... in response to Yikes!, posted by LP on Dec 22, 2001this is not suppose to make sense. There is no rational explanation to life-hey why are you here? I do not mean on PL I mean planet earth-if you can give me an iron clad answer I will tattoo LP on my ass, chest and penis and walk naked around the world! I may do that anyway.

Like I said before it is economics fo life. Hey dude, why do people buy ferbies? Why do people believe that Jesus is God? Why do people smoke cigarettes. Why do we do anything that has no 'rational' or proven poitive effect on our life but a feeling of fullifilment and satisfaction. LP IT IS OK TO FIND A MATE THAT YOU CAN LIVE WITH-IF YOU HAVE THE SAME GOALS. it is hard enough as it is.
But then again I think that you know this and honestly want to show people the hazards...........hey do public messages against tabbacco would be a better cause and save more lives.......but we would not listen to that either would we?

Keep it up you doiin' fine.
ps did you ever watch Married with Children when the workout dude, Chicago's healthiest man, tried to convert Peggy Bundy. After a month or so with her he dies of a heart attack because of high cholesteral I believe. So I will give you a year till you will be at the feast of matrimony.