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Author Topic: FYI Discovery Health Channel  (Read 3586 times)
« on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

9pm central time tonight:  Seeking Russian Bride.  Supposed to be about you.  Just thought I'd let you know.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to FYI  Discovery Health Channel, posted by Marty on Jun 2, 2003

To the tube we go !
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: ME !!!  , posted by wsbill on Jun 2, 2003

Funny how the "word" LOVE is such a bad thing to say in such a short amount of time.

I'm curious what Larisa thought about it.

It would be interesting to see who's marriage is over and why...

« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: LOL... that was interesting., posted by wsbill on Jun 2, 2003

We had some good laughs, some because we were watching others attempts at courting, some because we were in their place at one time too.

It had some good lessons though if you were listening.  The first guy, some sort of millionare, was maybe 45 and went over to see one lady, about 27(?) with good English skill and with one kid (7-9).  I didn't like him because he was too good to do some of the things she was trying to entertain him with.  Larisa and I both had good feelings about her though.  At the end of the show, if you caught it, she wanted another child and he didn't; meaning they hadn't talked about it before getting married.

The second guy was full of lessons, divorced 3 times, a grandpa, maybe 55-65 (but in good shape).  Went over to meet one girl in particular, 34 but looked 24.  They were supposed to meet at the train depot but didn't see each other: lesson-have a more specific place to meet as the depot is huge.  They did connect back at the hotel, as soon as we saw the lady Larisa said there was something wrong with her, I was busy checking her out.  As they started doing things together I thought there was a bit of hesitancy on her part and the 30(?) year age difference was obvious.  He knocks on her door and she's just leaving to go back home (unexplained) and he insists on going with her.  Lesson-you have about 2 weeks to get to know each other and if she's playing hard to get maybe she's not interested.  Anyway, he gives her $500 and he never hears from her again.  His second try goes a lot better and Larisa and I liked the lady (with daughter) instantly and for the rest of the show.  It took him maybe a week to propose but we thought she was worth it.  

All I have time for, interested to know what others saw.  Overall I thought it was very fair and a good view of the process although they didn't include the times or the mountainous paperwork involved.  Also, the millionaire and the grandpa were probably not average seekers.

« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to But good with some lessons, posted by Marty on Jun 3, 2003

I agree when I saw who gramps was meeting, it was clearly over from the get go.   Hate to say it but women do prefer a guy that's taller than them or atleast equal height..

That was my first clue in, as well as the age difference between them was noticeable.  

What turned me off was dumb words he was professing to her.
Saying things to the first girl.  Clearly, he sounded like
a horny guy in a candy store. yuck, get real.

She wised up to reality really quick.  These girls are not dumb, desperate maybe but not dumb.

The second girl for gramps was a real positive.  They just looked like a match.  And I thought that was pretty cute the little daughter getting upset at her mother for not kissing her in the same way she was kissing on him.

Clearly, no doubt the little daughter will fall in love with gramps as well.  What's the saying (mothers with their sons / fathers with their daughters).
The Millionaire, I just got bad vibes from him as well.
I don't know if I disliked this guy because he was rich and I'm poor. ha.  But he was always seeming to be a little bit over bearing on her.

Clearly, we all saw the friction initally.   But she was kinda acting kinda dingy as well.  So they might be a match.

I agree, how he was interacting with the kid.  And how the kid was snubing him.   The kid and the father are in competition for their mother affection.  And the kid was acting out.

Hopefully, the guy would work on building a good relationship with the little boy.

I tell you this much.   Being poor has it's advantages - it the marriage does go bust.  There ain't much to lose.  So some of you really well to do guys, just might rent a mobile home and get a dumpy car for the first year or so to see how it all works out.  Then over time, introduce her to upscale living.  (I guess that would mean a double wide for me) LOL.

« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Grandpa and the Millionaire, posted by wsbill on Jun 3, 2003

I watched the last half of the show and rich boy acted like he had a prize and not a wife. I would bet anything she will end up leaving him, he seems to bossy for any women. He wouldn't even let her cook her way, if he's so good why didn't he do it himself. The way he acted with the kid was a disgrace if you don't behave I will send you back? It makes you wonder if he will say the same to his wife.I wonder who is the bigger child the young boy or moneybags? Proof money doesn't make you a better person if you act better than this guy, then you are way ahead of him. I liked the other couple and hope they do well, I think the girl will bond with her stepfather very well.

Funny they did the show with to RW already having children.

« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Grandpa and the Millionaire, posted by stefang on Jun 3, 2003

I only watched about half of the show, but IMHO Mr.Moneybags seemed like he needed his daily dose of Xanax increased... Her dream has been fulfilled... Big house, Rolls Royce, $$$$,  but the price she has to pay is living with him...

I give the other couple a chance... Sad but sweet was the interview with the little girl... Where she was sad that her father didn't love her and never called her... And how she thought Grandpa would make a good father...

« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2003, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to But good with some lessons, posted by Marty on Jun 3, 2003

I thought it was interesting that both guys went to meet one woman (each).  Even though the older guy from Atlanta, seemed to have had contacted many women, he still went to meet just one.  The rich guy had communicated with his woman for over 6 months before going to meet her and it showed.  The idea of threatening the step son be sent back to Russia when he misbehaved didn't sit well with either my wife or me.  The older guy was totally mismatched with the first woman he went to meet and he couldn't understand it.  It was almost laughable, if it wasn't so sad.  All in all, it was a very positive report.
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