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Author Topic:  (Read 11884 times)
« on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

I promised my friend Mauricio I would plug his Cali agency - Mauricio is a nice young fellow and runs the agency along with his part-time staff including his girlfriend. I would really not describe latinlove as an Agency but rather a guide in Colombia that can help you make some contacts. Mauricio like many Colombians is short on pesos and it shows in his operation and his website. He basically runs on a shoestring so you are not going to get the professional treatment you might find at the more popular agencies. That being said, he performed in that he got me plenty of citas (appointments), was mostly attentive, and very affordable

Before I left for Cali – I sent Mauricio a list of 16 ladies I was interested in meeting. I ended up meeting almost all the ladies on my list plus several others that joined when I was there or are not yet on the site. Compare that to a recent trip I made to another area in Colombia with a popular agency there – I gave them a list of 23 and only ended up meeting 6 on my list. To that end, Mauricio well outperformed the big guy.

I believe the price listed on the site for a week of unlimited citas is $159 but I was quoted $135 because I was planning to go with an amigo (but he had to bail at the last minute due to a death in his family). Mauricio has a car and can provide airport transport. I would not recommend staying at his apartment but there are many good hotels in the area which is in the North near Av Sexta with rates starting below $40 per night like the Plan on budgeting a couple hundred extra for taxis if you have a lot of citas and then second dates with the girls because most live on the other side of the tracks and with the price of gas - taxis are more expensive today

Almost all the ladies I met were really nice and not the jaded types folks often talk about probably because the Agency is smalltime and most of his girls are not yet gringo exposed. If you don’t speak much Spanish and cant get around Cali very well independently– I would suggest addressing that with Mauricio beforehand so he can make arrangements to have a decent translator on staff as his girlfriend and part-time secretary speak little or no English. I hope you will consider Mauricio on your next visit to Cali. I know he will rollout the red carpet – as he did for me

« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by papi on Sep 30, 2005

Recently, he had two partners from Canada who either left or quit dealing with him, why, I have no idea. But my friend went there for a job interview there last month for a secretary position and that’s what she found out. Something must be goin gone there
jim c
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by papi on Sep 30, 2005

Well papi welcome back.

   Not to be critical, but don´t you think its time to start doing your home work before jumping into something.    
   Bud and Adriana were my neighbors in Key West. Adriana´s brother Mauricio is a fine example of a lazy colombian principe. He was given the agency because Bud was tired of hand holding whining customers with limited social skills. Mauricio and his mother rode the agency into the ground. When Norman tried to warn Bud what was going on he refused to listen.   Another guy who didn´t do his homework bought the agency and then found out he could not trust mauricio to run it for him.

    Mauricio ran scams with his girlfriend ruby she would date the gringoes and he would be the chauffer and translator. Mom would take the food home and there would be nothing in the kitchen to eat.
Patty Navia tried to run the agency but the owner stopped sending money and there was no money to keep the place clean while the family was ripping it off. Finally the owner of the house came and demanded  the rent and utilities be payed. The agency was closed by Bud the following day (I was there).

   Mauricio lives  off gringoes and there is no real agency unless another sucker Gringo has invested. Mauricio is just too lazy to even fill out the forms for information on the internet. He has been living on the past reputation of for four years. Recently Keith Baggs tried to do business with him and got screwed out of his files. His sister will defend him to the death, but then Bud did not marry her because she is a rocket scientist.There was also some question as to the little princes involvement in the robberies and an attempt to cash some of the travelers checks. I would not reccommend them to anyone. I have no problem with Bud or Adriana. I am only tired of hearing about Mauricio and the agency. It was closed four years ago and has never functioned since. jimc

« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to, posted by papi on Sep 30, 2005

I used Latin Love when it was still owned by Bud Hochberg (?).  I know that others have too such as Pete and Hoda.  

I think this plug is a little disengenuous.  Mauricio was related to Bud and worked for him as a sort of "manager" when LL was located in the Crystal Palace.  I believe Mauricio was the nephew of Bud's former wife.  In 2000 and 2001, there were some robberies at LL that many believed to be inside jobs.  Somone on the staff would let his buddies know when a large group of us were arriving with money.  They would then enter LL late at night and rob the guests at gun point.

I suspect that these robberies, the betrayal of his staff, and the hassles of dealing with immature guests motivated Bud to sell the agency.  Mauricio started a new agency using the same name and many of the same ladies from the old LL books.  If he is now operating on a shoestring budget and needing to have listers plug his agency for him, it is because Mauricio himself has run the agency into the ground.  

I did not get very good service from him when I was there.  While he was very friendly and chummy with us when we had no complaints, he was full of excuses and "too busy" when we needed him to fix something.  I remember one guy, a former Merril Lynch stock broker, who was constantly trying to tell Mauricio that the air conditioner in his room was full of mould and blew foul smelling air when it was running.  

It has been more than 3 years since Mauricio has been running his own agency.  It appears that Papi is one of the first to have used his agency and reported on it here.  That lack of popularity speaks for itself.  Mauricio needs to get his act together and then reflect that in the performance of his agency.  Plugs alone do not cut it.

Pete E
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:, posted by Brazilophile on Sep 30, 2005

Mauricio is the brother of Buds wife Adriana.He was temorarily considered the manager of the Old Lastin Love asfter Rubby Rios left.But to a large extent it was Run By Bud from Florida weith SAdriana being in Cali alot.
After Bud closed the agency Mauricio and Adriana have kept it going on a much more limited scale.
A guy staying here did use them and was pleased with the service.Mauricio brought the girls over in his car,that was included,and introduced them and left.My friend spoke good spanish and did not need translation but that is
possible I think.To me is was so easy and the girls were impressed walking in,you are off on the right foot.
Late last summer I tried to contact him,I was going to usde him,but the numbers were not working.Now the web site is up and modified and he has alot of new girls.He was running an add in El Pais seeking women for the site.
About the robberies.I missed the first one by 3 days.My friend was staying there but was not at the house when it was robbed.Then there was another one about 2 months later where it became obvious a guy working there,a cousin who did gardening type work was involved,an inside job and I guess it was determined he was involved in the first.Actually knowing that helped,one he was fired and prosecuted the source of the problem went away.
This didn't help,but I think mostly Bud just got tired of constanly defending,he used to post alot here and also
guys trying to knock him down on his price.I guess he did get down to $60 or so with some people.And Norman,who opened an agency called Miss Gringitos was charging only $40 a night or so,but for a MUCH LESSOR PLACE AND NUMBER OF WOMEN,and that undrecut Bud some more.Bud sold the agency to a guy who lost interest real fast and didn't pay the rent.Bud took it back,paid the back rent and closed the house down. A big NO MAS sigh of relief from him I think.
Ed Beckwith might hsave been the only gringo to ever make buch in the agency business innCalio.But there are several guys working it now in Cali,including of course Mike Cannon who has the Oldc Latin Lovec hyouse,we used to cawll it thre Chrystl paslace. abswoluterly loved the place and woulkd have been tempted to rent it myself if it was available when I came here December,2003.BUT its probably just as well I did not do that.Deeper pockets probably required.And I always though Putting the number of Girls of Latin Encounters together with that house would have been one hot deal,things moved in that direction but it happened on a much more limited scale.
Mike and I missed each othrer.We were going to have lunch
but I couldn't make it part of the time and he was in Santa Marta several days.He heads back tommorow.Maybe in 2 weeks when he returns.I had hesard he was  seeking as partner,I'm not sure if that is accurate.I know a guy who might fit.Maybe I will give him a call Monday or so.


« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:, posted by Pete E on Sep 30, 2005

Isn't that Norman's ex and her daughter on this website? Has anyone heard anything about him lately?
Pete E
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re:, posted by JaySlo on Sep 30, 2005

Funny you should mention them.I actually dated Liliana the mother not knowing who she was.One night she is here,Jim C comes in from Cartagena.He was at her wedding with Norman.That was an eye opener.Patrick removed latin encounters off the agency list here over the 16 year old
daughter being on their site.She is a nice kid,but way too young for meeting gringos I think.
A friend claims Norman is living in some city out of Cali.Diego Reeyes apparently knows where.Before I was getting  worried,I had heard his family hadn't heard from him in 2 years.


« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re:, posted by Pete E on Oct 1, 2005

You are right Pete, way too young. Sweet girl though. You must have been shocked out of your mind.
Thanks for the update.
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, posted by JaySlo on Oct 1, 2005

thanks for the information


« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re:, posted by JaySlo on Sep 30, 2005

Yes, they are.  Last I heard he was in a small town near Cali, can't remember which, and had a small jewelry store or something like that. -TNC
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re: Re:, posted by thundernco on Oct 1, 2005

Thanks for the info. Glad to hear he is alright.
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:, posted by Pete E on Sep 30, 2005

« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re:, posted by Brazilophile on Sep 30, 2005

Mauricio is Adriana's younger brother.  Adriana, from what I know is still married to Bud, although I could be mistaken as I haven't seen either of them in close to 5 years.  Back then, Bud was still involved if only slightly, but he told me it was more to help Adriana's family out as Mauricio was really the one who ran it.  They moved from the Crystal Palace to a nice home out by the plaza de toros, then they moved to this location.  I think Papi's assesment was a fair one, you can use the guy but don't stay there, and he does function more or less as a guide who can get chicks to citas.  I think Adriana is still involved in as much as you can contact her in Florida and she'll answer any questions, stuff like that.  Hope the info helps. -TNC
Pete E
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re:, posted by thundernco on Sep 30, 2005

Yes,Adriana is still involved.You can talk to her also.Contact imfo on the web site.She and Bud own a apartment here,she gets here more than him,I have sen her three time,her cousin is married to good friend of mine,Howard and Sandra pictures of weddings .Yes they are still Still married,must be about 6.5 years now.They both have businesses in Florida,moved from the keys to Miami.Adriana has a swimwear shop I think.
AS far as there apartment,it looks nice,thats where lots of the women photos were taken.
If a guy was interested in staying there I would suggest checking it out first.


« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: Re:, posted by Pete E on Sep 30, 2005

[This message has been edited by papi]

The apartment is nice by most LA standards but I think most  gringos would prefer the more comfort of a hotel or maybe your place which I have yet to checkout and assuming you bought the fans BP was complaining about...haha. The hotel i mentioned is a reasonable walk to his apartment - maybe 5-6 blocks. Not sure I would send a complete newbie to LL unless he had a translator/guide but Mauricio is great for guys that speak a little spanish and can get around cali independently. I met some real nice ladies at his agency and one keeper. Glad to hear he was not involved with the crimes that apparently took place.
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