My in-laws live in Kherson and provide a 2BR apartment that is a rarity in Kherson.... hot water, window unit (heat and cool), new toilet and tub, and in the process of updating the kitchen. This is a very nice apartment, especially compared to the dump most agencies will set you up with (voice of experience).
Several guys have stayed here and appreciated the accomodations and the help they received from my in-laws. The cost is $20 per night.
My father-in-law has a car and can pick you up at the Odessa airport and return you for a roundtrip of $120.
We had an interpreter for 50 cents an hour but she got married and went to Germany. My mother-in-law is a professor and can get an interpreter, but cannot garuntee the 50 cent rate.
Please email me at for a quick response.
I will provide my phone number if you want to talk about accomodations or going to Kherson... the Valley of the Dolls..
Joel Faulkenberry
Austin Texas