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Author Topic: Beware the "Angel of Love"  (Read 6078 times)
« on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

Just saw my ex on the website for the above company, using photos that we took together. You need balls of steel for this game sometimes!

They say never look back, but curiosity made me enquire when the profile was posted (to know if we were living a lie for part or all of the 6 months!) and also why it appeared on a Ukrainian website when she is not from that country.

They answered that she is working and studying in Kiev. She is not. And she has never been to Kiev, has no reason to and never intends to.

I assume "Angel of Love" is included in the "rogues gallery" of dead-end agencies?

« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Beware the "Angel of Love", posted by Streetwise on Aug 4, 2003

A little favor to ask....When you have time, tell me what Samara is like.


« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey Street.................., posted by Globetrotter on Aug 5, 2003

I was there in winter, it was very cold and dark for much of the time so I did not get the full flavour of the place. I spent most of my 3 days there with one lady but I would not like to be there alone for any length of time, especially in winter!

The first night I stayed in a hotel slightly away from the centre but due to difficulty in getting taxis I moved to another hotel in the centre. I think it was the Hotel National; anyway it was dirty and neglected, and none of the staff spoke English. There was a resident gorilla in the lobby to keep the peace. However, it was less exposed than the outskirts and easier to get taxis etc.

I was introduced to some of the lady's friends and we went out one night for a few beers. We also went round to their place for dinner but first went shopping for the "makings" in a local supermarket. They didn't want me to pay for anything but I insisted on it. Their apartment was tiny, and in need of TLC, high up in a crumbling apartment block; they had two small kids. This guy had been a pilot in the air force apparently, but didn't have much to show for it. However, they could not have been more friendly, and were very curious to know about England etc; it was a real eye opener.

Samara is not an attractive place by any standard, but hey, who goes there for the arcitecture? I think the hotels have improved but I stand by my advice to stay in the centre. There was a definite feel of lawlessness about the place at that time, and I did receive some lingering stares from unpleasant looking characters; I noticed one or two large cars with blacked out windows cruising slowly around the centre. I did not leave the hotel entrance until the cab pulled up with my girl in it. If I had "dressed down" a bit more I could probably have relaxed better.

I remember we went to a local disco bar, and the atmosphere inside was fairly tense with a lot of drunks around. Make sure you book a table if you go to one of those places, so you don't have to mix it with the locals too much. Samara is, or was, the Russian equivalent of Detroit (I believe you call it motor city?) Lada had a big manufacuring plant there; that's why they named one of the models the Lada Samara.  

On a more positive note, Samara was at that time served by Lufthansa from Frankfurt, and maybe still is; so not necessary to risk one of the local carriers. However, it's a seriously long journey from the city to the airport with very bad roads, and much worse in winter (leave plenty of time for that.) On the ramp at the airport I saw a small fleet of YAK42's in the livery of Samara Airlines, which I believe belongs to a local entrepeneur, but don't let a swanky paint job fool you!

In retrospect, I took a bit of a chance with my trip; if my girl had been less than scrupulous I would have been vulnerable there. Just choose a central hotel, dress down, stay alert in public places, and remember the long journey back to the airport. And try to go in the summer, I'm sure there are nice green places to go by the river which were hidden by snow during my stay, which would make up for the blandness of the city.

« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hey Street.................., posted by Streetwise on Aug 5, 2003

Thanks for the info.  I am surprised, as that part of the Volga region is supposed to be an "economic engine" second only to the Moscow area, plus Samara was the seat of government during WW2 as the Germans were only 20 miles from Moscow.  The Bolshoi was also relocated there at the were art treasures, and everything else the Russians wanted to keep from the Germans.

I know a few years ago a "cop shop" there was blown up killing some 70 people.  Kind of a message to the police that they weren't "looking the other way" often enough.  

I thought it might be a place to visit as one can take a boat from there right into Moscow...a 4 day cruise, I think.

Auto production, aerospace, gas industry supplies, technical and arts universities are located there.  I guess it is an "economic engine" with no doubt who runs the place.

Thanks Again

« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Beware the "Angel of Love", posted by Streetwise on Aug 4, 2003

What's the link to this agency?  I don't get a dating service at  Just curious.
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Beware the "Angel of Love", posted by Richard on Aug 4, 2003
John K
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Beware the "Angel of Love", posted by Streetwise on Aug 4, 2003

Even when you're married, don't be surprised if your wife's profile resurfaces.  Marina's does periodically, much to my amusement.  She's *not* amused though, and I get tasked with getting her profile taken down.  I get hounded about it until it's gone, too.  

Such is the life of a husband: household provider, chauffeur, bug killer, and internet profile cop.  :-)

Cold Warrior
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to It happens., posted by John K on Aug 4, 2003

Is your Missus back yet? has her views about the US/UA changed in any way after the recent trip?
John K
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey JohnK......., posted by Cold Warrior on Aug 4, 2003

We spent the last week on vacation, just enjoying being alone together.  It's the first week we've had since before we were married that I haven't had to work, visit relatives, work on the house, etc.  It was kind of our honeymoon, except we pretty much stayed at home most of the time.  The only exceptions being a few hours one evening at work to troubleshoot some telephone T1 lines with my boss, and an all day excursion to Disneyland.

As far as her opinions go, she still doesn't care for life in America, but Marina does feel happy that we will soon be returning to live in Iowa.  Iowa feels more like home to her than California does, even though she only lived there approximately a year.  We are looking forward to finishing up and selling the house and getting stuff packed.  

One big plus to being back in the US for Marina is that she feels safer over here.  While in Ukraine, she felt constantly on guard whenever she was in public.  You have to over there, as there are plenty of people ready to take advantage of you, if you let them.  It really wore on her after a while.  Apparently, the less stressful life in America has softened her up a little too much...

Once back in Iowa, we plan to rent for a year and see what comes available next spring.  We don't want to rush into another house, like we did this one.  This next time, we will take our time and do it right.

« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to It happens., posted by John K on Aug 4, 2003

I'm sure it does happen quite a lot, and you have to see the funny side; it's just a bit difficult when you see pictures of her that were taken after you met... by your own fair hand, with YOUR camera!!!
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