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Author Topic: Latinas opinions about men's appearance  (Read 42061 times)
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to you wouldnt believe, posted by mudd on Sep 28, 2005


That is an extreme example, but a good one, and kind of funny too.  I think the guy would be more happy chasing girls at a biker rally, or a "hippie commune", if any still exists.  Oh well, it takes all kinds.


« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to you wouldnt believe, posted by mudd on Sep 28, 2005

man you're beautiful...thanks for the monumental insight....
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latinas opinions about men's appearance, posted by OkieMan on Sep 27, 2005

Ok fellas, for those of you that are knowledgeable, answer me this please. I for the most part tend to be a Levis, and T-shirt kind of guy. Not too much into the atheletic shoes, as I am a fan of Doc Martens. My dress code as a truck driver, is a uniform. When I go out,to a  nice restaurant,a play, concert,etc,. I am a Kenneth Cole/Perry Ellis  man in that regards. Now about the hands, I do take care of them, sometimes I do break down and get a manicure, but I prefer to do my own "firewalkers" (feet). The question is, what do the Latinas think of someone who has facial hair, sometimes a goatee and mustach, sometimes completely shaven. And what do they think of jewelry in general. I have both ears pierced (twice) and I wear a watch and a bracelet, and I also sometimes when dress wear a matching set of pinky rings and a necklace. All of this is either silver, or sometimes white gold. I know that it may sound a lil ostentatious, but I believe I am well within range of the "taste meter", and I would be what you consider a "big city" guy since San Francisco, is nearby. Any comments? Please do tell.
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by FanMan on Sep 28, 2005


Again, I am not the supreme expert here, but I will give you my opinion.  By the way, I have many relatives in the Bay area, mostly in around San Pablo and Richmond. Well, to get back to your questions.  Just remember that you are going to meet latinas on their home turf.  They are much different than the California girls you are probably used to.  So, my simple suggestion is to leave the jewelry at home.  Besides, you don't want to draw undue attention to yourself in Colombia, or wherever you are going-- you might get mugged!  But, the main thing is that you need to find out what type of lady you are really attracted to, and then see if that is compatible with you.  Again, I am far from an expert in this field, but a little common sense goes a long while.  Mudd just wrote a humorous post, so check out his post.  The guy looked like he came out of an army field excercise or a biker rally. There is  no way the girls were going to go for him.  They are interested in a guy dressing up (at least a little) for them.  It is a compliment to them.  I would also look at Teo Blas' post.  He lives in Cali and really knows more than I do about this.  But, the "over the top" look is going to make the good girls run for cover.  If you tone it down, look like you are going out on a Saturday night date with a great lady, and act like a gentleman, you will do well.  That's just my two cents.


« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by FanMan on Sep 28, 2005

If you look good completely shaved,I would shave off any facial hair.  Get rid of the pierced ears, and the matching pinky rings.  A watch and bracelet are fine...the Kenneth Cole/Perry Ellis look will win you alot of points, both day and night...
Good Luck!!
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by FanMan on Sep 28, 2005

I've most always usewd a goatee, no problem there.  Gals usually like it.  Perry Ellis/Kenneth Kole wins points there.  Jewelry, as long as it's tasteful get's you points also.  They like a guy who tries to look the best he can and has some style.  You should have no problems on the dress scale, probably doing a little better than most, IMHO. -TNC
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latinas opinions about men's appearance, posted by OkieMan on Sep 27, 2005

This is a great point you brought up,  Please, remember you are not Hawaii!!! (I'm talking about Cali, we don't even have a beach) I have when men come here and they wear the big shirts with flowers and the bermudas shorts and the flip-flops....  Remember, jeans and regular t-shirts are fine, and please oh please, no sandals! and always wear socks with your shoes,
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by darolina1 on Sep 27, 2005

make sure they are not white socks
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by darolina1 on Sep 27, 2005

darolina 1,

Thanks for your comments.  You know you have caused quite a stir here on our board.  We are all excited about you posting on this board; and if possible, we would really enjoy hearing from other latinas as well.  We really want and need your information and opinions.  Take care.


« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latinas opinions about men's appearance, posted by OkieMan on Sep 27, 2005

If anyone out there believes  a latin woman is not interesteded in the style of clothes you wear, you might as well continue to go after the AW


I have had more latinas tell me they hate the clothes we americans wear in general. The tropical  flower shirts, save it for Cartagena or San Andres. Shorts as well as shorts are considered the highest form of bad presentation in all cities except again , Cartagena and San Andres. You guys need to take  more note of style. I live in the South and thank god i do not dress like we do here. I have said it before and say it again, TAKE NOTE MEN , ITALIAN, ITALIAN, ITALIAN.

For some reason, god knows why, the colombian woman have a facination with anything and everything italian. I have always dressed more NY Style or Italian Style, so i never had to worry about the way i dressed there. So if you really want to score style points wise, go to some store that carries italian style garments and load up

Or, you can look like a Thanksgiving Turkey instead !

Oh, latinos do not celebrate Thanksgiving . GET IT ??

« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by Kiltboy1 on Sep 27, 2005


That's fascinating about the Italian clothing stuff, but the Italians are big on fashion, that is true.  I probably don't have anything Italian in my wardrobe, but I will take note.  Still, I do try to dress to impress.  That is at least a small thing that I can control.  The other stuff I'm still working on.


« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Latinas opinions about men's appearance, posted by OkieMan on Sep 27, 2005

[This message has been edited by CelticUrge]


I'll bite that hook.

Let me address just one aspect of your inquiry, attire. I'll leave the physical aspect of appearance to others to comment on later. Also search the archives for numerous discussions of physical appearance. I personally like the concept of not going more than "3" above your own looks.

American's, both men and women, for the most part, dress like slobs with absolutely no self-respect or self-esteem.

I'll just leave that out there as a separate "paragraph" to make it a bit more obvious. When you travel to South  America (I consider Central America to be different), take a close look at how the people dress and emulate that style yourself. Leave the Nike's and Reeboks at home. Possibly take one pair only if you want to run every day or work out at the gym. Leave the sandals and shorts at home. Leave the fancy jewelry, gold chains, expensive watch, etc. at home unless it's acceptable for you to "loose" it. Buy a "beater" watch for $50-200 and wear this. Leave the t-shirts at home, except for one or two for jogging and going to the gym. Wear real shoes with a sole. Wear real slacks. Wear a real shirt with a collar and buttons. Even a short sleeve collared "polo" shirt will do. For a fancy date with someone you know already and take to a "special" place, wear a coat and tie. Never wear a bolo. Wear the jeans only for very casual outings, such as a field trip to visit the Salt Mines, or going horseback riding. Show others, especially your date, that you are confident and have self esteem. Go get a haircut, pedicure and manicure, and do it regularly. If you bite your nails, stop. Use hand lotion, for your skin, not for a hand job. I assume you guys can figure out how to mix and match slacks, shirts, belts and shoes to make a good presentation. If you need suspenders, try to make the presentation look good.

What does this mean for most guys? Before your trip you need to go clothes shopping. Try to find some gay guy to help you out so it all looks good and pay attention to what goes together and why it works. If you don't have any gay friends it's your loss. They know style. Find a woman to help you shop. Read the book "Men of Style" or something similar and learn from it.

Now here's the real "Catch 22." Once you bring her home and revert to your old ways of dressing it will become obvious to her that she has been played for a sucker and you are indeed just putting on airs to catch a woman and not being honest about it. So, when you return to the U.S. keep it up and dress like you respect yourself.

I probably have not met any of you guys, or very few, and I'm not trying to p**s anyone off or insult you. Just telling it like it is. You have no idea how important this is to these women and what a difference it will make in how you are perceived by them. There is a reason the women dress well and you should do the same if you expect her to be with you.


« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:  Latinas opinions about men's appear..., posted by CelticUrge on Sep 27, 2005

One other reason I lost interest in Latinas. I'm blue collar and not interested in being dressed as a gay man. No time to waste on manicures I would just destroy them the next day at work.
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men's ap..., posted by stefang on Sep 27, 2005


I'm not saying that you need to act and dress as well as a gay guy, just make some effort. They are proud of their appearance and expect you and I to make an effort. Believe me, I am hard on the nails, etc. myself.

« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:  Latinas opinions about men's ap..., posted by stefang on Sep 27, 2005

Here is a stereotype right here. All Latinas want a man right out of "Queer Eye for a Straight Guy". To be sure they don't want a smelly guy who doesn't take care of himself but does he have to be some metrosexual? No. I used to be a cowboy. I lived on a ranch with my cows and horses raising hay and oats when we got enough rain. Some Latinas were not interested in that kind of life but some of them were. In fact a fair number thought it was romantic to have a vaquero of their very own, including my wife. My advice is be yourself. Who wants to have to be somebody else to land a woman? I'd have been better off with my dog in that case.
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