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Author Topic: RW's perceptions of David FWIW  (Read 17639 times)
John LV
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re, posted by thesearch on Dec 20, 2002

What do I think?

I think you are right, 100% right.

It's just going to take me a while to get over this, that's all.

6 months from now I'll be ready to look for another girl, and I owe it to myself to travel back to the FSU and talk with some girls to see what I think of them.

This time no matter what, I'll be extremely careful.

Thanks for your post my friend.


Frank O
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: RW's perceptions of David FWIW, posted by John LV on Dec 20, 2002

THAT much is pretty obvious. If she does this to ANYONE else the same would apply. Some guys are just suckers man. They walk around either deceived or in denial
John LV
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to RW's perceptions of David FWIW, posted by Charles on Dec 20, 2002

Thanks Charles, that does make me feel better.

When Ken's wife Lena came over, she mentioned something about our place not being kept very well, and that how this was abnormal for a RW. Natasha got very angry at her saying this.

Another girl who's name is Natasha who works at Costco where I lived, she had only talked with my Natasha twice, and for not very long at that. And that's why I was extremely surprised when my Natasha and I got into a fight after she turned on me when her mother came to see us, I consulted the Natasha at Costco and she told me, "David, both my husband John and I knew that you two would not work out, your Natasha is a very selfish girl"

I was shocked she could know this after only meeting her twice, I to this day wonder what Natasha said to her in order for her to know this.

I wish I had her insight, I would do a lot better if I did.

Here is the problem with our relationship in a nutshell, Natasha would never help me to do anything, she was not involved with the relationship in any way, from where we should go, to cleaning the house, to paying the bills, to adhering to the budget, to watering the plants she bought. I was the one who had to do everything month after month, I grew very tired of this and would constantly get angry at her for spilling wine on carpet, spilling cranberry juice on the carpet, not being able to find spoons because she has them all stashed under her side of the bed, etc.

When I would get angry with her, she did not like that, and she thought I was using her as a slave if I wanted her to rinse out her own dishes.

This sounds like a joke doesn't it? What I say can't possibly be factual right?

If you think that, I understand completely, because even myself I don't believe it.

But I will give Natasha credit for one thing, she was a great cook, the best I've ever known, but she couldn't cook without making a complete disaster of the area, spilling everything, etc.

She would do things I couldn't stand for, I got angry, she didn't like that, our relationship could not go anywhere, it's really that simple, we were not right for each other at all.

I sure would love to find a nice normal RW, that's all I wanted from the beginning.

Thanks for the post.


« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: RW's perceptions of David FWIW, posted by John LV on Dec 20, 2002


If the other Natasha saw who your wife was in just a few minutes - something that it took you 2.5 years to see and only after you got wacked ---- what does that tell you?

First of all, you can not at this point depend on yourself to correctly asses someone as to what their character is yet. You need to depend on others who are not biased to give you their impressions. The incredible thing about this is, usually guys who can not see the forest for the trees relative to women, refuse, even get mad when they are given good advice and, for sure they rarely take any advice.

The bottom line is that if you have pride in yourself first (relative to women), you are less likely to let this happen.

John LV
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: RW's perceptions of David FWIW, posted by thesearch on Dec 20, 2002

Although I think I could do better this time, I still think you are right about that, next time I will consult more opinions from others, especially other girls.


« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: RW's perceptions of David FW..., posted by John LV on Dec 20, 2002

You have an apology to make to everyone on this forum that you have insulted, before, I think, you post again.  Don't you think???

Also, I have a question for you.  Do you have a sheepskin from a college or university, or are you just a self proclaimed, self taught genius?

John LV
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Hey, Man................., posted by Globetrotter on Dec 20, 2002

I apoligize to everyone on this board, I'm sorry.

No I don't, I have very little doubt my knowledge comes from the Holy Spirit, because most of the time my knowledge comes from what seems like nowhere. I may read some information and somehow someway understand it on a higher level then it was written.

And I think it's a truism to say that the more knowledge you have, the more your able to acquire, or maybe it's better to say that the more understanding you have, the more you can understand, since all knowledge is connected in a very complex way, just like what we can learn from quantum chaos.

So in reality I'm not smart at all, it's only that I have been shown the truth about many things.


« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Hey, Man................., posted by John LV on Dec 20, 2002

Apology accepted.

Get into a university (maybe UNLV) and take CLEP tests to bypass 2 years of studies, and get a degree in whatever...maybe physics, and teach, or Huh.  

Also, by now you probably realize that your last "wife" endeavor, trying to form an interpersonal relationship with a woman, is the most difficult thing you (or I) will ever do in our lifetime.

My,my, how this forum has changed in such a short time, to realize that the odds of making a life with a one week (or one month) "wonder woman" is probably not the best way to go.  For those who still think so...if bullsh1t was music, you would be a symphony!

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