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Author Topic: Fly Aeroflot  (Read 11078 times)
Cold Warrior
« on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

I have never flown with them. How about some firsthand experience from you guys.

« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

We have had good luck with the service and prices, but sticking to the departure schedule is becoming a real problem.

2000-everything pretty much on time

2001-usually about two hours late

2002-my MIL's flight earlier this month was six hours late.  Also, the official departure time to NYC has been moved from early afternoon to mid-morning.  This makes an overnight stay in the airport necessary for non-Muscovites who can't get a hotel close to the airport for the night before the flight.

The prices have been good, but we will definitely look around when flying over next summer...

« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

I flew United once, and 5 months later took Aeroflot. I much preferred Aeroflot. It was a nice B-757 to Moscow. United's service sucked, and the head stewardess deserved an exit without a parachute. It was obvious she was promoted through "Deiversity" program. She was only about 24 or so, and had an attitude that was unbelievable.

Aeroflot was very professional in every way. The stewardesses were nice and business like. The flight was as smooth as I have ever had.

I have also flown KLM - recommended
British Air twice - better than any American carrier I have flown internationally.
Lufthansa - the best


« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

...Domestic, bad equipment and poor crews. To those in the know, very scary. I won't fly them domestic, nuff said. International, much better.

Every carrier that operates into the US has to meet the same FAA standards as US flag carriers. (They operate under USC part 121 if you care to look.) The equipment is stripped down though, you don't see many of Boeing's optional cabin goodies on their triple sevens. (The front office still gets the good stuff.)

My experience is as APK1 states (in fact, we shared a flight once). Their ontime record stinks and the cabin service subpar compared to others. However, due to the regulations mentioned above the equipment is good (B777s in most cases, doesn't get any better) and the crews are the most experienced they have to offer. I've spent some time chatting with these guys and they're pros. (These routes are coveted and are only given to the cream.) Be aware this carrier does not abide with the no smoking rule in international airspace and it can get pretty nasty in the rear cabin.

Btw, all international flight deck crew must speak English. It's the standardized international lanquage of aviation and is supposed to be used everywhere, even though it's common to hear local lingo between ATC and crews when close in. (Because of their accents.) As APK mentioned, AF cabin crew speak it as well.

The point is you'll get there safely. Maybe not quite on time and as well fed as other's, but you'll get there. Well, maybe. Using a twinjet over the ocean requires special operating rules, called ETOPS. (Lol, to pilots it's known as "Engines Turn Or Passengers Swim") These rules increase flight time because of safety reasons but I'm not sure how well Aeroflot adheres to them.

« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Aeroflop, posted by LP on Dec 20, 2002

How did you get around once in Russia, since you won't fly Aeroflot domestically? I have flown Aeroflot and Sibir Air with in Russia.  They both caused me to wonder about a few things (Sibir Air more so).
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Just curious...., posted by Philb on Dec 22, 2002

....My travel to Russia was limited to Moscow and Valdivostok. (I decide early on I liked Ukraine better.) I used the train for one side jaunt to Belgorod. Sibir Air? Not familar. If they're a typical "babyflot" they're likely to be scary though.
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Aeroflop, posted by LP on Dec 20, 2002

I forgot about the smoking, but we did have specific non-smoking area. The back of the plane looked like a bonfire. I didn't see the service issues you speak of. As far as schedule, they were 40 minutes late, but made it up in the air.


Bobby Orr
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Aeroflop, posted by LP on Dec 20, 2002

Your opinions are fine.  However, one correction: International flights on Aeroflot have been no smoking since March 1, 2002.
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Aeroflop, posted by Bobby Orr on Dec 21, 2002

I flew Aeroflot on March 1 and March 15, 2002, Moscow to Seattle.  Smoking was still permitted.

Smoking was confined to the rear section and the smoke was thick.  At the front of the economy section, the air was no worse than a normal US flight.

« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Aeroflop, posted by Bobby Orr on Dec 21, 2002

« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

I've flown from Seattle to Moscow and return a couple of times.  The planes were reasonably new -- 767's I think.  The leg room was tight for me at 6'3".  For 3 of the 4 flights, there were plenty of extra seats to lounge out on.  One of the flights in mid March 2002 was packed and that made for a long, long flight.  The wine flowed well if you enjoy cheap wine.  The service was fine.  The flights were usually 1 hour late.  The baggage takes twice as long to come up for collection.  The price and the flight times were the main considerations for me.  No matter what, it's no fun sitting in an airplane for 9 hours.

« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

Flying out of San Francisco 3 times to Moscow using Aeroflot was always the same for me, late to depart and late again on the re-fuel stop in Vancouver. Usually it arrives in Moscow 2 hours late.

Departing Moscow was always on time the first two visits, and the last one was 4 hours late departing due to late arrival of previous flight. At least they fed the passengers a light meal while we waited...

The food on Aeroflot is not so great, compared with other european carriers such as air france and swiss air.

The flight crew do speak english...

This time of year the planes are probably not very full, so you can find an empty middle row and get some sleep!

Bobby Orr
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

I have flown Aeroflot twice to Moscow from JFK, no problems there and back other than there is no assigned seating.  Seating is first come first serve the day of the flight - I have always gotten the aisle or window I wanted, but I was always early.  The first flight on Aeroflot I did to Moscow was March 2001.  The last was April 2002 back from Moscow to New York.  I also flew Aeroflot there and back to Sochi and Aeroflot twice roundtrip from Moscow to Novosibirsk, the last June 2002.  On the Novosibirsk trips I have taken Delta back from Moscow to New York.  The food has gotten amazingly better since I first started flying Aeroflot.  I definitely feel it is as good or better than Delta right now.  The frequent survivor policy absolutely sucks on Aeroflot.  Anyway, you were only allowed 25 Kg total weight for all your luggage the last time I flew Aeroflot within Russia - or you pay extra.  The International flight planes are much nicer and newer than the planes you fly internally within Russia.  If you are flying within Russia Aeroflot will probably make it worth your while to fly Aeroflot from the USA to Russia and then stick with Aeroflot inside Russia.  The movies on Aeroflot are in Russian.  They do provide US newspapers on the International legs, but I have found the US newspapers run out quickly.  Stewardesses are prettier on Aeroflot.  Service is a little worse than Delta, Austrian Air or other carriers I have taken to the FSU, but it is getting better.  I recommend you take a big thing of gatorade or water with you on the plane if you take Aeroflot because fluids flow less plentifully than on other carriers.  Good luck.
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

Domestic flights aren't too bad (except for the service) however using them to fly from the US and then make a connecting flight is not recomended. Add lost baggage, late arriving flights (+4 hrs), airport transfer hassles, and rude/obnoxious airport staff to the piss poor service and it's just not worth it. I have too many horror stories to get into right now but considering the hassles vs. money saved I would avoid using them except a direct flight to Moscow (and expect to arrive 2-4 hrs late).
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Fly Aeroflot, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 20, 2002

I have flown Aeroflot (international-Moscow/Simferopol) with no problems - on time, service comparable to U.S. domestic flight, older planes.
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