... in response to Sending money to FSU, posted by machinator on Nov 11, 2001I sent a bank ATM card connected to a special bank checking account to my fiancee in the Kyiv area (you do not need to use any checks, only make deposits and use the card).
* I was charged $1.50 for each transaction by the ATM owner, and none by my bank.
* You can go to your bank and make deposits easier and faster than using Western Union.
* It should be set up as a separate account, and the card that is sent should not have access to any other of your bank accounts. For this reason, it is best to do this at a separate bank.
* Most ATM machines there accept major bank ATM cards, though all of them accept a VISA card. Once they find a machine or machines, then it will be easy to use the bank card.
* I currently have a case of fraud associated with my VISA card. Every month they are taking money and yet VISA has a phoney address and phone number for this company. They have researched it, and yet 6 months later, I am still being charged. Imagine how international fraud could affect you. To stop any activity with a bank card, should it become lost, you simply go to the bank and change the access code when you get a new card. VISA card is a no-no!
* The only problem is that they may say VISA - Mastercard on them, but they do not have other banking logos on them like the machines in Kyiv. So you have to try the card and see if it works.
NOTE: Call with the pin number for the card, and do not send it with the card.