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Author Topic: femininity and the RW  (Read 9465 times)
« on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

RW tend to be more feminine than AW.  I know there are exceptions to both, but the general statement is true.  But, why?  Why do RW almost revel in being the weaker sex?  They love to dress and behave most feminine and to be assisted by men that they almost demand it.  I was always proud to be a gentleman and many of my dates here even commented on it.  But I have to admit that being with my wife for over 3 years has pushed me to be even more of a gentleman than before.

Let's think about this for a second.  RW have a much more difficult life than AW.  RW have worked outside of the home for much longer than AW.  Yet they have maintained their femininity and many AW have become more manly.  This is not to be confused with "strength and "weakness", however.  I maintain that RW are not only more feminine, but also stronger in many ways than AW.  How can RW be so "strong" and feminine at the same time?  Your thoughts?

« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

RW have to be strong to survive, not for image to have. Aw want to play strong and she can succeed physicaly but strength comes from spirit.
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

I have not read any of the posts below as I wanted to comment without any influence.

I think that there are many components to this but I think that there are two basic reasons that top the list.

As to why they are strong - simple - life is more demanding and women have taken a significant burden and have had to for the family to thrive. Things are more uncertain and thus one has to be stronger to deal with such.

Why still so feminine - simple again in my thinking - these women have to compete more aggressively for the men due to the pure mathematics of the number of quality women chasing a much smaller number of quality men percentage wise.

This formula breeds strong women who know that it is there feminine side that is needed to get a good man. Bingo - a wonderful dichotomy of sorts.

I think that it is that simple - two facts that every guy here who has been in this much is aware of. Sometimes the answer is too easy and thus we try to make it more complex than it really is.

Just my opinion.

« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

Ken, you bring up a very interesting issue. I too have thought about this many times. And, to be quite honest, I can't put my finger on it. The only conclusion that I can come up with is that Russia, formerly the USSR, was a closed society for so many years. As a result the people were not exposed to the ideals, and the evolution and transformation of these ideals, as was the west. As you know, during the the depression, and then World War II, many AW did not have it so easy. They worked hard to support the family. They worked hard to support the war effort. Yet they remained very feminine. Much like the RW of today. My grandmothers, my mother, were from these generations. They were also of the "white glove and pump set"!! I know you know what I mean.Smiley Anyway, judging from my trips to Russia, it appears that in many ways they are 40 to 50 years behind us. Hence many of the people still carry the traditional values. The values that our parents had. As a result, RW and femininity is still in line with those traditional values. But, I look at the younger generation, and, from what I can see, they are changing. My wife points this out all the time as well. I think, as does my wife, that over time many of these traditional values will be lost. Primarily due to exposure to the west and the loss of our traditional values. Once again, these are only my thoughts. Hell, I could be completely wrong. And I probably am. Smiley

Oh, while we are on the subject of RW and femininity, I bought my wife two pairs of long johns because when we stay at her parents they are subject to losing electricity. And, as a result, heat. Well, my wife REFUSES to wear them even though she knows how warm they are. She even REFUSES to wear them to bed. Why? Because only a MAN would wear these. I explained to her that both men and women can wear them. Nope, this wasn't good enough. They are for MEN. I then explained to her that no one would "see" her wearing them. Her response was "You will see me wearing them". I said "so what?" Her response was, "they are for MEN". After 30 minutes or so of going around, and around, and around, well, needless to say I just gave up.Smiley I must say, when my wife has something in her head, nothing, or almost nothing, can change it. This mindset is truly amazing. And it is apparent with so many things. If she thinks it is cold outside, I MUST wear a heavy coat. And, she will refuse to take no for an answer. I MUST wear a warm coat because it is cold. This is only an example. I can give many of these.
I think the point I'm trying to make is that along femininity there is also a VERY strong will. A will that is not only strong but persistant as well. Anyway, this another subject. I've typed too long as it is. Thanks for the post Ken. I always enjoy them.


« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My thoughts...(long), posted by johnE on Dec 31, 2002

OK, so the RW may lose some of the traditionalness by being here in our non-traditional society.  But why did we lose it in the first place?

I agree that RW are "throw-backs" from maybe the 50's.  A few months back I posted a bit some local DJ's read on the radio here in SD.  It was from a 1950's Home Economics book on how a woman should prepare herself, her home and their children for the husbands return home from work.  The AW listeners to that show lit up the phone lines to argue how terrible that concept is for today.  My Russian wife not only agreed with the ideas, she laughed that someone would even have to teach such things.  LOL.  Hey, I will gladly carry in the groceries and move heavy furniture by myself to be with a feminine creature as my wife.  Happy New Year to you and your's.

« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to question, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

Hi ken!!

And a Happy New Year to you and your's as well. I hope it was wonderful!!

As far as RW losing their traditional values is concerned, actually, I was referring to the younger generation of RW who still remain in Russia. Those that are currently being "exposed" to our western way of thinking at such a young age. My wife, who will be 34 in May, grew up under the strict Soviet System. She never had the exposure to the West at such a young age. In addition, her family up bringing was very strict and traditional as well. Yes, she has adopted many Western traits. But, after living in the United States for almost three years, the core of her value system has remained the same. She still can't get over how AW can wear a beautiful dress AND tennis shoes!!!! Excuse me. "Sport" shoes as she calls them. Smiley Anyway, I honestly believe she has retained her traditional value system because she learned these things at such a young age. Just as you and I learned our belief system from our parents. Yes, our society has changed. Yet we hold true to many of the old traditional values such as respect for our elders and other people, appropriate table manners, opening doors for women, and so on.

So why did our society lose it's tradional values? Ken, that is the 10 million dollar question!!! Man, I haven't a clue. But, in many ways we have. Which is very sad. A co-worker, friend (genius level I might) has an interesting theory about this. A theory regrading the moral decline of our society that is. He blames Hollywood as the single, most contributing factor to the decline of American Society. He states that Hollywood, beginning in the early 60's, relized that they could make more money by exploiting "deviant" behavior in the movies. In short, deviance sold. As time passed, Hollywood took deviance to greater extremes. Finally, television relized that they could do the same although on a much more limited basis. Of course what was taboo twenty or thirty years ago is now the normal. Well, maybe not the norm but certainly less shocking. Anyway, this is just a theory. But, it makes sense. So hell, I just blame Hollywood on our social demise!! Smiley

Take care,


« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My thoughts...(long), posted by johnE on Dec 31, 2002

I had to laugh at your post!

I offered to leave a set of silk long handles with my little scammer (from my "school" days in Moscow) and she had the same fit. "Those are for men! Look at the fly." So when I came back (for my last lesson:) I brought her the same silk long johns but in a ladies style (no fly and v neck). She loved them and wore them every day.

When I left my fiancee in Kyiv this October I offered her the same pair of mens long johns that I had the girl in Moscow (she had worn them to bed as they had not turned on the heat in the flat that I rented yet) and she gladly accepted them. Another test passed!

Of course, they were a little worse for wear when she got here in November because she had not washed them in Woolite, but I never did really care for them anyway. I have ordered her two sets in women's style and her size.

Jeff S
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

What you say is also true of Asian women, Latin American women and African women. Could it be true that North American women really are different and THAT's why we MOB seekers look overseas? Hmmmm?
-- Jeff S.
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

Hi Ken,

I don't profess to *know* the answer to your question, though it strikes me that the femininity we see in RW is more the natural order of things in relationships with men. Since they are not trying to be something that God and nature never intended them to be - they are able to be strong in those features they are originally blessed to possess.

Just my take on things.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and Lena.

- Dan

« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Natural Order . . ., posted by Dan on Dec 31, 2002

Cold Warrior
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to femininity and the RW, posted by KenC on Dec 31, 2002

With these sort of posts you only make the feminazis angry.LOL. Looks what happened to your post below on manliness.Anyway, keep posting, we need to know the truth.

Happy new Year to you and Lena

« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2002, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Come on Ken, posted by Cold Warrior on Dec 31, 2002

Cold Warrior,
Happy New Year to you too!  I just thought that the whole femininity issue would be a good topic for discussion here.  As for the femnazi's, I think that they may be the single group most responsible for AW dressing and acting like men.  I was wondering if the others here feel the same.  All I know is that it is sure refreshing (and stimulating) to be with a woman that loves being a woman!  
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