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Author Topic: My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get coffee  (Read 4149 times)
« on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

  About 9:00pm or so, Nina S. departs for home. I use this time to give Nina R. a call to confirm our plans for tomorrow. Nina R. then tells me that she had spoken to Julia earlier in the day, and that she was now expecting us about 4:00pm. Nina R. inquired if I knew where Metro station Lenina Ploshad was, and I told her that I did. To this point, I have yet to negotiate the Metro by myself, but Nina R. tells me that she will be outside the Metro station about 3:00pm. I told Nina R. that I had planned on retrieving my visa from the Hotel Sovetskaya in the morning prior to my arrival at Lenina Ploshad. She inquired if she thought I could get to station Baltyskaya by myself, which I assured her that I could, but in reality I was lying a bit. Guys, if you haven't mastered reading Cyrillic yet (like I haven't), riding the Metro in St. Petersburg can be somewhat of a daunting task. Since I had been riding with Nina S. on every Metro ride, I usually just relied on her to get us through the transfer points, etc., and headed in the right direction. I'll admit, I can read & understand about half of the Cyrillic alphabet, the other half still remains a mystery. If I was to negotiate the Metro by myself tomorrow, I wasn't really looking forward to it, to be quite honest.

  Ok, since I wasn't to meet Nina R. until 3:00pm the next day, this would give me more time to spend with Nina S. in the early part of the day. I called Nina S. and informed her of my 3:00pm meeting time with Nina R. and she then inquired about how I was going to get to the Hotel Sovetskaya to retrieve my visa. I slyly told her that I had planned on going over by myself in the morning, and it wouldn't be a problem. Well, Nina S. fell right into my trap, she asserted that I probably couldn't get there by myself, so she insisted to come over at 10:00am the next morning, and we could spend a few hours together, prior to me heading towards Dibuny to meet Julia.

--- Thursday 8/23/01 ---

  Nina S. arrives the next morning punctual as usual after her customary phone call 30 minutes prior to let me know she was leaving. After our usual morning coffee, we departed for the ever-familiar station Baltyskaya, where the Hotel was only about a kilometer walk or so. We retrieve my visa, and she tells me that she would like to visit the Summer Garden in the heart of the city, which is one of her most favorite places in the city. Since it's already early afternoon, Nina S. tells me it would be quicker to hail a passing motorist. Well, I had read plenty about riding in the so-called "gypsy taxi's", so what would a trip to St. Petersburg be like, if we didn't hail a passing motorist for a ride. I knew enough to let Nina S. do the bargaining, and she proceeds to stick her hand out towards passing motorists. The 3rd vehicle stopped, and Nina S. negotiated a price of 60 rubles (about $2.00) to take us all the way across town to the Summer Garden. A seemingly nice gentleman in his 30's or so gave us a nice ride along the Fontanka River, where I saw my first group of obvious Gypsy women sitting on the sidewalk as we passed. While in traffic, children approached some of the surrounding, more wealthier looking cars looking for a hand-out. None approached our vehicle.

  Today was probably the nicest day weather-wise since my arrival on Monday. Most days were partly sunny, but today was mostly all sunny & warm. A nice day to stroll through the park. We hung-out in the park for about an hour, and Nina S. kept up with the time, and about 2:15pm told me that we need to make our way towards the Metro & station Lenina Ploschad. Nina S. had agreed to escort me there, and knew that Nina R. wanted to chat with her for a few minutes. Nina S. & Nina R. have become somewhat good friends by now, and chat periodically by telephone. This helps reassure my opinion of Nina S., as I understand from Phil that Nina R. is a keen judge of character.

  We arrive outside of Lenina Ploshad a few minutes before 3:00pm. This is the exit that Nina R. had instructed me to wait, overlooking the statue of Lenin in the small park across the street. Nina S. recommends to me that I take some flowers to Julia, which I agreed, and said I had planned to do. A couple minutes past 3:00pm, Nina R. makes her way through the crowd and greets the both of us. These two women are chatting with each other in Russian as if they're long-lost sisters just reunited. Around the corner there is a flower stand, and both women proceed to pick Julia some nice, beautiful, long-stem orange-ish roses. They're nicely wrapped and all set for presentation.  Both Nina's & I enter Finlandsky vokzal train station and proceed to purchase a round trip ticket for me. I don't remember how much it was, but it wasn't very much! Nina R. has a pass of some type. Nina S. now departs our company, and she asks me to call her when I return home in the evening. I tell her I will, but not after midnight, as I respect their privacy, and the possibility that Alexey may be sleeping.

  Nina R. and I board the train headed for the suburbs, and she informs me that it's about a 40 minute ride. We're able to get seats, but the train quickly fills up after about 2 stops, and it's sardine time for the passengers who weren't lucky enough to get seats. During the course of the train ride, I have some time to reflect upon what I'm about to do. Julia had been the first woman that I had established correspondence with. However, due to her lack of direct e-mail access, we never really established a firm bond, the way I felt Nina S. & I had. To be perfectly honest, and this might seem a bit cold, but I was heading up to see Julia
only half-heartedly. I would've been happier just to spend the rest of my time with Nina S., but I made a promise to go see that lady, and I was going to make good on that promise, and I was determined to have a good time, and show it. Julia's photos that she sent me, and those in her internet profile were stunningly beautiful in my opinion. I had told her in Russian on the phone how beautiful I thought she was. She seemed a bit contradictory, but I was very soon to find out.

--- To be continued ---

  Nina R. informs me that it's only about a 1kilometer walk to Julia's house from the train station. I have the address, but Nina R. had apparently got directions from Julia earlier. Remember, Nina R. has been my go-between, between Julia & myself. Nina R. is probably now better friends with Julia, then she is with Nina S. Nina R. and Julia have spoken on the phone many times, but they haven't seen each other in about 3 months, since I instructed Nina R. to hand-deliver roses to Julia, while she was in the hospital.

  About 6 or 7 stops down the line, we force our way through the crowded train and disembark at Dibuny. Talk about "da-boonies", the train station was something like out of an old western movie. I don't even recall seeing a building there. It was just a concrete platform to stop the train. All I saw of the surrounding area was a shack or two, and nothing but trees. There was a small road that led up into the trees, and this was the direction that I assumed we would have to travel. Upon descending a few stairs, there's a woman leaning on her driver side car door. Nina R. exchanges a greeting with her. It's Julia, who had driven the 1 kilometer from her home to give us a lift. I immediately did not recognize her, except for her smile, which was definitely the lady in the photos I had been writing to. Julia & I exchanged a brief hug, handshake & "Ochen Priyatna's" (very pleasant). From Julia's appearance, it was obvious that she has been undergoing treatments for cancer. Her hair was extremely short, and from the middle of the back of her head on down, there was virtually no hair at all. The front & sides kinda resembled that of "Moe" on the "Three Stooges."
I do not describe her here as such to make fun of her, but I'm just trying to paint an accurate picture for my readers. She's also slightly on the shorter side (about 5'3"), and later according to Nina R. had admitted to putting on a few extra kilograms. So, in contrast to where Nina S. looked much better than expected, Julia apparently wasn't looking her absolute best, which in reality isn't really too much fault of her own.

  Upon arriving to her home on a tree-lined dirt country road, we are greeted by her Mother "Oksana" and Julia's step-father (sorry, his name slips my mind). I present "dad" with a bottle of California Merlot. Nina R. and I present Julia the roses, which she seems very appreciative. I also had a Beanie Buddy Teddy Bear with a heart on its chest, that I also presented to Julia. We exchanged small talk with much help from Nina R. We proceeded to go outside where in the back was a picnic-type table under a cover of some sorts. Julia also had the flames going for the upcoming BBQ of which she was in the process of skewing marinated chicken with onions. Having several years of culinary experience myself, I proceeded to help her skew the chicken & onions (after washing my hands of course). Probably 80% of the dialogue between Julia &me had to be interpreted by Nina R. Julia & Nina R. seemed to carry a lot of the conversation themselves, as they've become good friends over the several months I've been corresponding.

  Well, today would be a very special treat for most everyone involved. In Julia's letters, she often told me about her life-long best friend "Natalia" who had married an attorney from Alaska, and had been living there for 3 years now. It turns out that Natalia & her husband are in Dibuny visiting Natalia's parents, and everyone is going to be over later to partake in the chicken BBQ. About an hour or so later, they all arrive, and we enjoy a nice BBQ, wine, tomato & cucumbers, & bread etc. Now, Natalia is a very attractive blonde girl, in her early 30's, I guess, with long hair, a pretty face, and speaks fluent English. Her husband is easily mid to late 50's. Again, just painting the picture for you.

   During the course of the dinner, I take the opportunity to present to Julia a Swarovski crystal & gold heart brooch, with an arrow through it. It looks far more elegant & expensive than it really was, and Julia seems to like it very much. After dinner, I happily help clear the dishes, and Natalia's side of the family decides to part company. Inside the house, Julia shows us videos of her birthday party about 5 years prior. In the video, Julia is the stunningly beautiful woman that I had found on the internet, and at this party, she seems bubbly, full of life, and worthy of everyone's attention. Afterwards, she unveils several large photo albums that contain many, many photos of her, both professional & amateur. In virtually every one of these photos, I am just in awe of her beauty. The scanned photo attached to the top of this story was a photo she gave me out of her album. This photo is just average compared to most of the others.

  After a while Oksana offers me some more chicken & salad. I continue to be a gracious guest, and eat. Afterwards we take a circular walk down the country road & back again. Most of the conversation is between Nina R. and Julia, but I'm able to understand some of the conversation. Apparently, a lot of "New Russians" are building big beautiful homes in Dibuny, that would rival most anything built today in America. I inquire about the prices, and Julia tells me she thinks the homes cost an equivalent of several hundred thousand dollars. Oh well, there goes my thought of living in Russia in a mansion on a US pensioners budget.

  It's now close to 10:00pm, and we are scheduled to catch the next train back to St. Petersburg. Much to my delight, Julia shows me her new computer, and we exchange e-mail addresses. She also asks me to show her where I found her internet advertisement. I search the site a couple of times, but am unable to find her. I had forgotten to write her ID # down before I left home.

  Julia drives us back to the train,….uhh, platform, and escorts us to where the train will stop. I'm exchanging brief, friendly hugs with her, when I decided to make good on my promise to take Julia to dinner, if she's up for it. I invite her to dinner the next evening at 7:00pm, to which she readily accepts. She's given instructions on how to find my apartment building, and I tell her I will be down on the street by 7:00pm on Friday evening. I know that communication between us will be awkward at best, but I now sense that Julia & I are already somewhat acquainted, thus I'm hoping for the best.

--- To be continued ---  

  The rest of this evening would consist of an uneventful train ride back to St. Petersburg. Nina R. had invited me to visit her in her home if & when I was able to find time. I told her that if Julia was willing, maybe tomorrow evening after we had dinner. This would help facilitate any conversation between Julia & me. After bidding Nina R. farewell for the evening, I was left to fend for myself on the Metro after 11:00pm in the evening. I made my way down the deep escalator, and was fairly certain I had boarded the right train, and only had to go 2 stops to station Ploschad Vosstanya. I emerged from the Metro and assumed walking in the direction that I "sensed" was my apartment, down Ligovsky Prospekt. I found my way back to the apartment, and telephoned both Nina R. (as instructed), and Nina S. (as requested). Nina S. inquired about what time we could get together the next morning, and I told her that about 10:00am would be fine.

--- Friday 8/24/01 ---

  I had told Nina S. that weather permitting, I wanted to spend the early part of the day out with her taking photos of various parts of the city. Prior to departing in the morning for the city, I presented to Nina S. a beautiful 14kt gold & diamond heart pendant on a chain. I had brought this & the Swarovski crystal brooch for each of the ladies I was to meet. Prior to my arrival, I wasn't sure who would get the pendant (the better of the two items), and who would get the brooch. After about 2 days, it became obvious to me who was going to get which. I had intended to give Nina S. hers prior to my departure, but during morning coffee on Friday seemed like an ideal time to present it to her. Nina S. seemed to like it very much, and wasn't without it from around her neck for the rest of the time I would see her.

For the most part of this day, we would spend strolling along Nevsky Prospekt souvenir shopping, down along the Neva River, sitting near the fountain close to the Hermitage watching boys stripped to their skivvies wading through what must've been freezing cold water in search of change from the bottom of the fountain. We also went to the statue of Peter the Great where several couples were there getting married, an ascent of the St. Isaac's Cathedral, and browsing through Gostinyy Dvor. During the course of this day, Nina S. kept jokingly reminding me how lucky I was to be in her company during the day, and have a dinner date with another woman that evening. I had explained to her, that I honestly felt much closer to her, than to Julia to this point, and I was only making good on a promise to Julia to take her to dinner. I had scheduled my date with Julia at 7:00pm to give me the maximum amount of time with Nina S. prior to Julia arriving.

  About 6:00pm we arrive back to my apartment for some hot tea and a little quiet time. About 6:40pm Nina S. departs, and I hurriedly change clothes into my best suit, brush my teeth, and exit to the street, which by now it was exactly 7:00pm. An immediate check of the street nearby did not reveal that Julia was here. Immediately to my left though Julia was down the street about 50 meters or so waving from the driver side of her car. Upon entering the car, Julia was in full facial make-up, unlike yesterday, where she was unmade, & in jeans & an "Alaska" T-shirt. Tonight Julia would be dressed in all black, with leather pants, and a nice black top. Quite a bit different from the previous day. I had inquired as to how long she had been waiting there for me, to which she responded "20 minutes". My first thought was if she had seen Nina S. leaving, and if she did, did she suspect that she might be the other lady I was seeing in St. Petersburg? Anyhow, I had previously told Julia to choose a restaurant to her liking, and she drove us about 1 block directly around the corner from my apartment. This restaurant named "Ott Pina" (in English) at 33 Marata Ulitza was apparently a new restaurant, and for a Friday evening wasn't very busy at all. I informed Julia that Nina R. had invited us to her apartment afterwards, if we'd care to go. Julia then told me that she hadn't felt well that day, and would really prefer to just head back to Dibuny after dinner. During the course of dinner, Julia & I passed my electronic translator back & forth, as verbal dialogue did not flow very smoothly between us. I told Julia to just order whatever she wanted for each of us, and I would just rely on her. She made a good choice. An appetizer plate consisting of prosciutto, fresh mozzarella cheese, and other assorted cold cuts. Entrees consisted of poached salmon for me, served in a bed of thick white cream sauce, and Julia opted for a generous portion of veal scallopini served with a light tomato sauce. We had wine, beer, & ice cream for dessert. Total bill came to 1040 rubles (about $35.00). Considering that this restaurant was clean, the service good & the food excellent, I considered this a HUGE bargain by St. Petersburg standards. A place to dine in St. Petersburg without spending a fortune. I'll surely look for it again next time I visit.

  After dinner, Julia decided to walk me home, as it was just on the next block around the corner. I gave her a big hug, a couple pecks on the cheek, and before 9:00pm she was headed back home. I immediately called Nina S. to inform her that my obligatory date with Julia was now over, and I was alone for the rest of the evening. I couldn't stand the probability of her possibly thinking that I'm out having a good time with Julia, while she's home alone. Thus far, at least for this trip, my heart belonged to Nina S., and after we agreed on her coming over tomorrow morning about 8:00am, I grew somewhat solemn again, as this was to be my last evening in St. Petersburg, and all I had planned for the rest of this evening, was to pack my luggage in anticipation of tomorrow's departure from St. Petersburg. Gee, it seemed like I was just getting warmed-up to the city, and it's already time to depart. Bummer!

--- To be continued ---

--- Sat. 8/25/01  Departure day ---

  Nina S. arrives to my apartment at 8:00am as agreed upon. The previous night on the phone, I had jokingly requested her to come over at 4:00 or 5:00am. She stated that she gladly would've, but that the Metro didn't run that early. We finally settled on a more reasonable hour of 8:00am.

  Nina R., Slava (the driver), and Nadya (the apartment owner) were due at my apartment at 12:30pm. This gave Nina S. and I several hours of time alone before we could expect company. It didn't take very long after our morning coffee quiet time, to turn into more intimate time. Probably the funniest thing I remember about Nina S. during these times, was how she upon removing her stockings, would laughingly toss them into the air, in hopes of entangling them on the chandelier-like light fixture hanging from the ceiling. She would then say in a very jokingly tone of voice,…"Oh, Nadyaaaa!", as if to be teasing the apartment owner, if she ever came into the apartment at such a moment, and caught us in such a compromising position. Fortunately, on both counts, her stockings never stuck, and Nadya never did come in!

  Later, we took a stroll to Ligovsky Prospekt towards Ploschad Vosstanya and back again towards my apartment. A quick stop at the 1-hour photo mat revealed that the film I left the day before did not turn out. I had brought a nice 35mm camera  that apparently I'm a bit challenged on, for proper operation. Nina S. and I had lunch at the café across the street at about 12:00pm. My flight didn't leave until 3:30pm, so we both thought it best to grab a quick bite.

  During the course of this entire morning, it was bitter-sweet indeed. I did my best successfully to hold back any tears of sorrow regarding my impending departure. These past 5 days had been almost like a fairytale. Everything went far, far better than I could've expected, and I was sorry to have to leave after just a very short time in St. Petersburg. About 12:30pm everyone began to arrive, and we spent the next 45 minutes or so, chatting over hot tea. They inquired as to when my next visit would be, but I couldn't give them a definite answer, except to say "soon".

  The ride to the airport was a bit on the gloomy side for me. Fortunately, Nina S. was allowed to accompany me and we sat alone in the back seat with both of our hands lovingly wrapped in each of the others'. It was rather difficult to make eye contact with Nina S. as I didn't want her to know how miserable I felt. I could see that she felt somewhat the same. Along the way, they pointed out new landmarks (parks, statues, & hotels, etc.) that I had not seen on my brief 5 day visit.

  Upon arrival at Pulkovo Int'l. Airport, we had time to pose for a few photos. I wanted to expend the final photos on the roll that was still in my camera. While inside the terminal, Slava was willingly toting my luggage. This gave the opportunity to pull Nina R. aside and thank her very much for everything she had ever done for me. I inquired if there was anyplace in the airport to purchase roses to present to Nina S. She told me that she believed they were available in the arrivals terminal. I gave her $100 and told her to buy about 7 or 9 nice red roses for Nina S. I told her to keep the change, which now that I think about it, seems too little for everything she had done for me. Nina R. then disappeared and I proceeded to say my final farewell to Nina S. & Slava. Nina R. had been gone about 10 or 15 minutes, and when inquired about by the others, I innocently told them that maybe she had to find the facilities. Nina R. then returned with a beautiful bouquet of red roses which she handed to me, which I immediately presented to Nina S. Nina S. had previously told me that red roses were her favorite, and I could easily see she was delighted to receive them. I gave Nina S. about 1600 or 1700 of my remaining Russian rubles. I was not going to need them for a while. We exchanged one last big hug, kisses, and I proceeded through the customs gate to initiate my final departure procedures. All three were still at the customs door waving me farewell, as I proceeded through customs & onto the LOT Polish Airlines check-in counter. This was truly one of the saddest days in recent memory. My trip to St. Petersburg for 5 days was now officially over! All that was left was to board the plane for departure. However, prior to my departure, I had come to realize that something truly special had transpired in my life during my brief time in St. Petersburg. Something I hope to experience again, and will certainly bring me back to St. Petersburg in the very near future!


« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get cof..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

Thanks for report.
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get cof..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

thanks Chris
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get cof..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

So how does Nina S. play into your future?


« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get..., posted by Quasimoto on Nov 11, 2001


  At this point, we continue to communicate via e-mail at least every other day, and we speak on the phone a couple times per month. At this time, I am eyeing an April return to St. Petersburg. To be perfectly honest, we have made no mention of a permanent relationship at this time. I just don't think spending 5 days with someone is NEARLY enough time to begin formulating that type of decision, or even mentioning anything more permanent. From a compatibility & desirability standpoint, I would say that she possesses a lot of qualities that I would seek in a woman. Unfortunately, her smoking might be a major flaw that I wouldn't be able to tolerate. She mentioned to me that she enjoys smoking, and doesn't really have a desire to quit. I didn't press the issue any further.

  As for me, I have 18 months of school to complete, and a new career to erect thereafter. I'm in NO hurry to make a rash decision. Unlike a lot of fellas who venture into this endeavor, I cannot make a lifelong decision based on a single weeks trip. I envision making 2-3 trips to Russia every year for several years, before possibly making a selection, if indeed I actually do. For the most part, I have been investigating the thought of Eastern European women for over 5 years now. This was mostly a fact-finding mission for me, combined with a vacation to a place that I've never been, but have always wanted.

  Overall, I'm still encouraged about the prospects of Eastern European women. There's something incredibly alluring & charming about the way these women speak, dress & conduct themselves. Also, I personally find that a lot of those woman have the Northern European and Slavic facial features that I find incredibly attractive. You don't see many women in my neck of the woods that possess those features. I remember specifically one woman I saw there, while riding the train to Dibuny, she was about 40, and had the most beautiful classic Slavic facial features I had ever seen. I know this seems a bit superficial, but this is just the initial part of the attraction that works for me.

  For any of my fans (LOL) who are interested in reading how I got started in this search, can see my reply post in archive #60 (text #28659), dated 2/15. This was a response to Patrick's question, "Why East European women?" I still dream of Irina. (LOL)

~ Chris

Cold Warrior
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

It is good to be cautious but not overly.Sometimes you just know you have found the right one at first sight and throw caution to the wind.Take your time but don't ever feel you've got a lot of time,every day that passes is a day less without one of these wonderful women.
Cold Warrior
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

It is good to be cautious but not overly.Sometimes you just know you have found the right one at first sight and throw caution to the wind.Take your time but don't ever feel you've got a lot of time,ever day that passes is a day less without one of these wonderful women.
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: My SPb report-pt 6-Rated PG-LONG-get..., posted by CFonde on Nov 11, 2001

First, I have enjoyed your series of posts. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I share your disdain for smoking. That is why I immediately eliminate anyone who smokes. I simply do not want to meet them. Why did you not include that criteria in your original screening of candidates ?

Thanks again.

« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Smoking ?, posted by Jebster on Nov 11, 2001

Actually, we were a couple months into our correspondence when the subject came up. Things were going very well, and with smoking, some people are moderate smokers, and some more heavy. Some people would like to quit, and others don't.I didn't know where she fit until I actually met her.  My mother has smoked for over 50 years, as well as my sister, so you might say I grew up around smoking. I don't know how I avoided taking it up too.
  Honestly, I have a hard time believing that the first woman I would hold serious correspondence with, and go visit is going to be the "right" one. Something such as smoking just might be the condition that rules her out. I didn't mass-mail introduction letters to dozens of ladies. Since Nina S. and I were exchanging e-mail almost daily, I wasn't tempted to send out more introductions. I knew I was only going to be there for 1 week. I thought 2 ladies was just about right for that timeframe.

  In the meantime, I have initiated correspondence with another woman, and have sent an introduction to 2 more. However, this lady claims to not know much English, but is eager to study if we continue. She looks very nice, so I'll see where it goes. This is probably also not the best idea, as communication is essential in my opinion. This is all a learning process, and I may have to stumble for a while until I get it right. I'm in no hurry, so I'll see what develops.

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