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Author Topic: Safe to say my girl was a scammer  (Read 83606 times)
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Safe to say my girl was a scammer, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 6, 2002

her...and I am serious about this.  If you call it off,  please email me her info, 'cuz she sounds Ok with me.
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Bobby,  if you really feel uncomfortable..., posted by tim360z on Feb 7, 2002

I would love it.

Send her info to Tim. Apparently he has deeper pockets than you do.

And then Tania can send her tips on how to fleece Tim for even more money, since its OK. She might as well get as much as she can while she is still young and beautiful, eh Tania?

No... not it's wrong.

Shucks no.

Just a different way of looking at things.

Selling sex for money isn't wrong.... Not as long as Prositution is legal, it isn't. You are absolutely right, Tania. She might as well sell her beauty for all she can get...

« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh Bobby, DO THIS, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 7, 2002

I am not so its pockets but lack of judgement.
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Oh Bobby, DO THIS, posted by MarkInTx on Feb 7, 2002

You know what you are paying for up front and the price is set.


« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Bobby,  if you really feel uncomfortable..., posted by tim360z on Feb 7, 2002

« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Safe to say my girl was a scammer, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 6, 2002

it is so easy to be suspicious and label the girl a scammer.  Based on your evidence,  I would find it difficult,  at this moment to brand her as one.  And,  she is only you know how stupid most girls are 19.  And yeah!  they can change their minds....girls perogative,  anywhere in the world...almost. Well,  not in the Congo.  And anyway you cut it---girls cost money!!!  And so do fiances and girlfriends and dates and hookers and wives and all of it and they always have.  They always will.  Otherwise,  you can be a lonely guy and look down at you your best friend.

   Now,  you have met and been with the girl,  not me,  so you should know alot more than what you have posted.  Thus far,  all you have written is plausible.  Student visa IS plausible.  You can choose to beleive or not to beleive her.  Myself,  I would cut her some slack here.  You know,  it is so easy to be suspicious of someone 6000 miles away.  Like a big LDR (long distance relationship).  And I have had those with AW only 200 or 300 miles away,  and they speak great English.  " I think what we have here is a failure to communicate".  And if you feel you just can't give a little trust now---how will you ever trust her in the future???

« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Safe to say my girl was a scammer, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 6, 2002

Really, really touchable story. Man overcome the ocean to see his love, 19 years younger, she went out with him, showing that she is love with him, smiling and taking hands. Everybody around look at that strange couple and wonder: why such young beautiful, educated girl chosen such old and unattractive man, he must be very rich, or just really incredible man by himself.
Anybody would be happy to be on his place, going out with such beautiful lady, but he is lucky! What is man in love? Oh, it is an ocean of romantic, great surprises, flowers, serenade for lovely lady, expensive presents - it is the way men in the whole world win hearts of beautiful ladies. What about our hero? He gave lady 220 dollars for her passport and went home. Then send 150 dollars for Christmas gift (everything is thorough counted and included in tax declaration). Ad yet he is waiting her to make a whole commitment and bring him her young life to spend rest of his life with him. Well why his, maybe even her - how long live women in polluted, nasty Ukraine? Not so much, he even will have a possibility to have a second chance, and find 49 years younger girl after he exhausted first one (read newspapers). But our hero is worried: girl seems cost him more money. She estimate her young life more then he expected. OOPS, it's a problem. Well, our hero goes to Board and tell to the world what a awful scammers live in Kharkov (watch up!), in Ukraine, in FSU! Be careful, Russian are coming!
Do you know what is real difference between Russian and American men? If Russian is scammed with woman, he would never demean himself to say - I was fool. His pride will say him - OK, you spend amazing time with beautiful, great woman, everybody envied you and at least you have great memories. Really I don't worth such woman forever, I'd better find someone of my age who will be faithful to me and will be afraid to lose me. Who cares about arrogant beauty? It is how Russian man think.
But how Russian woman think, it is like this: our men will never  disappear. But while I am young and beauty I can make an advantage of it and see what is dolce vita. Who can show me it? New Russian? Oh, no, they never let me go without satisfaction. well, she see an ad of foreign marriage agency: Thousand of respectful, rich foreign gentlemen is coming to Ukraine to find wives. If you are young and beautiful, it is your chance. Yes, it is - girl thinks. And maybe I see my really prince of charm. He is coming - well, it is obviously not prince and not of charm, but he is foreigner, what means he is rich. What does it mean for him to spend couple of thousand for me - young and beautiful.
Can you see, that in many cases it is just different point of view. And not bad nature.
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

I don't know what is!
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

It sounded bad to me.  When a woman keeps coming up with new reasons for money that do not sound plausible, a man becomes suspicous.
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

I don't know about other guys or cheeck from Russia or Ukraine, but I actually like to buy presents for my husband and make surprises. (I am from Ukraine, Odessa, got married at 19th age). What is the point to get all the time??? I feel cheap when I can't give antyhing back. I even have more confidence when i have my own money, and able to pay for little woman things by myself. + my husband is not a hourse to do all this work, he pays all bills and if I will push on him to work and demang more and more, he will become exhausted,and won't be able to think about something romantic.And love? Of corse, love doen's mean anything anymore. And what? Searching for another man? It is going to be the same situation afterwards, I am sure. Even with another man, younger he is or not.
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

No -- of course  I do not mean it. You know that --- but, if I give up on romance and true love - I might look you up since I have more money than is fair  - and we can do the wild thing on the Oriental Express followed by a romantic trip up the Nile to see the pyamids. Hey I think I will take you up on the idea of marrying a Russian woman close to my age. I mean if we do it the Russian way I can have my cake and eat it to. I can have my wife take care of the home and I can have you on the side for a mistress. Just kidding here also - but hey it works in Russia because the women do not see anything wrong with it evidently. Hate to tell you about this but American men are less likely to behave this way.

This is what we might hear Tania say as she is talking to one of her girl friends.

I met this American man, he is 19 years older than me. He is a very nice man but I like them younger but I did not let him know. Besides, he isn't even rich. I mean you think the guy should have a lot of money if he thinks he is going to have a chance with me being as old as he is. What is wrong with these guys are they stupid?

Tania's girlfriend (Tgf):    So Tania, what are you going to do?

Tania:   Well, if he is that stupid he deserves to be taught a lesson.

Tgf:  What are you going to do Tania?

Tania: I am going to pretend that I am interested and milk him for as much money as I can. I need to buy some new clothes so that I am more attractive to guys closer to my age or if he is older the ones with a lot, I mean a lot of money.

Tgf: Is this American man trying to take advantage of you? Is he romantic? What are you going to say if he figures out that you are only interested in taking advantage of him?

Tania:  No he is actually a nice guy but he is not for me. He is trying to be romantic but, when I look at those bags under his eyes and see his pot belly, I just do not get turned on. I can't help it. If he finds out that I am just trying to take advantage of him I will turn it all around on him and say he is not romantic by being concerned about his money - counting how much he has given me.

Tgf: But Tania, you are not romantic with him - how do you expect him to be such? How do you expect him to not be suspicious? Maybe it is not about the money but just wanting you to love him and him simply figuring out that the money issue is yours not his?

Tania: I do not have to be sincere. I am young and pretty.

Now, I wonder if Tania is even from the FSU as she does not know her Russian men well. I have some good men friends who are Russian. The ones I know who are single go for the young tight body women plain and simple. They are not interested in women their own age and both of these men trade them in for younger women. Evqueni is dating a woman 23 - he is 48. He told me this is the exception that usually at this time in his life he dates women in their mid to late 20's. He spends money on them - it just the cost of a young woman.

Tania is telling us that if you are a nice guy, older than her by more than 15 years she is not interested in you. However, if you are rich and will spend your money on her she will show you a good time as long as the money flows. And she expects you to understand that you have bought her and not complain about the money or count it. And in being bought, you will get the chance to win her heart if you can.

But gentlemen, Tania is correct about some things. She is telling you about many women. They do not want older men plain and simple. If you are really rich and also are a great guy and if you were great looking when you were young and some of that still shows through - you might get a younger woman if you also have the romance down pat.

Tania is telling you how it is. She talks about romance on one hand but can be boughten with money on the other hand. Go figure - that is the way many many women are. Russian women are no different than American women - they are just more honest about it.

« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

Bobby Orr
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I am ready to cry, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

What you have to "see" is that the girl who is just looking for a foreigner to spend money on her, without true intentions, on her part is the last girl guys like I want to marry - deceitful in her intentions - especially when you have written letters for a while prior to meeting - and that person has laid out how they think and feel.  What you are saying is that the character of lies, deception and downright robbery is a "different point of view."  Yeah sure, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: I am ready to cry, posted by Bobby Orr on Feb 7, 2002

it is not romantic when guy 21 years older counts money for gifts. You will never find love. Love doesn't care about money. But if you want to buy bride you should look for what you can afford.
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to women wants romantic, not money, posted by Tania on Feb 7, 2002

I can understand what Tania may be saying. I know if i am going to marry a women 20 years older than I am, she had best have money.  I really don't see yet where this woudl be a scam yet.  But  I feel you have to keep in mind , she is still young. I don't even expect an AW that age, In most cases , to be able to handle things as we would like for them to. The one thing I am starting to see is it really takes a lot of understanding to marry a RW. And , if this is something you truly want.  I don't see this as being much different than any thing an american women will do, as far as the money goes. I may be wrong, but if I am going to marry an AW here. I will spend a lot of money on her. dinner, movie's trips, and even buy her clothes.  I would not even stop at the store without asking her if she needed anything, that is just me. question, do we get to where we are looking at them to close to see if they are scamming???  ha, I dated a lady here for 8 months and spend $$$$$ on her. never ask her to marry me, but, I don't feel bad about what I did.  I may be wrong, and if i am , please forgive me. but i knwo a lot of women here, in the good old usa, that will get a lot more form us. I can't blame anyone for trying to better them selves adn their position in life.
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