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Author Topic: Diego  (Read 5798 times)
« on: September 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

Hey Guys
For those of you who know Diego Reyes from Ill Cortile restuarant he e-mailed me today He has sold the resturant and is installing swimming pools that require liners like in the USA.
Take Care
Pete E
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Diego, posted by DaveyRich1 on Sep 15, 2005

One time Diego  is showing me his books.He had a little introduction  agency also.I said at my age,56 at the time,how young is too young?He says 14,then laughs like hell.Its almost true.That WOULD be too young,but 18 year olds wind up with 65 year old Colomians here.Its live for today.One Colombiana I knew,17 when she married her 65 year old Colombian ex.One of my girlfriends uncles,67.Wife,24.I heard a story of guy 85,chica 17.The guy who told me said they seemed to appreciate each other.It may not be the norm,economics not being a factor she might like a guy her own age.But a guy that will take care of her,give her a better life,the age becomes a lessor issue.And the old guy will probably treat her better.And maybe she can do the reverse of the mistress,have a young chico on the side.
Take her to the US the womens libbers will have you up for child molestation.My grandmother was 15 when my dad was born.Grampa would be in big trouble in todays america.I remeber some arcleologists doing a dig of some San Jose area indians.One female,determined age 12,already had given birth.Another skeleton,an old man of 33.Sexual maturity,in terms of the abilty to procreate comes early.Social maturity,how long society thinks someone is a child keeps advancing in modern society.My neice here,period at 9.Looking good at 11.20 year old boyfriend at 12.Her dad had his hands full keeping her from being an early mama,but so far so good.She just turned 15.No money for a quince anos coming of age party.I made a weak suggestion of paying to for it to my ex.She didn't jump on it.This little chica would give me big hugs at 11.My step son would just give me this look,don't even think about it.Real sweet little girl.Real good parents.Father way unlike the Colombiano we hear about.That would be my other brother in law.Flake of the world,but nice guy.Momma will be taking care of him till she dies I bet.


« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to More  Diego, posted by Pete E on Sep 16, 2005

"My grandmother was 15 when my dad was born.  Grampa would be in big trouble in todays america."


Did you hear about the 22 year-old guy in Kansas who is being charged with rape of a minor for having a child with his 16 year-old wife?Huh?  He married his wife 2 years ago with her parents' permission and within the law which allows 14 year-olds to marry.  Then think about all the 15 and 16 year olds who have children WITHOUT marrying the fathers (who aren't charged with anything!). America HAS certainly changed!

Pete E
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: More  Diego, posted by Brazilophile on Sep 16, 2005

Santa Clara County,the county San Jose is in decided they were going to fight teenage pregnacies because they were paying so much supporting unwed mothers.So they put pictures on the backs of buses,showing guys in handcuffs.Then they go after an 18 year old mexican kid who is living with his 17 year old girlfriend and supporting her but she had a kid by him.STATATORY RAPE???A father supporting a child??
How about a little birth control as a solution?It really frosts me the religious right pushing only abstenance,which DOES NOT WORK BECAUSE PEOPLE DO N OT ABSTAIN,even in programs in 3rd world countries.The SEX is not the problem,the result is.F- - king do do's,right down to the guy running our country.I support him in alot of things,but he and his people here are WAY OFF BASE PUSHING THEIR RELIGIOUS IDEAS ON OTHER PEOPLE WITH PREDICTABLE POOR RESULTS IN THINGS LIKE PREGNANCIES.JUST SAY NO TO THEM.THEY EVER HEAR OF SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?WE NEED TO TAKE BACK THE REPUBLICAN PARTY FROM THESE NUTS OR A CLEVERLY MODIFIED HILLARY CLINTON MIGHT KICK SOME BUTT.


Cali James
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Re: More  Diego, posted by Pete E on Sep 16, 2005

[This message has been edited by Cali James]

I don't think advocating abstinance works particularly well because the culture has moved beyond it.  Most teenagers are sexually active and just ignore those who preach it.  Sex ed and free and available birth control has been a failure also.  They've been teaching kids how to use a condom and where to get birth control for years.  Yet despite this, you see much more teenage pregnancies today than 40 or so years ago.  I think the difference today from my parents generation, is that the norms have changed with regard to sexuality.  The 60's and the sexual revolution have changed attitudes and practices.  For example, there's very little embarressment or even shame in getting pregnant outside of marriage today.  This was not the case in prior generations.  So who should be surprised, that teanage pregnancies and abortions are out of control.  When did the rise occur?  What belief systems gave rise to the sexual revolution?  

With regard to advocating abstinance and the so-called "seperation of church and state", I see absolutely no connection.  In fact, just to be clear, the First ammendment makes no mention of a seperation of church and state.  What the First ammendment says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".  The founders were saying that the government should not through law, establish a state religion (as had England with Anglicanism) nor should the government create laws that restrict religion's practice.  It's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.  Regardless of whether abstinance is a good idea, I don't see how advocating it creates a state religion. Not only do I not see a connection, advocates for abstinance could be Christian, Jew, atheist, any number of belief systems.  But just to follow your line of thinking, if advocating abstinance is a 1st ammendment violation, what about laws regarding theft or murder?  Couldn't an argument be made that these laws come Judeau/Christian scripture (10 commandments).  Wouldn't that make them in violation of the 1st ammendment also?  

Pete, I normally agree with you on political issues but you sound like Ted Kennedy on this one.  (-: The first ammendment does not restrict people of any religion from participating in the political process.  People of religion whether they be Christian, Jew, Muslim, atheist, can participate and bring their values into the system.  Many of our laws emanate from our western culture and Judeau/Christian values, they do not violate the establishment clause of the 1st ammendment.

Here's a book review by Robert Bork on the subject.

Speaking of Ted, have you been watching the Roberts hearing on TV.  There's he is, same old demagogue, but now old and fat. (-: Do you remember what Ted said about Bork, real flattering "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens.”

Pete E
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to More  Diego, posted by Cali James on Sep 16, 2005

You da man.
As usual you make a good argument.Although we disagree on some things you are as fair minded a person and as clear a thinker as I have ever met.Me I get a little carried away and angry sometimes.Yes I agree its not technically a violation of the constitution.A big artical on that recently in US News and World Report,August 8.Basically supports what you say.
I was on a rant again,you probably caught that.It seems to me the religious right is shoving their attitude down our throat,and I don't like it.And really,programs are being negatively affected in third world countries with this non workable approach in my opinion.I am a Libertarian Republican.Remember Burbuja,the New Orleans Attorney? He went off to a libertarian convention and decided what I had already,I like it in theory but they are way out on alot of stuff and not likely to affect the political process.So lo and behold,he finds what I thought there ought to be, a group working within the republican party to try and inject some of the get off my back I wasn't bothering you ideas in to the republican party.It pisses me off when Bush types talk about freedom then want to tell you how to live your life.Of course that is opposite extremes from the religious right.
Burbuja did report in.He is in Dallas right now.I guess his house and business got nailed.He talked to Steve.
So,I agree,seperation of church and state has even been carried too far.And this is not that.
I am a fiscal consevative social moderate.I don't think the government owes us alot of what some people do.I do get angry when some law constricts me or someone else when we were not hurting someone else,just doing something they don't like.I REALLY dislike that.
And I agree,some people are just too irresponsible to even use birth control.But I think it should be encouraged,not discouraged.I think abortions after the baby has a heartbeat should definetly be illegal.3rd trimester NO way.Hardly even in to the second.But intercepting a shot of sperm I just don't get as killing someone or EVEN A BIG DEAL AT ALL,although if you do not do that the solution often is killing a baby .
I voted for Bush.He was not my first choice,that was John McCain although I think he is too far out on things like global warming.I pretty much agree with Bush  on what he has taken the most heast for,foreign policy.I disagree strongly on some of his far right religious pronowncements,but usually they have little effect on anything.I also disagree strongly on his fiscal policy.This is not the time for his tax cuts and the way he is going about it is poor.And the LAST thing we need to do is make them permanent.God it used to be the democrats who were so fiscally irreseponsible.They probably still would be,but the Republicans with the deficit way out of whack?
But I sure as HELL will take him over goofy Al Gore or Don't know what he thinks John Kerry,and their set of supporters wanting to rig things their way back to uncle owes you a living.
BUT,SERIOUSLY,the republicans need to do better than a Bush type next election or they could lose.Hillary might be a liar and a fruad but she is no fool like Gore or Kerry.She can read the writting on the wall.Head center we will cream these dynosaurs.Plus of course the chica vote.Alot of women will vote for her just because she is a woman.
It will be very interesting.I still like McCain but we might see some really good new blood.What we do not need is another son of a former president getting such a jump on things that he is almost anointed when he anounces.
I agree on Teddy Kennedy.Talk about a REAL Dynosaur.Hard to belive that thinking still gets expounded.But it still sells to some people.
I agree Bork did not get a fair shake.But I never liked the guy,because he fired the Watergate procecuters.Yes he was doing his job,taking orders from Nixon who was probably drunk that night thinking he could just fire the guys investigating him.The most outrageous political move I can remember and it was the end of him.I think he SHOULD HAVE GONE TO PRISON.THE PRESIDENT IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW.The point of that needed to be made more than sympathy for a guy who abused the highest office inn the land.Sometimes you see it coming.Nixon says this office is a sacred trust.Wow heavy,maybe he is telling the truth.No,he lied  his ass off. Ford shouild have been impeached for pardoning him.It should be a rule you just don't pardon the guy who appointed you.That  was an outrageous way to avoid being prosecuted.I know,I know,not real impeachments grounds,but I hate it.There is little doubt Nixon would have been convicted.But he lied his ass off right to his grave,immune from prosecution.
Two good men,Elliot Richardson being one said hell no,I will not do that,you can fire me.Bork just salutes and executes the outrageous.I never heard him explain that.He probably just said he was folloewing orders and the president had the right.
Ranting again.I will blame the prednesone.I get wired at night,then tired during the day.But I need to take it right now for my ulcerative colitis.It can have side effects but it also is almost a miracle healer.
But then,you know I can rant just fine without it,especailly if I start thinking about the inquisition,where only 185 years ago you could be tortured in Colombia by gods little servants working for an infallable person for not agreeing with them.But we don't want to go there again do we?


« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to More  Diego, posted by Cali James on Sep 16, 2005

No surprise as in the sixties the country after 175 years went from being a  Republic to a Democracy, the result being people being absolved of most self responsibility in life. (like being to cheap to buy personal flood insurance living 3 miles from downtown Biloxi, Mississippi and then having the Miss. Attorney General sue the insurance companies for not wanting to pay for flood damage.)
Pete E
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Diego, posted by DaveyRich1 on Sep 15, 2005

Diego is a hustler,I mean that in a good sense,a guy with lots of ideas working.I like him,he is quite a guy,interesting character.He was a big part of my first trip here.I was at his restaurant maybe 5 months ago??He wasn't there.Then I heard he closed it.Its sad thinking its no longer an option,but living in the north I maybe went there maybe 6 times in 20 months.I used to go there at least once a week when I stayed in the south.And buddy John B almost lived there.He was hanging out there  the night the first Latin Love robbery took place,which I only missed myself by 3 days.
Diego takes John and I to a fiesta,the day of the night of the candles in December 99.I thought it would be nearby but we head way out in the country,something people said don't do at the time.He is saying "If we see any rebels,don't say nothing ",just joking with us.We trusted him but we were getting a little nervious.It was quite a day I will never forget.My first trip to Cali.Seems a long time ago.It was a magic time.Things seem tame by comparison now.Good old days thinking kicking in I guess.I was so much more innocent then,which was actually fun.I am feeling very nostalgic about it right now.What an experience it was getting off that plane here the first time.Even Rocio my ex.Damn I loved that woman.I was your starry eyed guy for sure.Damn,I am real sorry it wasn't happy ever after like I fantisised.Older now and wiser for sure,but I miss that innocent minded magic.SIGH.
We got to look Diego  up Dave.You coming Christmas?Maybe we can get John Here.He used to come once a month before he got married,hasn't been here in 17 months now.And James over 3 years??I saw them both in July in California,we passed throught Denver at the same time but didn't hook up.More time to have fun in Cali anyway.You were working and I was heading off.I missed Nick too.


« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Diego and nostaglia for the good old day..., posted by Pete E on Sep 15, 2005

Thinking about the good old days, does bring back fond memories for me also Pete. Did you ever make one of those patented runs to the bank to change dollars to pesos for Diego (lol)? Diego saved my ass when hurricane Floyd (during my 1st trip) knocked out communications to my banks. His place is where I proposed to my wife. His place is where I first heard our wedding song by Andreas Bocelli.

*Sigh*....el Cortille may be gone, but the memories will last forever!

Cali James
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ditto...., posted by Hoda on Sep 16, 2005

Good ol' Diego, remember him well.  The first time I met him, he called me Santiago and it kind of stuck.  A big guy with a big personality, lots of charisma and funny too.  Diego was a wheeler-dealer for sure, need a wedding, need a ring, need an apartment,  Diego was there to help! And of course take a little cut. lol  Yea I made the bank trip once with Diego also, exchanged $500 US which was the daily limit.  Diego had bought the dollars off the black market and was using gringos (with their passport) to get the best exchange.  If he was real lucky he might have made a hundred pesos on the dollar but I suppose it can add up if you can line up enough gringos.  lol  I never did it again after the bank clerk wrote down all the serial numbers of every bill that we were exhanging.  

As Pete said, it's been 2 1/2 years without stepping foot in Cali.  I miss my old hangouts which included Diego's restaurant, Karen's, Chipi and Uni, Blues Brothers and the like.  It was a good time for sure.....

Pete E
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Ditto...., posted by Hoda on Sep 16, 2005

I never changed money for Diego,but Rubby at Latin Love had me doing it for them about every day.I don't stand around in banks any more.Bud didn't like to tell the story in his Cali is no problem opinions,but he and Adriana were in a bank when it got robbed,the robbers shoved her in to the floor and broke her nose.
And I remember your post about bringing stuff in for Bud and the dogs going off on his luggage.You said something like "while all of this is going on I am planning Buds death."
Good stuff.All this time,all our common people and adventures,we never met personally.You EVER coming to Cali again?John not in 17 months.James not in 3 years.Howard H in Medellin for business every month but only once to Cali in 20 months.
But then if the main Cali attraction is Calenas,and you already have one with you,the motivation dwindles.The guys I mentioned above let their wives come to see family,but rarely come themselves anymore.
The taxis drivers figure us out real fast.What the hell is this gringo doing in Cali?Uh huh,the chicas.Calenas muh muh bonita.You got it guy,you understand perfectly.



« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to Re: Ditto...., posted by Pete E on Sep 16, 2005

visit Cali...I'll give you a call when I'm there! Too many knuckle-heads out there to announce travel plans anymore. On one of my last trips down to Cali before I got married, I met one of my "haters" in Miami, while waiting for the connecting AA flight to Cali. Lo & behold, the SOB didn't even know who he was talking too! Here's the good part. I was having my Cuba Libre & he was having shots of J.Daniels. PL came into the discussion (lol). He was ranting about this mf & that mf, with Hoda being the biggest mf of all....

I asked him "what would you say or do, to Hoda & the others he hated?" With his J.Daniels muscles talking, he said, that he would start by kicking my ass! I had already sized his ass up & knew it would too easy in taking this clown down. I said "you should be careful what you wish for." I stood up & introduced myself (talk about seeing a ghost) & whispered "We have 55 minutes before boarding, let's settle this shit now! All he said while backing up, bumping into things was "you shitting me, right?"

Didn't have to touch him & guess who wasn't on that flight to Cali?

Pete E
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2005, 04:00:00 AM »

... in response to When I do...., posted by Hoda on Sep 18, 2005

You scarred the sh!t out of him but I doubt you were really going to kick his ass.But he didn't know that.You are a gentle giant my friend.Only in self defense I bet.Then you could be dangerous.


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