... in response to Thumbs Down for new Kiss,com. Ukraine n..., posted by jj on Oct 4, 2001My membership expires tomorrow, and I am notifying my contacts that I am not renewing, and reverting to alternate email sources.
(The country exclusion/inclusion function don't work for crap either. My emails from other ladies... I can't view their personal info, unless they're on the "included" country list - Your specific mention of the Ukraine not being listed is exactly my same problem).
The interface is unbelieveable. They should take lessons from the folks that invented ICQ.... (one small step for man, but no giant leap to screw the whole system!)
I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there that might like this, but if it's not written in Russian (and every other language), Kiss.Com is in BIG trouble, as a worldwide presence.
JC!, they're worse than the government! Try to fix something that ain't broke!