Someone below posted a message about a new livecam on Red Square. Well, you'll NEED a live webcam to see Red Square these days. I just came back from my latest trip to Moscow, and, guess what? Red Square is CLOSED and barricaded off, baby! Everyone there seems to think it will be closed to the public until at least the end of September, possibly because of "terrorism concerns". So, while normally you can just walk up on Red Square and see St. Basil's and Lenin's fake wax figure up close and personal, now the "LiveCam" and arranged special tours are the only way you're gonna get a close up view of the "Krasny Plochet" these days.
And, wow! For those of you who haven't been to Moscow has changed. Its becoming in many ways more like Paris and New York and every other freakin' large world destination capital...along with more attitude, and more fashion designer boutiques than in YOUR city. And what's with all the new tourists toting backpacks and eating at McDonald's? What's going on? I've never seen so many tourists in Moscow. I was also recently asked for the first time which hotel I was staying at before gaining entry to a nightclub, to which I naturally replied "I'm staying at Kiss my @ss Hotel."
And I'm thinking the women are losing their interest in leaving Russia to be here with a guy like...well...with a guy like YOU! Things are going way too well for them there. And guess what? They really DO like Russian guys, despite the myth that they don't. Its looking like Russia is just about officially over for the MOB scene get over there quickly guys and grab your provincial Russian wife, before you miss the boat.
There also seems to be a burgeoning new anti-American sentiment going on there, (whether your girl tells you this or not...they are saying "its not so much the American people who are so bad, its your government"), and its partly due to the fanaticism and bully tactics of Bush, who, if he had not been denied admission to UT law (truly one of the finest darn law schools in the land), would probably have less of a chip on his shoulder and the world would be a safer and more free place...and more Russian babes might still really wanna come here to marry guys who live in a trailer or who post details and pictures of their love life on message boards.
Okay, well call me a troll ("I know you are, but what am I?"), or whatever, but there's my "its a new Russian world order, and the girls don't REALLY wanna come here and marry guys like you anymore" rant. Now go see Red Square on LiveCam!