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Author Topic: Warning for americans not to travel?  (Read 2418 times)
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Had my mother in law called me up from Cali saying something is on the news and radio about americans should be careful about travel to colombia between now and Christmas.  Pete E, any of the guys living down there here anything about this?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Warning for americans not to travel? , posted by Throw on Sep 27, 2005


The report reads,

"Estamentos políticos y económicos rechazaron la comunicación del Gobierno de Estados Unidos que señala a Cali como la ciudad más peligrosa de Colombia e insta a sus nacionales a que no visiten la capital del Valle." - El PAIS Newspaper: 09/27/05

Brief and Edited Translation by Snoopy:
"The United States government warns all American citizens not to travel to Cali because it is the most dangerous city in Colombia."

So tell me something new under the sun.


Pete E
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Warning for americans not to travel?..., posted by Snoopy on Sep 27, 2005

I think that US government report was the basis of it.And what was the basis of the report I do not know,but speculate our murder rate is high relative to  cities like Medellin where it has droped alot.
Every day in the paper you see reports of kllings or assinations.It has nothing to do with gringos mostly,rival gangs or rivals kiling each other.But leave it to the US government to  look at gross statistics and presume danger to Americans.I had not heard of the Bogota killing.There was a US citizen who was first a Colombian killed a few months ago in  Cali.It made the world news as being at an ATM but was actually a situation where a guy made a large withdrwal at a bank and was intercepted on his way home and killed when he did not hand over the money.A similar thing happened May 2004 to a friend of My Novia at the time.The guy took out 16,000,000 pesos to buy a taxi,guys were waiting for him when he left the bank.Its illegal to use a cell phone in a bank for tht reason,but a guy could exit and tell his friends of large sums withdrawn or bank employeees are suspected also.So don't take out alot of cash at once at a bank.Actually I NEVER take out cash at a bank.One of my visa ATM cards will let me withdraw what I say is my monthly limit,which is $6000 right now.I can take $6000 in one trip to an ATM.I usually take no more than $800 but have taken as much as $2000 at one time.I do this at Chipi Chapi,keep looking to see if I am being watched.Never noticed that I was.Also I will not leave immediately,go shopping at Ley then leave by internal  taxi stand.
Colombia is more dangerous than 99% of the US.But being a little conservative I have never had a problem in the 26 or so months total time I have spent here.I will probably buy a car eventually,and drive within the country.That can be more dangerous depending on where and when you go,but has got much safer in the last 2 years.No daytime problems on any major highways  know of since then.
And,I have never heard of a real gringo,a guy from the US having a problem except for this Bogota report that we know little about and  some oilfield workers and I just remembered a guy who was found druged at Unicentro.
Bottom line,be carefull,more risk than in the US but not enough stop a guy from coming here or limit his activity to an unacceptsable extent.
And,if you are a COLOMBIAN and live in a bad barrio you are at much more risk than your average gringo.
My Opinion.
Keeps out the gutless I guess.One more reason to be a lifetime lurker who never hops a plane.One more reason writters get little respect.Most of them never come here.


« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Warning for americans not to travel? , posted by Throw on Sep 27, 2005

Incident in Bogotá last Wednesday when a gringo was robbed and killed at a ATM. He refused to hand over the money and was shot in the ensuing scuffle.

I wonder when the State Department will post travel warnings for Washington, D.C., and New York City?

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