1. What do the stripes on the flag mean?
A. They represent the largest states in the union.
B. They represent the original 13 states.
C. They represent all the wars the U.S. has fought.
D. They honor our first 13 presidents.
2. Which countries were our enemies during World War II?
A. Russia, China and Japan
B. Germany, Austria and Belarus
C. Norway, Sweden and Switzerland
D. Germany, Italy and Japan
3. Who elects the president?
A. American people directly elect the president
B. The Electoral College
C. U.S. Senators
D. The United Nations
4. Who becomes president if the president and vice president die?
A. Dan Rather
B. The first lady
C. Speaker of the House of Representatives
D. The Senate Majority Leader
5. Name three rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
A. Right to free speech, press and religion
B. Right to peaceable assembly, request a change of government and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure
C. Right to a speedy and public trial in all criminal prosecutions, right of the people to keep and bear arms and freedom from any soldier, in time of peace, to be quartered in any house
D. All of the Above
6. Who said "Give me liberty or give me death?"
A. Mike Wallace
B. Ronald Reagan
C. George Washington
D. Patrick Henry
7. Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
A. A civil rights leader
B. The fourth president
C. Part of President Richard Nixon's cabinet
D. A senator from Mississippi
8. Which president is called the "Father of our Country?"
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. John F. Kennedy
9. Which president freed the slaves?
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. John F. Kennedy
10. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?
A. 27
B. 21
C. 29
D. 18