... in response to 4 yearAnnivesary, posted by DaveyRich1 on Sep 5, 2005Dave,
Too not lead the new guys too far astray you should tell them your wife did speak good english when you met.
As Heat has said even if you spend 6 months in Colombia in a 2 year period trying to get to know your wife to be its hard to really know her and there is an element of LUCK involved.A crap shoot.But then LUCK might also be defined as the right guy meeting the right woman,2 good people who find each other.You are a real good guy.I have never met your wife but James who is about as clear headed a thinker and as good a judge of character as anyone I know thinks she is super.
So yes,it can happen fast.Without the element of her speaking english that timing would have been a real crap shoot,but even that can happen.But I would hope guys don't take this as a reason to just propose to the first pretty nice seeming one they meet.Kind of like picking out a puppy.Thats what I did.I was operating with bad imformation that they were mostly all conservative girls but would all be REAL GOOD WIVES ONCE YOU JUST PICK ONE.AND IF YOU WOULD ACCEPT A KID THEY WOULD THINK YOU WERE A SAINT AND WOULD WORSHIP THE GROUND YOU WALKED ON.WOW WAS THAT A LONG WAY BACK IN MY EDUCATION.
Sometimes on this board we pretty much just hear about the problem women.The only 2 guys I know out of about 8 marriages to Colombianas in my personal circle of friends that got divorced are living in my house right now,me and Jesse.Everybody else seems to be doing pretty good.
There is alot more to your interesting story of how you met your wife.
You sure hit the right timing with the Las Vegas then Pheonix real estate markets.Did you sell Pheonix and are you buying in Memphis? You might hit it again but I think its about over,but if you will stay there awhile it can still make sense to buy.No offense but I can't help but think of a sign a co worker used to have on his desk."No amount of planning can compare with dumb luck." He personnaly was just the opposite,very goal driven from his teens on.He is now the Director of Transportation for the City of Los Angeles.It would not surprise me to see him in some in some presidents cabinet some day,he is much more qualified then his friend Norm Mineta who is now secretary of transportation.Usually you make your luck by being prepared when the opportunity arrises.
So my friend,I hope to see you around Christmas and to meet your wife this time.James says since he has his Colombiana wife he is not motivated to come here.Its OK to just let her come for a vacation with her son.He says I will have to change my name from Cali James.