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Author Topic: Kind of a cute story-  (Read 33899 times)
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to The real KenC.  Welcome back!  n/t, posted by Griffin on Jan 10, 2003

I am more than willing to go on a rampage once in a while when I think it might do some good.  Or maybe when I get my fill of what I consider someone's misbehavior but (and this is important to many here) I am also willing to DROP IT after I feel I have made my point.  Too many posters here never stop their fight with certain other posters.  They constantly (or periodicly) jab the other guy and provoke the same argument over and over.  Oscar and I have had our differences, just recently and in the past, but I am more than willing to give my input or add to any worthy topic that he chooses to post regardless of our past debates.  I do not find it necessary to keep on fighting.  To Oscar's credit, he too has the ability to "agree to disagree" with me and then move on.
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Some people who post to this board are obsessively driven to have the last word.  It is a compulsion they cannot control.  Imagine the consequences if, angry and fatigued, or maybe just in a drunken stupor, one of these people were to accidentally respond to their own post.

Nothing could stop it!

It would be "Did so!"/"Did not!"/"Did so!"/"Did not!"/...
until Planet-love finally went into melt-down.  If Patrick leases linked storage it could even bring down the internet!

« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Have you considered the risk to Planet-l..., posted by Griffin on Jan 10, 2003

« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Perhaps if you had a small group of individuals slandering your wife, through lies and innuendo... calling her (among other things) a liar and a whore... you would not be so quick to "drop it" either.

But then again... when someone made a comment about your wife (and when they made a comment about Dan's marriage) I was quick to say that the comment was inappropriate, and had no place on the board.

Maybe if enough men stood up and were counted, the war of words would not last so long...?

Also, with a few people on here actively cheering for my marriage to fail... I find that it is gloriously fun to remind them (constantly) that it is going very well, thank you...

My "gripe" is with a very small few.

Most of the board are gentlemen...

« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Perhaps..., posted by MarkInTx on Jan 10, 2003

I have to agree that in severe cases, as you mention, I would not be so willing to forgive.  I also have to agree that there has to be a code here that attacks on a man's woman is unforgivable.  I have not forgotten who said what and when.  I do think that there are two different reasons for these attacks- #1 stupidity and lack of class #2 Just plain nastiness.  The first being done without premeditation.  Anyone that hopes for your failure is a sack of sh!t.
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to you have a point, posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

...I disagree with this "code". I'll respond to the PanseyMan's post shortly but this one first....

He didn't get what he deserved considering his behavior towards me. Trust me, I let him off easy. I could've let hm believe all sorts of other things but I didn't because they would have been false. In spite of what some believe, I hold my honesty to a high standard.

I don't repsond well to attacks any better than you and I turned the other cheek long ago after spankin him for beating up on me. One needs to go way back to the beginning to see who caused what. And remember, I only respond when he takes a shot at me. He keeps it alive, it's nothing more than amusement to me.

As for attacks on women: In general I agree but I have several issues about it. First, this worshiping of chicks or putting them on a pedestal is wrong to me. Women are simply people and some of them are the most despicable creatures to ever slither along the ground.

Second, this propensity to elavate FSU women (and women in general) is a hallmark personality trait of the MOB loser. Most men involved in this reek of it and it's one reason they've had such poor prior success with women in general. When will these guys learn women aren't indispensible?
Besides, one man's Wonder Woman is another (or prior) man's Succubus.

Lastly, why do we take the gloves off when it's a scammer but not otherwise? You don't seem to have any problem with that and even uphold a resonsibility to do it. The difference is when it's an opinion verus a knowledge of the truth.  Hypothetically speaking, what if a guy knows for sure a bad apple walks among us?

I ask nobody's forgiveness and I give none to those who have such a closed mind they can't see the forest for the trees. I also refuse to pull out all the stops to hurt someone unless they really deserve it, in spite of what many think. I evaluate the aggression, respond to it using what resources I have to gain the advantage and then quickly move beyond it. I view it as just another problem to be solved, then forgotten. Perhaps others should heed this lesson.

« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Sorry...., posted by LP on Jan 11, 2003

[This message has been edited by KenC]

I have to agree with you that most guys here put RW up on a pedestal and are not very objective about them.  Whether in fact they deserve it, is another subject altogether.  But to attack another MAN's woman on a public (and conveniently anonymous) forum is a scumbag's move. The innuendoes that I have "taken" here would have been dealt with in a much different manner in a face to face situation.  It is only the biggest of puzzies that would throw such darts from behind a computer screen.  Hypothetically, if one man did indeed have some pertinent information regarding another man's fiancee/wife, he should share it in private.  That is, if he had any class at all.
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to me too, posted by KenC on Jan 11, 2003 you mean by innuendos? The only issue is whether I met her before he did. Thats it. He says no, I say yes. I thought I was wrong but once I saw the details I'm positive it's her. Even then, I see no harm in that occurence. If she says otherwise thats his problem, not mine. Why he would even be bothered by my meeting her before she knew he even exsited is indicative of his small mind.

If you're refering to other's comments about how easily they consumated their meeting, well, thats a different issue and I'm not involved in that. In fact, I'm not involved in this at all. I forgot about it a long time ago, it's he that keeps at it. I'll be more than happy to oblige as long as he asks for it. Again, I've not said or implied anything I do not feel is truth and I certainly could have.

I've never implied she was a bad apple and I'm not impliying that now, she just wasn't for me. My point in the last post was hypothetical to address your argument of treating women with kid gloves. I also point out that you loss sight of the real issue and tend to focus on the techniques used. Most people use whatever works, I'd rather be a scumbag winner than a gentleman loser.

As I've said many times, I wish him luck and I'm not rooting for any failure. What I know (or believe I know) has no bearing on his success, that'll be determined by them. I suggest he forget about it and get on with his life. It's something I did a long time ago and if he'd choosen to do the same we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Btw, the fact that a woman is alone, then someone's fiancee, then someone's wife means squat to me if the guy involved is gonna be a jerk.
Many men only take exception to that beccause of their Neandethal perceptions of women as some kind of possession.

« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to What exactly...., posted by LP on Jan 11, 2003

Re-read what I posted, "innuendos that I have "taken" here".  Meaning accepted without much confrontation.  My point is that it is completely uncool to slam a man's woman from behind a computer on a public forum.  Not that you did it, but others have.  
This also is the risk that guys run when they post too much personal information here.  Their personal life comes up for debate.  For a long time here I didn't even post Lena's name let alone intimate details or photos.  I have sent some photos to those guys that I felt comfortable with.  Still I had one jerk that thought it was his perogative to send my photo to Clair even though I specifically asked him not to share it with anyone.  Bad judgement call for him and for me for sending it to him in the first place.
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: What exactly...., posted by KenC on Jan 11, 2003

Can you be more specific?
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to who said anything about someones wife?....., posted by yoe on Jan 11, 2003

Read the archives if you want to know who. It's in there.

The reason I don't want to replay it here is that the person in question offered an apology, and Ken accepted it. So, it wouldn't be good to name names.

Awhile back, someone made the claim that Dan's marriage was on the rocks, and they made the claim that Ken's wife was just using him as a "sugar daddy."

I found both of them in very poor taste, and said so.

Writing about a man's wife is low-class behavior, and has no place on here.

So is name-calling... Remember the great "gap-tooth and fatboy" debate? Does anyone think that is discussion worthy of men?

My wife's comment, after she read through one archive on here, was:

"Never have I seen so many men act like so many women..."

« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to No, posted by MarkInTx on Jan 11, 2003

I'm not getting involved in the rest of this, but I chuckled at the last line.....

"Never have I seen so many men act like so many women..."

« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: LOL, posted by Jski on Jan 11, 2003

Her perspective on this whole thing cracks me up sometimes...

« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2003, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: The real KenC.  Welcome back!  , posted by KenC on Jan 10, 2003

Both you and Oscar can and do contribute good information and advice. And there is nothing wrong with having friendly disagreements.

I also wish some posters who continue to take cheap shots at others would stop. In my case Ken when someone continues to take cheap shots at me, I fight back. I know it get's old with many posters but I wish (and hope) that they see it is a two way street and with me I only attack after I have been attacked.

I enjoy most of the P-L family and if everyone would stop taking cheap shots, some even going out of there way to slander, then P-L would be a much friendlier, effecient discussion board.

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