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Author Topic: Ok, now i'm in trouble.  (Read 9471 times)
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by dexion on May 23, 2002

If online, at which site ?  Give us a link so we can go check her out.

« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by dexion on May 23, 2002

If they are responding to an ad... you should have plenty to say...

Didn't they tell you things about themselves? Didn't they ask questions?

I find that asking direct questions is always better than general ones.

In other words: "tell me about yourself" is a horrbile question.

"What city do you live in" is much better. Also, it is good to ask about family (does she live with parents... on her own... etc...)

ALWAYS ask at least three direct questions in your first few emails. If you never get an answer to your direct questions, then chances are you're not dealing with a sincere lady.

Tell her about yourself. Opinions vary... but I think it is OK to have a pretty "canned" first response letter that tells her about what you do for a living, your family, and your goals...

If she asked questions, by all means, make sure you answer them directly!

Personally, I wouldn't get into the heavy relationship kind of questions for a few letters, but when you do, there was a good post of 50 suggested topics of discussion that Anastasia's husband asked her. (Not all at once, I assume :-)

BTW... where did you advertise? Beware of women who responded to an internet ad. A lot of these "women" are merely agencies trolling for new blood...

« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This is trouble?, posted by MarkInTx on May 24, 2002

Welp, without exception none have asked questions. They are all what I would consider (except 1) a first letter. They are general, age weight height, fun things I do type of letters. One seems to be well thought out and its difficult to describe, but cheerful comes to mind, as if the personality of the woman shined thru the words on the paper. I really want to respond to this one, and want to make a good impression.
One more thing, a few have made references to liking to travel. I read somewhere that I should stay away from people who say that, but the reason wasn't apparent to me. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

I also need a paragraph translated:
"I understand that there are no people without lack,
but I think that is impossible to let people who is
lye, rude, scoundrel."

I am puzzled by that, I tried to worry out a meening but failed..anyone...beuler...bueler.. She may have used a translating program for that and it butchered up the sentiment. Only thing I can figure is ,: "i know people have faults, just don't have big ones?"

new at this.

« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This is trouble?, posted by dexion on May 24, 2002

re: "I also need a paragraph translated:
"I understand that there are no people without lack,
but I think that is impossible to let people who is
lye, rude, scoundrel."

I think she means that, while all people have redeeming qualities, she can't deal with liars, scoundrels, and those that are rude...

« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This is trouble?, posted by dexion on May 24, 2002

I also need a paragraph translated:
"I understand that there are no people without lack,
but I think that is impossible to let people who is
lye, rude, scoundrel."

I am puzzled by that, I tried to worry out a meening but failed..anyone...beuler...bueler.. She may have used a translating program for that and it butchered up the sentiment. Only thing I can figure is ,: "i know people have faults, just don't have big ones?"

- - - - - - - -
My interpretation:

I realize that everyone has problems, but it is impossible for me to like (love) someone who is a liar, rude, or a scoundrel.

Just remember, no matter how chopped up their English is, it is still better that your Russian.

Actually some ladies like a scoundrel, depending on their definition.  One lady calls me a hooligan, and she loves me for being such.


« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Possible meaning, posted by juio99 on May 24, 2002

Oh, that could be it. I wasn't complaining about her english, I am impressed by it actually I don't know ,uch russian (learning) and she can comunicate in english its amazing to me.
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This is trouble?, posted by MarkInTx on May 24, 2002

Any tell tales that point to agencies trolling?

Ive read the 50 questions, they will get used over time...


« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This is trouble?, posted by dexion on May 24, 2002

The agency scammers are usually not very good. They go for a lot of little scams instead of the few big ones. I guess they feel there are enough suckers out there that they can always find a new one... no sense in being subtle -- that takes too long.

The usual progression goes something like this (others, feel free to chime in):

1. She will not answer any of your questions directly
2. She begins using terms of endearment VERY soon
3. She may send you a picture wherein she is VERY scantily clad within a couple of letters.
4. ALL of her photos look professionally done -- for good reason, they are... (and she seems to have an abundance of them)
5. Within two or three letters she will tell you that you letters have come to mean so much to her
6. Shortly after that, she will get "the hook:" "My Dear, I love reading your letters so much. I need them to get through my day. But, you know, internet is not cheap in _____ (fill in blank for city) and I cannot afford it. Can you help me? The ageny says if you pay them (fill in amount) I will have an account and I can write you as much as you want! (Gee... if she is so poor, I wonder how she could afford to have thirty pictures made in a modeling studio...)

Also, look for the agency writing to you to inform you of all of the wonderful gift services they offer. (This will be -- strangely -- timed around her letter telling you of her birthday, or her son/daughter's or whatever is handy at the moment.

They will hit you up for all kinds of things: Gifts, Internet, english lessons, letter translations... what have you.

Sometimes, you will even be told of a sudden illness in the family, and they need $300, or they will have to use the rent money to pay the hospital...

You get the picture.

Actually, I think the scam thing is not as bad as most people fear. Unless you are really gullible, most of these scams can be seen coming a mile away.

Now, of course, there are guys on here who will tell you that paying for a woman's internet service is somewhat expected. As well as paying for all translations, etc.

I have seen many a guy on here chide the other men and tell them that paying internet fees is a pittance, and any reasonable gentleman should do it. But... unless I missed it... I have YET to see ONE MAN who paid for a lady's internet service (when she asked him to) and they end up married.

Yes, some have paid for their fiance's internet, or a woman that they have met... but I am talking about a situation where the woman asked -- early on -- for the guy to pay, and he did. I am not aware of one of those that worked out.

So... follow their advice if you want to...

But, personally, I think that I'll follow the advice of the Russian (and Ukrainian) women who have posted on here, and I'm pretty sure that every one of them has said: Never pay for internet services, English lessons, or translation servies. In fact, I think all of them have gone on to say: if the woman needs a translator, move on...

Anyway... I got off on a tangent... the point is, don't spend all of your time worrying about an agency or a woman scamming you. You'll prpbably know pretty quickly.

If you just keep your eye on the ball, you probably will never be hit by it...

« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh... You'll know, posted by MarkInTx on May 24, 2002

That is an excellent post MarkInTx. Good knowledge for new
folks to remember. I'd be leary of any lady asking for money
for anything. They don't have much, but the good ones are just
like any other person with pride. They won't ask for money
period. Others many have more experience at this than me, but
until I meet a lady and make a decision on the way things are
going; I'll keep my wallet shut and have kept it shut, except
for gifts in the Holiday's.

Nice to see a list that has more folks helping than giving false
advice, whining and etc.


« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh... You'll know, posted by MarkInTx on May 24, 2002

That is great. More data there than I could research in a week.
I have read the blacklist posts, seems they follow a standard pattern. I like to learn from other people its fun Smiley
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by dexion on May 23, 2002


1.  Just curious... where did you advertise yourself?
2.  I think that before this is over YOU will have
   advice for US!...

« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by dexion on May 23, 2002

Where did you advertise yourself?
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by Richard on May 23, 2002

I used one of those advertise yourself thingy. Pay em a small fee and  they put me on the web and sent out my profile to 600+ women in the age group i asked for via email they apparantly subscribe, and adds in papers. I don't know if I should post links here....
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Ok, now i'm in trouble., posted by dexion on May 24, 2002

« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2002, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Please post the links nt, posted by Richard on May 24, 2002

I can't seem to find the origional url for the service.I have looked at a zillion places and they are all starting to blend together. Ill keep looking. If you like I can post the email addy of the guy that handles everything.
Basicaly it works like this u get a free profile on the web, and your profile gets sent to women in the age range who subscribe to his email service. In my case it went to 676 women. Plus I believe there was mention of newspaper adds. The price was 36 usd. Here is his email:
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