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Author Topic: An American man in Russia  (Read 20582 times)
« on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

Hello guys,

Recently my female friend married an American man. They corresponded for several months, then she came to the US on a business trip and they met in person. They fell in love with each other, later Jim came to Moscow and in some time they got married. Jim liked it here and they decided to stay in Russia. They are a very nice young beautiful couple and obviously in love with each other.

Now there is a problem. My friend has a very hi-paid job and money is not a problem for their family. But probably in some time Jim would like to work too. There is no problem for him to find a good job here and they have already received several interesting offers. But what happens to an American man when he adapts to the Russian reality? No doubt that a young charming nice looking American man will attract all possible attention from beautiful Russian girls. And Russian men will definitely explain him very soon that keeping faithfullness to a wife is not necessary in Russia and mistresses are quite common here. Already on the wedding my friend’s female friends were too sweet to Jim and Russian men offered him to join them in their evening entertainments in local bars. Also, it will not take him long for Jim to find out that divorce is a very quick and extremely cheap procedure here.

Differ from Jim Russian men grew up being surrounded by beautiful women within all their life. They chose their wives from many other women and it doesn’t happen often that they divorce and marry their attractive mistresses (“A mistress is a mistress and a wife is a wife”).  As for Jim he wasn’t spoiled by women first because he grew up in a small American town and second because he has never been successful financially.

I wonder how long will it take Jim in case he starts working to transfer into a Russian man or is it possible that he stays as nice as he is now in spite of anything? What do you think?



« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An American man in Russia, posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001


I have lived in Ukriane for over a year now and have been faithful to my Russian lady and never cheated on her.  I have had the opportunity to do so and I know Russian men will not stay faithful.  I see the sencerity in my Russian lady and I can't bring myself to cheat on her.  I would hurt her immensely and destroy my own selfworth.  Only cruel and selfish people would cheat on an honest mate.  I hope Jim and your friend the best.  But honesty and real love cannot fail.

Best Regards,


« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An American man in Russia, posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001

A very interesting story. One that will continue no doubt. I believe that "financial success" is not really an attribute. Nor are "mistresses"
The president of Russia will be horse-back riding just south of here at the Crawford Ranch, Texas today.
How many of us know  that Vlad Putin was director of the KGB ?
Pres Bush Sr was director of the CIA.
Keep posting
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An American man in Russia, posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001

Sounds like fun, I think!!

Seriously, it all depends on his upbringing and belief system.

Hope all is well with you.


Dalton Brooks
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An American man in Russia, posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001


Only Jims morals can tell if he will give in the the temptations of other women or the influence of Russian men. If he doesn't have strong morals and ethics he will give in to temptations whether he is in Russia or any other country. There are just as many beautiful women here in America as there are in Russia and they are just as willing to hop in the sack as women in any country.

Personally I have never been unfaithful to any woman I have been involved with and becoming friends with or working with Russian men could never change that about me. I take great pride in my freedom to voice my opinion and during my several trips to Russia and Ukraine, I have voiced it many times to Russian men. If I lived there I would still do the same.

My opinion on Russian men always being unfaithful. They could not be unfaithful if women did not sleep with them.


« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to An American man in Russia, posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001

.....Knowing your friend a little, as well as something about Jim's previous life and home, it's my opinion that he will eventually sucumb to temptation. I say this because, once again, this seemed like a *real* quickie deal. I was quite surprised they tied the knot after so little time. That alone ups the chances for failure regardless where they ended up living. (Ya'll sure put alota stock in that chemistry thing. Infatuation is more like it and to marry someone on that gives me the heebee geebees.)

On the other hand I sure don't want it to go sour because she is such a sweetheart. Based on what I saw, she could have done a lot better, but I wish them happiness. I do  wonder how long it'll be before ole Jim starts to wander. Personally, my time spent in the FSU has made me realize that being married while living there as an A/M would be a *distinct* disadvantage to the quality of life.

Many of those here simply can't deal with an A/W for whatever reason and thats why they look east, but they fail to realize just how much greener the pasture there really is. They think the only solution to their "problem" is marraige and so they put great effort into it because it's the only option in their minds. For them maybe it is, because most will not leave the USA and don't seem to do well with the local talent. Living in the FSU as an A/M certainly can change that no matter what one thought in the beginning. There are simply too many oppurtunities and people change, plain and simple.

On another note, if you had so much free time why didn't you call me? I could have brought the small jet down and we could have done Tahoe, Vegas, San Fran, or any number of other places and had you back by evening.

« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Well Toots....., posted by LP on Nov 13, 2001

Hi LP,

I'll start with comments of the end of your post. I didn't call you first because I didn't want to bother you and second I know how much plane fuel cost. But I thank you very much for your offer. Hopefully I'll go back to the US somewhere in January and if it is still in force I'll take it with pleasure.

I tend to agree with you. Jim is a very nice guy, honest, with high moral values, in love with my friend and very unspoiled. But he has never tried anything sweeter than a carrot. If he just has an affair it will be not so terrible. It will be worth if he takes the affair too serious and divorces. I'm sure he will stay a faithfull American man rather long because he is in love with our friend, I just wonder how long. I sincerely hope he will not turn into a Russian man before they leave (I hope they'll leave).

On the other hand most men from this board will (or did) probably marry Russian women knowing them for a shorter time than our friend did. And in my opinion they will face the same situation. I spent 2 months in the US and I can say definitely that the situation there is quite the reverse than here. Choice of men is at least 100 times wider "there" than "here". I would never say that there are not many beautiful American women but there are just much more attractive single American men.



« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I agree..., posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001

and don't know the first thing about faithfulness.  Many men if not atleast an equal number of American men here have very low level of discipline and give in very easily to their physical desires.  

However, it seems to me that there are still some good ones out there but they are more few and far between.  My father always said that the best way to avoid something bad happening is to avoid a situation that allows for its opportunity.  

Having said this, I rather fear for this Jim and his new wife but if he is a special guy then he can choose not to be unfaithful to his new wife and do the right thing.  It will be up to him to be a true man and knuckle down when temptation strikes.

I wish your friend and Jim the best of luck and hope they will both be devoted to each other.

« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to I agree..., posted by Tootsie on Nov 13, 2001

....Didn't want to bother me? Bad girl! Cost of fuel? The cost of Jet A is the *smallest* expense in operating the darn thing. Besides, it's my Rubles. (I wish all your sisters were as concerned about money as you are.)
lol...OK, next time call me and I promise I'll bring the oldest, cheapest, most poorly maintained, terrorist infested thing I can find that will make it there and back. (well, no promises on making it back :-).

It's interesting that you describe the difference about an affair verus divorce. I meant an affair will likely happen, but he will not divorce her. (Btw, My regards to her, send her my best wishes.)

These guys love to gush about morals, commitment and all the rest. (Funny how most of the A/W in their lives didn't seem to share those traits and how it's all the women's  fault these guys are alone today. After all, they were Prince Charmings, or they think they are *now*.) All that is for people who can't handle reality. It's serious head in the sand stuff, nice to have and maybe even true in a minority of cases, but they seem to forget there are two people involved in any relationship.

Yes, it's Jim's "unspoiled" nature that will do him in. He will soon see what awaits him and he'll sample the goods for sure, but I think they will be OK. Guys here will say his high moral values and honesty will prevent his wandering, but they are being overly simplistic. (As well ignorant of the real world. My experience is that the more a guy wishes upon a star, the more outta touch he has become.)

It's good that Jim will see Russia for awhile, I think that will be very good for the relationship. It also proves our friend is sincere, although I know she wants to come here. They better start the paperwork now, as it could be more of a hassle than a K1, even with the new Life legislation.

To answer your other question, my opinion is that an uncontained failure of the powerplant caused the accident. Although rare, it does happen and the ScareBus has had problems in the past with these GE turbines. I personally know guys who hate operating the things, they are not happy with the quality and engineering of it. (lol...remember, in hell the French are the enginners).

There are some aspects that are troubling to me, but they could be explained away as a fluke. When added all together, the many bits of information lead to an unfortunate mishap. I seriously doubt there was any foul play involved, so not to worry.

lol...Besides, as you know, American pilots are confident, charming, competent and exceptionaly handsome people with a modest nature. :-)

Btw, the weather is great here....Take care.

« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Well Toots....., posted by LP on Nov 13, 2001

they shoor is...........if you is an oppurtunist...........
but some fellas gots scrooples..............
but i gess you bin upin that lil jet so long you too high fo us down yonder in 'morality town'.
One man and One woman-----went to see one, married one, stickin' with one-----till death do us part or she kills me. Smiley
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to "There are simply too many oppurtun..., posted by yoe on Nov 13, 2001 was the best you could possibly do, here *or* there.
Don't lump me in with the likes of you.

Besides, thats all well and good to say when your married.
I wonder what "srooples" you had before that? Since I see you have a criminal record, you've already proven your not the sharpest tack in the box.

Everything is fair game before the commitment is made, do I
have to explain something so simple to you?

Your right about one thing, there are no "oppurtunities" for those desperate enough to settle for....well, whatever it is you've settled for.

« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Thats because..., posted by LP on Nov 13, 2001

Back to that are we. come on find a new line fo defense. It is do juvenile. You knmow nothing of my wife and you make all of these childish comments. You could only dream to have the caliber of woman as my wife.........Oh yea now I know..........that is why you are still alone,or I mean cannot find a woman like I have found. Anmd yes I do have a criminal record and I do not mind to replay As far as before..I never did to women the things you claim. My mother raised me better. I have a criminal record through punishing boys like you....get it. Nevertheless...........face it sport. Joe is happy and has done did it. If you would get off your little high horse and think that you have some magical gift....hahahahahaha you may find a good woman. Sh!t who would want an ego-maniacal condecending A-Hole who whines like a little girl about mememememememememememe. Get a grip honcho and be a man!
Love Joe
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ho Hummmmmmmmmmm, posted by yoe on Nov 13, 2001

...Man, you are touchy! Is that the best you can do Yoey?
Rant and rave obcenities and insults? And bad ones at that?

I know more about you and your wife than you think Sport. How do you think I knew about your record? You need to pay more attention to what your gummint has recently done.

You on the other hand clearly know very little about me.
I'm alone?....Ok, whatever you say :-)'s gonna get better.....

« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to Lol....., posted by LP on Nov 13, 2001

How did lp know about my record?
the same way I know he is alone-I mean single
deductive reasoning.
Joe has been a drinker
Joe has done drugs
Joe has been clean for many years
And the number one reason for LP's great investigative work
drum roll.............Joe has admitted to it.
great work Sherlock
How do I know that you are alone?
LP always belittles others to compensate own feelings of insecurity
lp uses the word 'jet' as a penis and sybollically tries to stick it in where ever he can-like in 'real life' unsuccessfully
lp is on this board more than me-and I have time.
And the number one reason we know that lp (otherwise known in arabic as Hasen Bin Laid) is doing without......if he was he would not be here and he would be a lot happier-like Yoe

luv luv luv
it's easy
all you need is luv
do da do do

« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2001, 05:00:00 AM »

... in response to HMMMMMMMMMMMM, posted by yoe on Nov 13, 2001

Yeah, I even got a kick out of, yeah babe, just drop the ole word an I'll fire up the ole JET (phallic symbol) an buzz us over to Tahoe for the evening.  LOL.  Heck Tootsie, just drop the word, I'll fire up the ole buick (a smaller phallic symbol), drive you to Tahoe through San Francisco so you can see California up close and personal.  It's actually more interesting and beautiful seeing California driving than seeing it at 24,000 feet.  Plus, whats the hurry?  Life is too short to not stop and smell the wild flowers along the way, or take a hike up bridal falls enroute (its in the moutains on the way to Tahoe) in the spring or summer.  And a slight detour off highway 50, and you can even get a little wine tasting in one of California's fast growing foothill wineries.  Of course the ole buick won't get you back the same day, but it won't fall out of the sky either.  And don't forget, its quality, not swift that counts!
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