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Author Topic: Do Onions make you cry???  (Read 53730 times)
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Yoey....., posted by LP on Dec 20, 2002

i always new he was a dikhead!!! haha
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I glad we agree on some things...Smiley, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

It's comical, this rush to war, isn't it? Perhaps, Iraq's Republican Guard is preping to mount an attack on our shores in a fortnight. Propaganda is swell, aint it?

"... and we wonder why the world hates us..."

Could it be that, we have troops in over 100 countries? Or, that we are still "occupying" Germany & Japan - 57 years later? Or the neccisity of N.A.T.O. aft...

We will never agree on much, yet this "Patriot Act" is a sham upon all of our liberties. My only hope is: if it came from "your party", you would respond in kind. It certainly warms my heart that, many Russian's look at our faux-imperialism with caution.

Did you happen to see the last L.A. Weekly cover? If not I will send it to ya, if you like.

Rant off... I gotta walk the dogs.


ps. McCarthy was right - loookie in FSU archives.


Robert D
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I glad we agree on some things...Smiley, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

And the solution is?
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I glad we agree on some things...Smiley, posted by Robert D on Dec 20, 2002

become involved-actively. Talk to congressman, senators talk about the issues. Get more people to the voting booths. If America falls it is all of our faults. Democracy is the greatest concept for Government but it is no more effective than communism when we continually elect liars, whoremongers, bigots and thieves. This who less government crap just means a stronger coporate hold. At least if we have more government-WE ELECT THE DECISION MAKERS. We do not have that luxury at Enron, Philip Morris, Exxon and on and on. Never trust a politician who runs on the God ticket!
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Solution is........, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Solution is........, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

I email Bush and Powell all the time.  Never got an answer yet, but you never know.  An old Pakistani man once told me that "An empty stomach knows no country."  The opposite is also true, that those that are happy and complacent, just let things go as they are.  Local government is the easiest to "take over" and is maybe a good place to start.  Personally, I participate.  We will never have good state and federal government until there are more involved, who care, and don't mind being a "one term" politician for all those business interests they will piss-off.  Perrot, Steve Forbes, maybe had the right ideas, and enough money that they would have been happy to be "world shakers" for only one term.  Not the norm...get elected, get re-elected, don't get mad, get even.
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Solution is........, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all chose democracy as the third best system of government.  The first was a benevolent
dictatorship, the second was...well, I can't remember, but 3rd on their list was democracy!
Robert D
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Solution is........, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

All of that is good.   And I agree with what you said.   But in the immediate future so that we have the opportunity to get involved and get idiots out of office, what do we do.  I am frankly concerned that no matter who is in office, dealing with issues of terrorism, with an adversary bent on death, and unwilling to negotiate a solution to the problem, our options are limited.  Heck even a peace loving democrat, Mr. Bill was about to attack North Korea three years ago when they started up again their atomic program.  That gives you an idea of how limited the options were.  Additionally, we did not "finish the job" for lack of a better term with Iraq because of fear, of a conservative adminstration, of appearing too blood thirsty, so now it seems we will do again what we could have finished before.(and of course that does not answer the question of why we send kids to war just so we can have cheap gas, and frankly I agree with that statement as well.)  But no one can tell me what we can do now, right now, to prevent 9/11 again.  
   Think about it, at this moment it is 1945, you are now Harry Truman.  Before you are your advisors.   Two thirds of your top advisors are against using the bomb on Japan.  Most of your generals are against it.   You get to decide.  Then a small number of people remind you of several things.  We lost more dead and wounded in the Pacific campaign that in Europe.  The island hopping to JApan after Quam, etc, is expected to take as few as 200,000 us lives, and possibly as much as 500,000 or more because we were dealing with an enemy who is good at what he does and fanatical about his cause and country.  That same enemy, fought almost to the last man on each island campaign, and seems to fight even harder the closer we get to his mainland.   The same enemy suffered losses, not sustained by any nation, except Russia, yet showed no sign of surrender, or compromise.  
    Now Mr. Truman, what do you do!!!!   If you send in the troops, and after the fact, what will you say to the widows and parents of 500,000 dead young men and women?  Yes you could have dropped the bomb but there was no honor in it?  Truman knew that the real issue was not what would happen if he did drop the bomb but rather what would happen if he did not.  (and yes the issue of innocents is always an issue in any war, but in that war, virtually the entire nation was moblized to fight and support the war.  Also, until then it seemed that is was only us that were ever concerned about civilian casualties and the good treatment of prisoners of war)  Some say that he would have been impeached for not doing what he was charged to do as the leader of our government.  The first impertive of such government is not to make us money, or even to feed us, it is to protect us so we can go about our lawful business.  Some still view his decision as racist, etc, un needed, etc.  But considering his only two options, I suspect he had the courage to withstand the critics, and did what I think he had to do.  
   In the current conflict, I do wish we had more intellegent leadership. I would feel more comfortable with their decisions if they were.   I feel the current Administration is more concerned with political success, as was also true of the last adminstration, than making the hard decisions in the short term, that may be difficult for us to accept now but good in the long run.  In the end, and I will end and apologize for speaking so long, I will bet my life that history will show that we knew more than we thought we knew about 9/11 in advance and that we were too affraid to take the steps,(like some of the ones we are doing now) because of the risk of being politically incorect,or offensive to certain groups of indiviuals.   What a price to pay folks if that is true.  But I did not lose any persons I know on 9/11 so the  average person can look upon what happened with a bit of distance and lack of emotion.  But talk to those who lost relatives, or think if your son or daughter were lost and others were still at risk.  Then I wonder if I could then as you "What is the solution?"  I wonder what your answer would be.

Robert D.

« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Solution is........, posted by Robert D on Dec 20, 2002

that Japan had the first force of "suicide bombers" in modern times with their Kamakazi pilots, which did tremendous damage to Navy ships in the Pacific.  "Fanatic", you say!

One of the reasons that Brits still hate Japan to this day is the treatment of Brit prisoners....shut off at the valve, garden hose was stuffed  down a prisoners throat...valve turned to full open...stomach explodes.  Rather brutal, don't you think?

« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Solution is........, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

Do we have a democracy? Democracy is mob rule. Historically all democracies have failed. Our country was founded on "Christian" not Judeo-Christian principals and not as "Democracy", but as a "Republic", big difference. Although, since 1950 there has not to my knowledge been any mention of a "Constitutional Republic" in any public school text books. Plenty of reference to democratic principals, administrative policy, government mandate, etc. Now why do you suppose that is? Did someone slip in and re-write the Constitution when we were not looking? Our country was founded on "Common Law", whereas you could do whatever you wanted to do as long as you didn't bother or harm anyone else.

"Never trust a politician who runs on the God ticket!"

 Let me see if I can remember the quote, something to the effect of: "It is fortunate for us that the people do not think."..Adolf Hitler

 Seems I remember a proverb saying something to the effect of: "Keep your eyes open, least ye be deceived"

Robert D
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Solution is........, posted by Lynn on Dec 20, 2002

And the solution is?
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Solution is........, posted by Robert D on Dec 20, 2002's a republic, big difference. And I'm fully aware of whats goin on. Ashcroft is the real danger, Bush is only a simple moron.

The solution is to arm oneself, and do it now. lol, and maybe buy some fatigues and move to Montana.

« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Not a democracy, posted by LP on Dec 20, 2002

In a republic someone must make the rules-who is so divinely inspired to know what is right for all men and women-Goerge Bush? Maybe she should just stay in office until he dies?
A Democracy is the only way to go. The Mob rules because the Mob lives here, works, here and pays here. Should I come to your house and tell you how to live?
I believe in todays techno world we should scan our ss numbers and let the masses vote on decisions of government. They already do in a poll technique. And one thing George is good at-reading the polls. This guy is not stupid. He is aware of his weakness and totally plays the polls. He is all bark and only bites when the polls support him. We will see what happens next.
ps. for all those seeking FSU women, politics seems to be a hot topic for some of these gals. My wife loves it. We need some more intelligent women here. So go get em.
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: yes a democracy, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002

were already made a long time ago. They have nothing to do with who the president is. Read your elementary school history book. It happened in 1776, 1789 and 1791. These all flowed from Magna Charta, Cooke's Institutes,  Blackstones Commentaries and The Glorious Revolution.

Yes, we need  more intelligent women in this country. It is a real bummer when women can only engage in level one communication (talking about people).

« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: yes a democracy, posted by yoe on Dec 20, 2002


n : a political system governed by the people or their representatives [syn: democracy, commonwealth]


n 1: the political orientation of those who favor government by the people of by their elected representatives 2: a political system governed by the people or their representatives [syn: republic, commonwealth]

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