... in response to Trip to Ukraine!, posted by dandy on Feb 19, 2003Hiya Dandy,
We got family in Vinnitsa. I've been there once. It's really nice during the summer. Ukrainian villages also makes a real impression. So poor, but they've still got so big hearts.
Ok, on to cultural differences. In the west we're individualists. The ideal is to be self made. In Ukraine it's much more family and group oriented. Everybody work together, help your family all the way, and such stuff. Make sure that you discuss family relations with your wife (When that time comes). It's not normal for westerns to have so close relationship with family as in Ukraine.
Another major thing is how they view the roles of man and woman. It's kind of how it was in the west in 1950. The man is a provider and a gentleman, while the woman is WOMAN. I.e. they think of the man as a provider, leader and security maker. The woman is more oriented towards family and children. Ukrainian women still has careers and high education. Most of them probably will still want to have that when they come to the US, so don't expect a kitchen robot. :-)
Ukrainian women love their men, and give them attention. This is really amazing. But they also demand attention and love.
Ukrainian women sets high standards for their men, and they make sure that the men come through and fill those standards. ;-) Don't be surprised if you'll find yourself in a gym and got a revised career plan after you marry.
Ukranians are more superstitious than us westernes. E.g. don't ever whistle indoors (Means that you're whisteling your money away). + + +
Good luck to you! I hope you find true love (It's Alfa and Omega to find true love and is a great blessing!).