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Author Topic: K-1 visa medical insurance.  (Read 10384 times)
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Question Charles, posted by Charles on Mar 25, 2002

You are making the assumption that the American spouse *has* insurance, that the new spouse can be add to once the marriage occurs.  While I don’t know how prevalent Oatmeal’s situation is, I know from experience, he is not unique.

The question, then, is how does one get insurance for our fiancé during which they are not eligible for our insurance or when we don’t have insurance.

I don’t have an answer because I haven’t reached the point where I need to buy the insurance.

Does anyone who has already gone down this path have any suggestions?

« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Question Charles, posted by Richard on Mar 25, 2002

This is a pretty crappy situation.  

I can afford to pay the medical expenses out of my own pocket but it sure puts a crimp in my budget and all the money I received as gifts for my wedding is used to pay this medical expense.  

Man this sure stinks!!!!:-(((

« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: True, True....crappy for just a simp..., posted by Oatmeal on Mar 25, 2002

I can appreciate what you have been through.  

I was downsized by a money center bank last fall after the bank merged.  Not only did I have to pay for my medical coverage, but their contractor was slow in processing my payments so that some of visits were refused as though I didn't coverage.  I still haven't been reimbursed for all of my out of pocket expenses.

I also have some friends who carry little or no medical coverage due to the cost of the insurance. That's how I knew you aren't the only one in this situation.

I wish you and Anna all the best.

« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Question Charles, posted by Richard on Mar 25, 2002

If you are financially responsible for the support of your fiancee (and any children), I would think that you SHOULD be able to add them to your insurance as "dependants" as soon as they enter the US. However the insurance companies probably don't see it this way, I'm sure.

When I went to add my wife/child to my insurance I was told by the Personel Dept. that they would use the marriage date (12/29) as the effective date however when I got the paperwork from Blue Cross it was listed as the 1st of the month after I filed to add them (2/1). I guess that, until you pay the increased premium, they aren't covered.

« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:"Dependants" - double stand..., posted by Rags on Mar 25, 2002

That's the same thing I've been told.
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: K-1 visa medical insurance., posted by Charles on Mar 24, 2002

But, should she accept public assistance (medi-caid which is half state dollars and half federal dollars) you are now liable as her "sponser" and the forms you signed to prove your income to suppoert her I believe entitles the government to seek repayment of those medical bills from you to Uncle Sam!  Check with an attorney.  Therefore, if you go that route, I think she better consider carefully what name she chooses to register under.  Best solution is get that SSN and get 'em covered under your health plan ASAP.  Most policies will add effective date of marriage as that is usually considered the "event" qualifying them to be added outside of open enrollment times.  Add them to your coverage immediately and give them her SSN as soon as you get it.
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: K-1 visa medical insurance., posted by DE on Mar 24, 2002

Unfortunately, I don't even have any health insurance myself.  The current job I have pays only $8.00 per hour and the health insurance they offer is so minimal that it is almost like having none at all.  I think it must be some pathetic attempt to just fullfill some governmental requirement.

I was really more interested in seeing if she would qualify under a K-1 visa.

It is also unfortunate that I have already signed papers accepting financial responsibility.  I did not realize I had a choice of signing or not signing them in order to get treatment.  I was under the impression that if I did not sign them, she would not recieve treatment.

My primary concern was getting her taken care of.

« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: It is unfortunate, posted by Oatmeal on Mar 25, 2002

Getting her medical treatment when it happened.

You might try and ask the INS if their are any programs offered by companies/sponsor for K1 insurance, etc...  For instance the student visa, I had a polish friend who was visiting the states got a tourist insurance (6 month worth).

« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: It is unfortunate, posted by Oatmeal on Mar 25, 2002

Some Embassies don't require the sponsership papers and there may be a reason for this. I've read that if you are not married then you can't be held accountable for her ( it is possible for them to come here and never see you ), and the I-134 wont hold up in court because you are not in control of anyones actions but your own. I'm not sure how they would bill her for medical treatment, but if you're not married and she is just here on a visa Huh I would think if it is an emergancy then they would have to treat her. Isn't that some kind of law Huh
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: It is unfortunate, posted by Mike on Mar 25, 2002

I remember back in '93 or '94 I was injured and in the hospital for surgery and there was this illegal mexican in the bed next to me and he was recieving free medical treatment.  

Guess who was picking up the tab on that one.  You guessed it....The American taxpayer.  That is what was so terrible that here I was struggling with 2 jobs just to make ends meet and they totally denied me any assistance or help whatsoever (Me, an American taxpayer) and then they just give him (an illegal immigrant) free medical care.  

What's wrong with this picture.  I made just enough money to be just above the poverty line and because I did not have any children or wife or was not a minority, I was refused any assistance.  What a load of crap.

One of the biggest problems with this scene is that medical insurance is so high that the average working man cannot think about buying his own decent medical insurance and must rely on companies or businesses to provide this insurance yet many companies offer sub-standard coverage because in general insurance is just too dang high.

And this all comes back to the cost of medical treatment and why such things as the cost of a simple asprin in the hospital is astronomical.  

My father in the past has saved literally thousands of dollars in medical costs just becuase he argued about the cost of such items.  He was often even charged for services he never received.

My recommendation is that if you should ever have any medical treatment on you or your wife/fiancee, don't be afraid to question or even complain if a cost seems unreasonable or even if you are not sure of a particular item.

« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: You are right about that., posted by Oatmeal on Mar 25, 2002

If I get severly sick... I know I can go to the VA for a fix-up.

If your still young enough, you should join the reserves and atleast work towards some sort of a retirement system.

As a American, we have the highest standard of living in the world....and with that label, the cost factor is in there also.

You have to live like a Ukrainean to make it in this world.

I personally feel the Capitalistical way of life is flawed and every day we are venturing closer and closer to a socialism, where mamonth companies buy up the competition and hence you really don't have much of a choice.

Watch when the HP and Compaq merger goes through, how many Compaq employees will be laid off and how the director will get a pat on the back and another bonus.

« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This is why I am a veteran... VA, posted by wsbill on Mar 25, 2002

I joined back in 1982 did my 3 years ( wasn't so easy, had to serve in Beirut and grenada ) and now I'm good to go if anything bad happens to me, and I've used the VA here in the past and I have no complaints about the service.
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to joining the Marines sure was worth it!, posted by Mike on Mar 25, 2002

But now their service is on par with the rest of the medical community.

Though, I wouldn't recommend anyone join the Marines just to get the benefits.  But you do have to serve on active duty some 180 days.

They've got a pill program that rocks, just $2 a bottle, reguardless what pill you take.

« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I agree they use to be the butt of j..., posted by wsbill on Mar 25, 2002

I agree the Marines would be the last place to go to if your just wanting the security of health benifits for the rest of your life! I joined as a young man because I liked the uniform and knew nothing about the military. Boy was I in for a shock! I will say having this now behind me was something I would never change if I could do it over. The fact that I was a Marine still brings me pride to this day, and what I learned about myself was priceless.
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I agree they use to be the butt of j..., posted by wsbill on Mar 25, 2002

one of the stupidest things, in my mind, that I ever saw, was some women B!tching that he husband got called up to active duty and sent to Dessert Storm.  She claimed that when her husband joined the reserves, he just wanted a second job, that he did not want to join the Military and go to war!

I'm criticizing the woman, not the military.

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