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Author Topic: Latinas opinions about men's appearance  (Read 41591 times)
Red Clay
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This is what I am talking about, posted by utopiacowboy on Sep 27, 2005

Right on, as usual. My wife loves her Wranglers (with the brads) and her ropers, mine too of course. She MAKES me wear my sandals in summer, especially when we are in Peru. In fact, everywhere I go in Peru in summer, nicely-dressed men are in nice shorts/sandals. Maybe different in COL., I guess.
« Reply #46 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This is what I am talking about, posted by utopiacowboy on Sep 27, 2005


Good advice.  Just call me the "Duke". ha Just kidding.


« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to This is what I am talking about, posted by utopiacowboy on Sep 27, 2005

Be upfront and honest. If she waffles or is not interested, move on. Wait for the one that can't live without you.
« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: This is what I am talking about, posted by CelticUrge on Sep 27, 2005

This is the holy grail of advice. Follow this and you don't need anything else. Regardless of what type of personality you have or how you dress, or whatever, find the one that likes you for you and you will do OK. Great way to condense the entire Q&A process into two sentences CU...
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men's ap..., posted by stefang on Sep 27, 2005


I can assure, ain't no gay guy going to be giving me advice on how to dress!  I will leave that to the big city boys, I guess.  But, I wouldn't want to drop my interest of latinas because of that.  The truth be known, all women want their men to look well groomed.  At least, any woman that I would be interested in.  After all, I don't my woman to be a slob either.  Having said that, we have all made some mistakes in the grooming department.  I'm not trying be a "big shot".  I'm just trying to show the lady that I care about my appearance.  I need all the help I can get, and I'm not getting any younger.


« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 27, 2005


This is all excellent advice, and I certainly have listened to the many guys on this board who have been posting this information for some time.  However, the reason I brought it up was because I have seen numerous times on many agency websites that would lead us to believe that the women are less concerned with our appearance, blah, blah, blah.  Maybe it sometimes has to do with the quality of the translations, but  I think it has more to do with the agencies trying to earn more money.  Any agency staff member worth their salt knows the difference.  Whatever the reason, I just wanted to comment on this
"misinformation".  Plus, this is one area that I picked up on really fast.  There are indeed cultural differences.
For instance, I have always kept my nails neatly trimmed.  I do not bite my nails, but I like them short because I play the guitar, and it's just my personal choice since I was a kid.  But, up until this past May, I had never gotten a professional manicure.  I felt that I was good enough at it, that I did not need it.   Also, I have been in sales for many years, and dirty hands are a no no.  But, having said that, the latina that I was dating this summer, took me to a manicure shop in Cali (for my birthday).  At 52, I had my first professional manicure!  By american standards I have always tried to achieve good grooming, especially when I go out to dinner on a date, etc.  But, let's face it, these latinas are really into all the extras-- and I don't mind a bit.  Especially, when the girl comes out looking like a million dollars!! ha
But, going back to my original point, for whatever reasons, there is a lot of misinformation about this point; in my opinion, and I just thought I would comment about it.  Any guy who is brand new, and has never been to Latin America, could greatly benefit by these simple points.  The questions I have been asking recently are not as simple.


« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men's ap..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 27, 2005


I am not convinced this is "misinformation" as you state. There is a language difference and you are dealing with a simplistic system that makes generalities about the men and women involved. We all "fill in the blanks" so to speak on the forms. This is not deception, it is a very general answer to a more complex question. It is your responsibility to speak frankly and openly with any woman you meet, preferably in her own native language, and determine the answer to these questions on your own. The agency is not misrepresenting the woman and she is not misrepresenting herself, at least in 99% of the cases. Are you prepared to stand up and state that you represent yourself in an open and honest manner to these people who speak another language? There is something lost in the translation and you are indeed responsible for making the effort to bridge that gap yourself. It is not the agencies responsibility, it is not the woman's responsibility, it is your's and mine. The buck stops here! Make no effort to clarify and you loose. Take no responsibility and you loose. The most important factor in your success is not the agency, it is not the women who join the agency, it is not the city you visit, it is not the contacts you have in that location, it is not the information you receive from this, or any other forum, it is not the tour, it is not the local newspaper advertisement, it is you and I and any other man who gets into this game. You are responsible. You are the one and only key to success or failure. The burden is squarely on your shoulders. Shoulder that burden well my friend on your subsequent trips and you may succeed. Slough it off and you will fail.

BTW, prior to my first trip to Colombia, I had never had a manicure or pedicure. I am in sales and often attend trade shows where I am dressed well and on my feet all day shaking hands and kissing babies. By the end of the day, it is more like shaking babies and kissing hands, at least in my dreams and thoughts. Anyway, after my first pedicure, this became a standard for me. I now never go to a trade show without first having a pedicure. What an amazing and wonderful difference in comfort level this makes for my feet. Too bad I didn't learn it 20 years ago. My mistake.

« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men'..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 27, 2005


Thanks for the info. By the way, what type of trade shows to you  go to?  I agree with what you said about the misunderstandings concerning translations, etc.  But, still, I just wanted to comment on this aspect of the process.  At least this is something that I can readily understand, and I am always working on learning more.  Thanks again for your comments.


« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about ..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 28, 2005

"what type of trade shows to you go to?"

Atlanta Gift Show, Jan. & July
Surf Expo, Orlando, FL, Jan. & Sept.
Museum Store Association, May, venue changes every year
Smoky Mountain Gift Show, Gatlinburg, TN, Nov.
Pigeon Forge Gift Show, Pigeon Forge, TN, Nov.
Arkansas State Park Gift Show, Bismarck, AR, Dec.
MAGIC, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. & Sept. (Men's Apparel and Gifts in California - started out in CA, show moved to Vegas many years ago)

I used to do several others but scaled back years ago. Enough is enough.

« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Latinas opinions ab..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 28, 2005

Celtic Urge,

That is interesting.  So, what type of business are you in anyhow?  Are you wholesale or retail?  Just curious.  It sounds like you do some interesting things.  When I was in the fund raising industry, many years ago; I went to many teacher's conventions, etc.  The company I worked for did fund raising in schools, and so we had to court the teachers, band and choir directors, PTA groups, etc.  I did that back in the 80's and early 90's- for about 7 years.


« Reply #55 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Latinas opinion..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 28, 2005

I sell t-shirts, hats, backpacks, etc., mostly for kids, some adult merchandise, to Zoos, Museums, Aquariums, Wildlife Parks, Observatories, NASA, theme parks, attractions, beach stores, outdoor outfitters, canoe/tube rentals, Botanical Gardens, Butterfly Centers, state parks, etc.

Commission only. I have no set paycheck. Paid once a month. In the past, my background is academics, seven colleges, taught microbiology, ABD, left prior to finishing graduate degree to move to Houston to go into business with my ex best friend. Research specifically aquatic cave ecosystem ecology. More or less Marine Biology in cave systems. At that time, I was also on "soft" money, working contracts for research through the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State of Florida, State of Virginia, State of Kentucky, etc. I quite honestly have never had a "real" job working in a office, for any company, ever. I've always been working for myself and my income depends completely on whether I produce the goods, so to speak. More potential risk, higher potential return. If you are good, you can make a lot of money. If you suck at it, too bad.

As you can see, my customer base and the lines/companies I choose to represent, are from my background and my past.

« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Latinas opi..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 28, 2005

Thanks for the info.  That sounds very interesting. By the way, there is a city named Jenks, that is a suburb of Tulsa.  They now have a large aquarium, and it draws about 1/2 million people a year, or so I am told.  Plus, in Tulsa, they are in the process of starting Botanical Garden, and it is supposed to be in the same location as a giant statue of an American Indian (It's supposed to be taller than the Statue of Liberty when completed.  This is all new stuff for the Tulsa area.  Naturally, we have had a large zoo here for many years.  I just thought you might find that info interesting.  The other thing is last year we passed a large bond issue help make many improvements to many projects throughout Tulsa county.  One of those projects is building a new arena downtown. The convention center is growing a well.


« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Latinas..., posted by OkieMan on Sep 29, 2005

Tulsa Zoo and Oklahoma Aquarium are customers.

I've been out of town several days. Now attempting to catch up. Many posts on PL and WLC since I left. Busy people are typing their fingers off lately.

Michael B
« Reply #58 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 27, 2005

Radio guy was doing a stik about going into a haberdashery the other day. "Uhn Uh, get away you other salesman! I want the GAY guy to wait on me"....of course he played it out longer than that, but he was making the same point that you just made.
« Reply #59 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men's ap..., posted by Michael B on Sep 27, 2005

I have several customers that are gay. Over the years we have become friends and I have learned not to be the least bit hesitant to call and ask advice on any issue of style, dress, etc. They are completely "unforgiving" on this issue. It's right or wrong, no gray area. Get over the "fear" straight guys have of gays and embrace them as friends, seek their advice as needed. They are loyal and valuable friends. The guys that have a problem with this are just way too insecure IMO. Do you think they all want to have sex with you? I don't think so! What's your problem straight guy? Get over it and treat other people as you would like to be treated yourself. If you are gay, or have a thing for small to medium size farm animals or furry woodland creatures, that is your personal choice and preogative. That does not mean that I am the same or will be "lured" into your ways. Geeezzzz. Men in this country are so incredibly insecure, and I'm not referring to you Michael, just making a general observation, you just gave me the opportunity to make the point. When I go shopping for anything important, like apparel, home decorations, new remodelling ideas, etc. I want a woman with a great sense of style to assist me, or my number one choice, some gay guy(s) that are willing to assit me. They just know these things way better than the rest of us. That in no way has any affect on my own sexuality or manhood.
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